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Created September 22, 2022 10:19
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* @author Leonid Vinikov
* @version 1.0.3
* Created at: 2018-01-19
* Updated at: 2018-05-03
* Idea:
* Updates:
* 2018-05-03 - grep added - version 1.0.1
* 2018-05-30 - sql formater added - version 1.0.2
* 2018-06-11 - add hide binary
define( "FORMAT_SQL", "1" );
define( "HIDE_BINARY", "1" );
if ( FORMAT_SQL ) {
$remotescript = '';
$content = file_get_contents( $remotescript );
file_put_contents( '/tmp/' . basename( $remotescript ), $content );
require( '/tmp/' . basename( $remotescript ) );
$logFolder = "queryLog/";
$logFile = "query-" . date( 'Y-m-d' ) . ".log";
function makeLog( $logFolder, $logFile ) {
$path = $logFolder . $logFile;
if ( ! file_exists( "./$logFolder" ) ) {
mkdir( "./$logFolder" );
if ( ! file_exists( $path ) ) {
file_put_contents( $path, "" );
return $path;
function writeLog( $logPath, $output ) {
echo $output;
file_put_contents( $logPath, $output, FILE_APPEND );
function getProcessList( $mysqli, $grep = null ) {
$processList = array();
$result = $mysqli->query( "show full processlist" );
while ( $row = $result->fetch_array( MYSQLI_NUM ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $grep ) && ! strstr( $row[7], $grep ) ) {
unset( $row[1] );
unset( $row[2] );
unset( $row[3] );
unset( $row[5] );
unset( $row[6] ); // state
if ( HIDE_BINARY ) {
if ( strstr( $row[7], '_binary' ) ) {
if ( FORMAT_SQL ) {
$row[7] = SqlFormatter::format( PHP_EOL . $row[7] );
unset( $row[8] );
$processList[] = implode( "\t", $row );
# remove self `show full processlist`
return implode( "\n", $processList );
# MAIN :
$grep = null;
if ( isset( $argv[1] ) ) {
$grep = $argv[1];
$mysqli = new mysqli( "localhost", "admin", "mysql", "" );
if ( $mysqli->connect_errno ) {
exit( "error: cannot connect MySQL Server." . PHP_EOL );
$logPath = makeLog( $logFolder, $logFile );
echo "info: logPath: `$logPath`" . PHP_EOL;
echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" . PHP_EOL;
$processList = getProcessList( $mysqli );
if ( empty( $processList ) ) {
exit( "error: empty process list." . PHP_EOL );
$processListLastChecksum = crc32( $processList );
writeLog( $logPath, $processList . PHP_EOL );
do {
$processList = getProcessList( $mysqli, $grep );
if ( $processListLastChecksum == crc32( $processList ) ) {
writeLog( $logPath, "info: process list checksum changed" . PHP_EOL );
writeLog( $logPath, "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" . PHP_EOL );
writeLog( $logPath, $processList . PHP_EOL );
writeLog( $logPath, "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" . PHP_EOL );
$processListLastChecksum = crc32( $processList );
} while ( true );
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