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Created May 23, 2012 02:11
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Michael's ViM RC
" .vimrc
" Vim configuration resource file. Specifies desired
" behavior for the vim editor. Place this file at
" ~/.vimrc
:set showmode " Tell us when we're in insert mode.
:set expandtab " Convert tabs to number of spaces
:set tabstop=2 " Set the tabstop to 2 spaces
:set softtabstop=2 " Set the soft tabstop to 2 spaces
:set shiftwidth=2 " Shiftwidth should match tabstop
":set nowrapscan " Do not wrap while searching
:set ruler " Show the cursor position all the time
:set smartindent " vim will try to help you indent your code.
:set backspace=2 " Make the backspace key always work.
:set incsearch " Do incremental seraching as you type
:set nohlsearch " Highlight what you're searching for
:set number " Show line numbers
:set ignorecase
" Switch syntax highlighting on, when the terminal has colors
if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running")
:syntax on
" " Change the highlight color for Comment and Special
" " to Cyan. Blue is too dark for a black background.
:highlight Comment term=bold ctermfg=6 guifg=Cyan
:highlight Special term=bold ctermfg=6 guifg=Cyan
"folding settings
set foldmethod=indent "fold based on indent
set foldnestmax=10 "deepest fold is 10 levels
set nofoldenable "dont fold by default
set foldlevel=1 "temp preference
"Other Visual Settings
set wildmenu "Turn on WiLd menu
set hlsearch "Highlight search things
set incsearch "Make search act like search in modern browsers
set encoding=utf-8
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