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Last active April 30, 2021 20:44
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Simulated Annealing for TSP
/// 1- Generate a random solution
func randomSolution(tspProblem: [[Int]]) -> [Int] {
var cities = Array(1...tspProblem.count)
var randomSoultion:[Int] = []
cities.removeAll(where: { $0 == 1})
for _ in 1 ..< tsp.count {
let randomCity = cities.shuffled().last!
cities.removeAll(where: { $0 == randomCity })
return randomSoultion
/// 2- Route Length for a solution
func routeLength(for solution: [Int], in tsp: [[Int]]) -> Int {
var totalRouteLength = 0
for cityIndex in 0 ... tsp.count - 1 {
let distanceFrom = solution[cityIndex]
let distanceTo = solution[cityIndex + 1]
let length = tsp[distanceFrom - 1][distanceTo - 1]
//print("Should get distance from city \(distanceFrom) to city \(distanceTo) is: \(length)")
totalRouteLength += length
return totalRouteLength
/// Get Neighbours of a given solution, without changing first element, and last element
/// - Parameter solution: an array of numbers
/// - Returns: array of array of numbers, where each array is a neighbor
func getNeighbours(of solution: [Int]) -> [[Int]] {
var neighbours: [[Int]] = []
for i in 1 ... solution.count - 2 {
for j in 1 ... solution.count - 2 {
var neighbour = solution
neighbour[i] = solution[j]
neighbour[j] = solution[i]
// print(neighbours)
return neighbours
/// Implemntion for Simulating Annealing problem
/// - Parameters:
/// - tsp: the distance matrix for cities
func SimulatedAnnealing(tsp: [[Int]], coolingFunction: (Int) -> Float) {
// 1- Generate first solution x₀
var currentSolution = randomSolution(tspProblem: tsp)
// 2- get the current routeLength of solution, f(x₀)
var currentRouteLength = routeLength(for: currentSolution, in: tsp)
var randomSolution:[Int]
var randomSolutionLength: Int
// 5- the implention of algroithm
for currentIteration in 0 ... 100 {
randomSolution = getNeighbours(of: currentSolution).randomElement()!
randomSolutionLength = routeLength(for: randomSolution, in: tsp)
if randomSolutionLength <= currentRouteLength {
currentRouteLength = randomSolutionLength
currentSolution = randomSolution
} else {
let randomNumber = Float.random(in: 0 ... 1)
let expValue = Float(currentRouteLength - randomSolutionLength) / coolingFunction(currentIteration)
if randomNumber < exp(expValue) {
currentRouteLength = randomSolutionLength
currentSolution = randomSolution
print("best distance is for \(currentSolution) which is \(currentRouteLength) for index \(currentIteration)")
var tsp = [
var linearFunction: (Int) -> Float = { k in
let To: Float = 10 //100 will increase the exploration over explotiaion
let η: Float = 0.1 //0.1 provides best / fastest values after 18 iteration 48, or 49 after 15
let Tminimum: Float = 1
return max(To - η * Float(k), Tminimum)
SimulatedAnnealing(tsp: tsp, coolingFunction: linearFunction)
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