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Created October 31, 2013 07:06
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import re
import urllib
from tornado.web import RequestHandler
#CAS setting
#replace this with your cas server url
'cas_server' : 'http://cas_server',
#replace this with your website url
'service_url' : 'http://service_url/deal_with_st',
#CAS protocol version, 1.0 or 2.0? default is 2.0.
'version' : 2
urlpattern = (
( r'/login/?', tornadocas.LoginHandler ),
( r'/deal_with_st/?', tornadocas.DealWithSTHandler ),
Just redirect to cas server to got the server ticket.
class LoginHandler( RequestHandler ):
def get( self ):
#redirect to cas server
redirect_url = CAS_SETTINGS[ 'cas_server' ] + '/login?service=' + CAS_SETTINGS[ 'service_url' ]
self.redirect( redirect_url )
Validate the SERVER TICKET, return None if failed, otherwise userid.
class DealWithSTHandler( RequestHandler ):
def get( self ):
#what you finally get
userid = None
server_ticket = self.get_argument( 'ticket' )
except Exception, e:
print 'there is not server ticket in request argumets!'
raise HTTPError( 404 )
#validate the ST
validate_suffix = '/validate' if CAS_SETTINGS[ 'version' ] == 1 else '/proxyValidate'
validate_url = CAS_SETTINGS[ 'cas_server'] + validate_suffix + '?service=' + urllib.quote( CAS_SETTINGS[ 'service_url' ] ) + '&ticket=' + urllib.quote( server_ticket )
response = urllib.urlopen( validate_url ).read()
pattern = r'<cas:user>(.*)</cas:user>'
match = pattern, response )
if match:
userid = match.groups()[ 0 ]
if not userid:
print 'validate failed!'
raise HTTPError( 404 )
self.deal_with_userid( userid )
def deal_with_userid( self, userid ):
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