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Created October 10, 2022 07:47
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GitHub Basic Commands
git init // initialise the GitHub in local repository
git remote add origin "url link" // adds your repository using the link of the repo in your GitHub
git status // checks the GitHub status (or what's the status of the branch)
git branch -m oldbranchname newbranchname // changes the old branch name to new brnach name
git status // checks the GitHub status (or what's the status of the branch)
git fetch // primary command used to download contents from a remote repository
git pull origin main // used to fetch and download content from a remote repository and immediately update the local repository to match that content
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main // used to set track the branch with the 'main'
git status // checks the GitHub status (or what's the status of the branch)
git push origin HEAD // pushes the current branch to the remote ref matching master in the origin repository
git checkout -b branchname origin/main // changes to the new branch and simultaneously sets the branch to track with the 'main'
git status // checks the GitHub status (or what's the status of the branch)
git add . // adds all the file but with same commit message
git add "filename" // adds the specific file (can be with same commit message)
git commit -m "commit message" // a command to capture the state of a project at that point in time
git push origin HEAD // pushes the current branch to the remote ref matching master in the origin repository
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