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Created December 26, 2022 19:26
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Make goconvey work with gomega assertions
package xconvey
import (
// Workaround for ginkgo flags used in CI test commands. Without this import, ginkgo flags are not registered and
// the command "go test -v ./... -ginkgo.v" will fail. But for some other reason, ginkgo can not be imported from
// both test and non-test packages (error: flag redefined: ginkgo.seed). So test files using this package (xconvey)
// must NOT import ginkgo.
_ ""
gomegatypes ""
// Let's ignore race condition. The last time I used atomic package, it won't work with our CI.
var skippedTests = false
// Convey is the method intended for use when declaring the scopes of
// a specification. Each scope has a description and a func() which may contain
// other calls to Convey(), Reset() or Should-style assertions. Convey calls can
// be nested as far as you see fit.
func Convey(items ...any) {
defer conveyGomegaSetup(items...)()
// SConvey is alias to SkipConvey
func SConvey(items ...any) {
skippedTests = true
defer conveyGomegaSetup(items...)()
// SkipConvey is analogous to Convey except that the scope is not executed
// (which means that child scopes defined within this scope are not run either).
// The reporter will be notified that this step was skipped.
func SkipConvey(items ...any) {
skippedTests = true
defer conveyGomegaSetup(items...)()
// FConvey is alias to FocusConvey
func FConvey(items ...any) {
skippedTests = true
defer conveyGomegaSetup(items...)()
// FocusConvey is has the inverse effect of SkipConvey. If the top-level
// Convey is changed to `FocusConvey`, only nested scopes that are defined
// with FocusConvey will be run. The rest will be ignored completely. This
// is handy when debugging a large suite that runs a misbehaving function
// repeatedly as you can disable all but one of that function
// without swaths of `SkipConvey` calls, just a targeted chain of calls
// to FocusConvey.
func FocusConvey(items ...any) {
skippedTests = true
defer conveyGomegaSetup(items...)()
// The top level Convey() call has the signature
// Convey("message", *testing.T, func() { ... })
// This function setup gomega to work with goconvey. It also makes the package fail if there is skipped/focused test.
func conveyGomegaSetup(items ...any) func() {
if len(items) >= 2 {
testT, ok := items[1].(*testing.T)
if ok {
gomega.Default = gomega.NewWithT(testT).
ConfigureWithFailHandler(func(message string, callerSkip {})
return func() {
if skippedTests {
fmt.Println("--- FAIL: There are skipped/focused tests. Make sure to test them before submitting.")
return func() {}
func Reset() {
panic("use ConveyReset instead")
// ConveyReset registers a cleanup function to be run after each Convey()
// in the same scope. See the examples package for a simple use case.
func ConveyReset(fn func()) {
// Ωx is alias to ConveyGomegaExpect
func Ωx(actual any, extra ...any) gomega.Assertion {
assertion := gomega.Expect(actual, extra...)
return conveyGomegaAssertion{actual: actual, assertion: assertion}
// ConveyGomegaExpect is adapter for using gomega with goconvey. Inside your tests, consider using alias:
// var Ωx = comega.ConveyGomegaExpect
func ConveyGomegaExpect(actual any, extra ...any) gomega.Assertion {
assertion := gomega.Expect(actual, extra...)
return conveyGomegaAssertion{actual: actual, assertion: assertion}
type conveyGomegaAssertion struct {
actual any
assertion gomega.Assertion
func (a conveyGomegaAssertion) Should(matcher gomegatypes.GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...any) bool {
return a.To(matcher, optionalDescription...)
func (a conveyGomegaAssertion) ShouldNot(matcher gomegatypes.GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...any) bool {
return a.ToNot(matcher, optionalDescription...)
func (a conveyGomegaAssertion) To(matcher gomegatypes.GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...any) bool {
if len(optionalDescription) > 0 {
panic("optionalDescription is not supported")
convey.So(a.actual, func(_ any, _ ...any) string {
success, err := matcher.Match(a.actual)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: %v", err)
if !success {
return matcher.FailureMessage(a.actual)
return ""
return true
func (a conveyGomegaAssertion) ToNot(matcher gomegatypes.GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...any) bool {
if len(optionalDescription) > 0 {
panic("optionalDescription is not supported")
convey.So(a.actual, func(_ any, _ ...any) string {
success, err := matcher.Match(a.actual)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("ERROR: %v", err)
if success {
return matcher.NegatedFailureMessage(a.actual)
return ""
return true
func (a conveyGomegaAssertion) NotTo(matcher gomegatypes.GomegaMatcher, optionalDescription ...any) bool {
return a.ToNot(matcher, optionalDescription...)
func (a conveyGomegaAssertion) WithOffset(offset int) gomegatypes.Assertion {
return conveyGomegaAssertion{assertion: a.assertion.WithOffset(offset)}
func (a conveyGomegaAssertion) Error() gomegatypes.Assertion {
return conveyGomegaAssertion{assertion: a.assertion.Error()}
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