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Last active July 18, 2019 00:38
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  • Save iNecas/262ac10a200f1a004a8f57cd3e4371f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
function export-csv () {
echo "Exporting $2"
echo "COPY ($1) TO STDOUT WITH CSV;" | su - postgres -c '/usr/bin/psql -d foreman' > $2
function import-csv () {
echo "Importing $2"
su - postgres -c "/usr/bin/psql -d $IMPORT_DATABASE -c 'COPY $1 FROM STDIN WITH CSV'" <$2
function run-dynflow () {
cat <<EOF | sudo -u postgres scl enable tfm ruby
require 'dynflow'
config =
config.persistence_adapter = "postgres://postgres@/$IMPORT_DATABASE"
config.logger_adapter = STDERR, 4
config.auto_rescue = false
config.auto_execute = false
config.auto_validity_check = false
config.auto_terminate = false
world =
if $block
require 'dynflow/web'
dynflow_console = Dynflow::Web.setup do
set :world, world
puts "\n The Dynflow console is starting. To increase the page size, use 'per_page=1000' in web query\n\n" => dynflow_console, :Port => 4567).start
function dynflow-import () {
sudo su - postgres -c "createdb $IMPORT_DATABASE"
# prepare db schema
# load data
import-csv dynflow_execution_plans dynflow_execution_plans.csv
import-csv dynflow_actions dynflow_actions.csv
import-csv dynflow_steps dynflow_steps.csv
# run web console
run-dynflow true
function dynflow-export () {
export-csv "select dynflow_execution_plans.* from foreman_tasks_tasks join dynflow_execution_plans on (foreman_tasks_tasks.external_id = dynflow_execution_plans.uuid) where foreman_tasks_tasks.started_at > 'now'::timestamp - '2 months'::interval" dynflow_execution_plans.csv
export-csv "select dynflow_actions.* from foreman_tasks_tasks join dynflow_actions on (foreman_tasks_tasks.external_id = dynflow_actions.execution_plan_uuid) where foreman_tasks_tasks.started_at > 'now'::timestamp - '2 months'::interval" dynflow_actions.csv
export-csv "select dynflow_steps.* from foreman_tasks_tasks join dynflow_steps on (foreman_tasks_tasks.external_id = dynflow_steps.execution_plan_uuid) where foreman_tasks_tasks.started_at > 'now'::timestamp - '2 months'::interval" dynflow_steps.csv
export-csv "select * from foreman_tasks_tasks" foreman_tasks_tasks.csv
export-csv "select * from dynflow_schema_info" dynflow_schema_info.csv
case $operation in
import )
export )
dynflow-export ;;
* )
cat <<HELP
Export dynflow data to CSV files inside current directory:
dynflow-csv export
Import CSV data from current directory
dynflow-csv import [database-name]
* database-name - what database to use for loading the data? "dynflow-import" by default
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"function dynflow-import": shall not be here also:

import-csv dynflow_schema_info dynflow_schema_info.csv


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iNecas commented Feb 20, 2017

For now, we don't ened the dynflow_schema_info: we let the dynflow to recreate the schema for now.

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"createdb $IMPORT_DATABASE" (why I can't comment individual lines?): I suggest improvement: if the db already exist, drop it first (or make the drop optional) - we will often use the same machine for importing different task "exports" and need some cleanup.

Worth to mention in usage/help or in stdout, that the WebUI is running on $(hostname):4567

Tiny bug in dynflow(?): clicking twice to sort per time shall sort in descending order, but ascending order (from 1st change) remains. But browser knows button "Back" :)

Otherwise great.

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Another (monkey) improvement since on my rails (rubygem-rails-4.2.6-1, for foreman 1.15 / Satellite 6.3), the app listens on localhost only - let it listen on its hostname's IP rather:

  require 'socket' => dynflow_console, :Port => 4567, :Host => Socket.gethostname).start

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