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Last active January 28, 2018 13:08
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The Last Kitchen-Sink File Ever.
'use strict';
* @typedef {number} milliseconds
* @description
* A number assumed to be in milliseconds.<br/>
* Number is likely to be calculated against a Unix Epoch based timestamp or milliseconds since Jan 01 1970.<br/>
* When multiplied by <code>1e-3</code>, number should convert to seconds
* @typedef {number[]} hrtime
* @description
* A "tuple" assumed to be a result of calling for high resolution time <code>process.hrtime</code><br/>
* typically, a resulting <code>hrtime</code> should be the returned value of
* <code>process.hrtime( process.hrtime() );</code> where the inner <code>hrtime</code>
* is likely called before a function is run to calculate the time it took to run a process.
* tuple is assumed to be in nanoseconds
* @example
* [ 22727, 841838045 ]
* @typedef {number|string} radix
* @property {number} binary - specify 2 to return binary radix value
* @property {number} octal - specify 8 to return octal radix value
* @property {number} base10 - specify 10 to return base10 radix value
* @property {number} hexadecimal - specify 16 to return hexadecimal radix value
* @typedef {string} uuid
* @description
* UUIDs (Universally Unique IDentifier), also known as GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifier).
* A UUID is 128 bits long, and can guarantee uniqueness across space and time.
* <a href="">RFC 4122</a>
* Assumed to be a hexadecimal string compliant with one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li><a href="">Time-Based UUID Version 1</a></li>
* <li><a href="">Name-Based UUID Version 3 & 5</a></li>
* <li><a href="">Truly-Random or Pseudo-Random Version 4</a></li>
* </ul>
* @example
* a0ac3f6e-510e-45d8-b199-07d63f23a011
querystring = require( 'querystring' ),
ERROR = 'Error',
FUNCTION_ERROR = `${ERROR} - Function failed.`,
ARGUMENT_ERROR = 'Argument Error',
ARGUMENT_ERROR_PROPERTY = p => `${ARGUMENT_ERROR} - Item expected to have property: ${p}`,
ARGUMENT_ERROR_BOOLEAN = `${ARGUMENT_ERROR} - Item expected to be typeof Boolean`,
ARGUMENT_ERROR_STRING = `${ARGUMENT_ERROR} - Item expected to be typeof String`,
ARGUMENT_ERROR_NUMBER = `${ARGUMENT_ERROR} - Item expected to be typeof Number`,
ARGUMENT_ERROR_ARRAY = `${ARGUMENT_ERROR} - Item expected to be typeof Array`,
ARGUMENT_ERROR_OBJECT = `${ARGUMENT_ERROR} - Item expected to be typeof Object`,
ARGUMENT_ERROR_POWER = `${ARGUMENT_ERROR} - Item expected to be power of two`,
ARGUMENT_ERROR_HTTP = `${ARGUMENT_ERROR} - Method expected to be valid HTTP method`,
ARGUMENT_ERROR_EMAIL = `${ARGUMENT_ERROR} - Item expected to be valid email`,
ARGUMENT_ERROR_IPV4 = `${ARGUMENT_ERROR} - Item expected to be valid IPv4`,
ARGUMENT_ERROR_DOMAIN_NAME = `${ARGUMENT_ERROR} - Item expected to be valid domain name`,
FLOAT_EPSILON = 1.19209290e-7,
DOUBLE_EPSILON = 2.2204460492503131e-16,
{ isArray: array } = Array;
function _isNotNaN( n ) {
return ( n === n );
function isNaN( ...n ) {
return !n.filter( _isNotNaN ).length;
function _isNotUndefined( n ) {
return n && typeof n !== 'undefined';
function isUndefined( ...n ) {
return !n.filter( _isNotUndefined ).length;
function _isNotNull( n ) {
return ( n && _isNotNaN( n ) && _isNotUndefined( n ) );
function isNull( ...n ) {
return !n.filter( _isNotNull ).length;
function _isNotBoolean( n ) {
return typeof n !== 'boolean';
function isBoolean( ...n ) {
return !n.filter( _isNotBoolean ).length;
function _isNotString( n ) {
return typeof n !== 'string';
function isString( ...n ) {
return !n.filter( _isNotString ).length;
function _isNotNumber( n ) {
return ( +n !== n );
function isNumber( ...n ) {
return !n.filter( _isNotNumber ).length;
function _isNotArray( n ) {
return !array( n );
function isArray( ...n ) {
return !n.filter( _isNotArray ).length;
function _isNotObject( n ) {
return !( _isNotArray( n ) && typeof n === 'object' );
function isObject( ...n ) {
return !n.filter( _isNotObject ).length;
function _isNotBuffer( n ) {
return !( Buffer.isBuffer( n ) );
function isBuffer( ...n ) {
return !n.filter( _isNotBuffer ).length;
function _isNotFunction( n ) {
return typeof n !== 'function';
function isFunction( ...n ) {
return !n.filter( _isNotFunction ).length;
function isPowerOfTwo( n ) {
return !( n & ( n - 1 ) );
function keys( o ) {
return isObject( o ) ? Object.keys( o ) : o;
function values( o ) {
return isObject( o ) ? Object.values( o ) : o;
function publicObject( o ) {
return isObject( o ) ? keys( o ).reduce( ( r, i ) => ( r[ i ] = o[ i ], r ), {} ) : o;
function has( o, ...args ) {
if( isString( o ) ) {
return args.filter( i => o.indexOf( i ) !== -1 ).length === args.length;
} else if( isArray( o ) ) {
return args.filter( i => o.includes( i ) ).length === args.length;
} else if( isObject( o ) ) {
return args.filter( i => o.hasOwnProperty( i ) ).length === args.length;
} else {
return false;
function hasSome( o, ...args ) {
if( isString( o ) ) {
return !!( args.filter( i => o.indexOf( i ) !== -1 ).length );
} else if( isArray( o ) ) {
return !!( args.filter( i => o.includes( i ) ).length );
} else if( isObject( o ) ) {
return !!( args.filter( i => o.hasOwnProperty( i ) ).length );
} else {
return false;
function sortObject( o ) {
if( !isObject( o ) ) {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_OBJECT );
sorted = {},
a = [];
for( const key in o ) {
if( o.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
a.push( key );
for( let i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) {
sorted[ a[ i ] ] = o[ a[ i ] ];
return sorted;
function sort( obj ) {
if( isArray( obj ) ) {
return obj.sort();
} else if( isObject( obj ) ) {
return sortObject( obj );
} else {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_ARRAY );
function stringify( n ) {
if( isObject( n ) ) {
return JSON.stringify( n );
} else {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_OBJECT );
function parse( n ) {
n = n.trim();
if( isString( n ) ) {
if( n.startsWith( '{' ) || n.startsWith( '[' ) ) {
return JSON.parse( n );
} else {
return n;
} else {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_STRING );
function map( o, fn ) {
if( isArray( o ) && isFunction( fn ) ) {
return fn );
} else if( isObject( o ) && isFunction( fn ) ) {
return keys( o ).reduce( ( r, i ) => {
fn( i, r[ i ], r );
return r;
}, o );
} else {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_ARRAY );
function startsWith( str, char ) {
return isString( str ) && str.startsWith( char );
function isValidJSON( str ) {
if( !isString( str ) || isUndefined( str ) || isNull( str ) ) {
return false;
return /^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(
.replace( /\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, '@' )
.replace( /"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']' )
.replace( /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, '' )
function isValidHTTPMethod( n ) {
return (
isString( n ) &&
function isValidWebDAVMethod( n ) {
return (
isString( n ) &&
isValidHTTPMethod( n ) ||
function isProtocol( n ) {
return (
isString( n ) &&
/s?m?h?f?t?tps?|wss|file/i.test( n.toLowerCase() )
function isValidEmail( n ) {
return /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/i.test( n );
function isValidIPv4( n ) {
return /\b((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4}\b/.test( n );
function isValidDomainName( n ) {
return (
n === 'localhost' ||
/^(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\:\/{1,3})?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9])(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]){1,61}[a-zA-Z0-9](?:\.[a-zA-Z]{2,})+|\[(?:(?:(?:[a-fA-F0-9]){1,4})(?::(?:[a-fA-F0-9]){1,4}){7}|::1|::)\]|(?:(?:[0-9]{1,3})(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}))(?:\:[0-9]{1,5})?$/i.test( n )
function isPath( n ) {
return /(\\|\/)([a-z0-9\s_@\-^!#$%&+={}\[\]]+)(\\|\/)/i.test( n );
function isValidQueryString( qs ) {
const t = querystring.parse( qs );
return isString( qs ) && isObject( t );
function buildQueryString( qs ) {
if( !isObject( qs ) ) {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_OBJECT );
function deepCheck( o ) {
map( o, ( k, v ) => {
if( isObject( v ) ) {
o[ k ] = querystring.stringify( v, ',', ':' );
} );
return o;
qs = deepCheck( qs );
qs = querystring.stringify( qs );
if( isValidQueryString( qs ) ) {
return `?${qs}`;
} else {
throw new Error( FUNCTION_ERROR );
function isEmpty( o ) {
return !o || ( isArray( o ) ? !o.length : !Object.keys( o ).length );
function flatten( arr, result = [] ) {
length = arr && arr.length;
if( !length ) {
return result;
let index = -1;
while( ++index < length ) {
let value = arr[ index ];
if( isArray( value ) ) {
flatten( value, result );
} else {
result[ result.length ] = value;
return result;
function extractIP( inets ) {
return flatten( values( inets ) )
.filter( a => !a.internal && !== 'IPv6' )
.map( a => a.address )[ 0 ] || 'offline';
function defineProperty( o, name, g, s = null ) {
let prop;
if( !s && isObject( g ) ) {
return Object.defineProperty( o, name, g );
} else {
prop = {
enumerable: false,
set: s || undefined,
get: g || undefined
if( o.hasOwnProperty( name ) ) {
throw new Error( `Property "${name}" already exists on object: ` + JSON.stringify( Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( o, name ) ) );
Object.defineProperty( o, name, prop );
return o;
function nonEnumerableProperty( o, name, val ) {
if( isNull( o, name ) || isBoolean( o ) || isString( o ) || isNumber( o ) )
const prop = {
configurable: true,
writable: true,
enumerable: false
if( typeof val !== 'undefined' )
prop.value = val;
Object.defineProperty( o, name, prop );
function pad2( n ) {
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
function secondsToReadableTime( n ) {
sec = parseInt( n, 10 ),
h = pad2( ~~( sec / 3600 ) ),
m = pad2( ~~( ( sec - ( h * 3600 ) ) / 60 ) ),
s = pad2( sec - ( h * 3600 ) - ( m * 60 ) );
return `${h}:${m}:${s}`;
function isObjectId( id ) {
return /^(?=[a-f\d]{24}$)(\d+[a-f]|[a-f]+\d)/i.test( id );
* objectFilteredForRegex
* @description returns an object with key-value pairs that match regex
* @param {Object} obj - object to evaluate
* @param {RegExp} rx - regex to compare object's keys to
* @returns {{}} - filtered object with keys matching regex
* @example
* objectFilteredForRegex( { a: 0, b: 1 }, /A/i ) // -> returns { a: 0 }
function objectFilteredForRegex( obj, rx ) {
const keys = {};
for( const key in obj ) {
if( obj.hasOwnProperty( key ) && rx.test( key ) ) {
keys[ key ] = obj[ key ];
return keys;
* getValueForRegexKey
* @description allows key-value extraction from an object based on a regex like: <code>obj[ /reg/i ]</code>
* @param {Object} obj - object to evaluate
* @param {RegExp} rx - regex to compare object's keys to
* @returns {*} value extracted from an object
* @example
* getValueForRegexKey( { a: 0 }, /A/i ) // -> returns 0
function getValueForRegexKey( obj, rx ) {
for( const key in obj ) {
if( obj.hasOwnProperty( key ) && rx.test( key ) ) {
return obj[ key ];
* wait
* @description similar to <code>usleep</code> in C++
* @param {milliseconds} t - time to wait
* @param {*} passValue - optional value to pass through when promise resolves
* @returns {Promise<any>} - promise to be resolved in [t] milliseconds
* @example
* wait( 100, 'hello world' )
* .then() // -> will pass 'hello world' in 100ms
function wait( t, passValue ) {
return new Promise(
res => setTimeout( () => res( passValue ), t )
* absoluteValue
* @param {number} n - number to compute absolute value
* @returns {number} - will always be a positive number
* @example
* absoluteValue( -50 ) // -> returns 50
function absoluteValue( n ) {
if( ~~n === n ) {
return ( n ^ ( n >> 31 ) ) - ( n >> 31 );
} else {
return Math.abs( n );
* performanceDifference
* @description
* Measures the performance difference between a newTime and oldTime.
* Assumed that newTime and oldTime will be similar unit values
* @param {number|milliseconds} newTime - new value to compare
* @param {number|milliseconds} oldTime - old value to compare
* @returns {string} - pretty string that evaluates if the delta is an increase or decrease
* @example
* performanceDifference( 50, 100 ) // -> Performance increase of: 50%
function performanceDifference( newTime, oldTime ) {
const time = ( ( newTime - oldTime ) / oldTime ) * 100;
if( time < 0 ) {
return `Performance increase of: ${absoluteValue( time )}%`;
} else if( time > 0 ) {
return `Performance decrease of: ${absoluteValue( time )}%`;
} else {
return 'Performance did not change';
* bytesToSize
* @description
* Convert bytes to human readable format
* @param {bytes} bytes - unit in bytes to parse
* @returns {string} - pretty string in the format [n unit]
* @example
* bytesToSize( 1073741824 ) // -> 1 GB
function bytesToSize( bytes ) {
if( !bytes )
return '0 Byte';
sizes = [ 'Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB' ],
i = parseInt( ~~( Math.log( bytes ) / Math.log( 1024 ) ) );
return Math.round( bytes / Math.pow( 1024, i ) ) + ' ' + sizes[ i ];
* radixToNumber
* @description convert possible radix string to radix number value
* @param {number|string} radix - a number or string to convert radix to a number
* @returns {number} 2, 8, 10, or 16 to specify radix
function radixToNumber( radix ) {
if( radix === 'binary' ) {
radix = 2;
} else if( radix === 'octal' ) {
radix = 8;
} else if( radix === 'base10' ) {
radix = 10;
} else {
radix = 16;
return radix;
* generateRandomNumber
* @description generate a random number between two values
* @param {number} [min=0] - minimum possible random value
* @param {number} [max=16] - maximum possible random value
* @param {boolean} [floored=true] - should value be floored
* @returns {number} - random generated number
function generateRandomNumber( min = 0, max = 16, floored = true ) {
let n;
if( min < 0 ) {
n = min + Math.random() * ( absoluteValue( min ) + max );
} else {
n = min + Math.random() * max;
return floored ? n | 0 : n;
* generateRandomString
* @description generate a random string with radix encoding
* @param {number} [min=0] - minimum possible random value
* @param {number} [max=16] - maximum possible random value
* @param {radix} [radix=16] - return radix type
* @param {boolean} [floored=true] - should value be floored
* @returns {string} - random generated string with specified radix encoding
function generateRandomString( min = 0, max = 16, radix = 16, floored = true ) {
radix = radixToNumber( radix );
return generateRandomNumber( min, max, floored ).toString( radix );
* generateRandomHex
* @description generate random hex value <code>[0-9A-F]</code>
* @returns {string} - random generated hex character
function generateRandomHex() {
return generateRandomString();
* getRandomInt
* @description generate random integer value <code>[0-9]</code>
* @param {number} min - minimum generated value
* @param {number} max - maximum generated value
* @returns {number} random number between minimum and maximum specified values
function getRandomInt( min, max ) {
min = ~~min;
max = ~~max;
return ~~( Math.random() * ( max - min ) ) + min;
* replaceMatchesWithValue
* @description - find and replace items in a string with RegExp identifier
* @param {string} item - item to mutate
* @param {RegExp} identifier - match to find in the item
* @param {string} replacement - value to replace the match with
* @returns {*} - string with replacement values
* @example
* replaceMatchesWithValue( "abc", /abc/i, "123" )
function replaceMatchesWithValue( item, identifier, replacement ) {
if( !isString( item ) ) {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_STRING );
} else if( !isNumber( replacement ) && !isString( replacement ) ) {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR );
let check;
if( identifier instanceof RegExp ) {
check = item.match( identifier );
} else {
check = item.includes( identifier );
if( check ) {
return item.replace( identifier, replacement );
} else {
return item;
* recursivePromiseResolve
* @description recursively resolve all Promise's in an data object
* @param {object|array|Promise<*>} P - an object, array, or anything to recursively resolve
* @returns {*} the original object in the same structure with all promises resolved
* @example
* recursivePromiseResolve( { key: [ Promise.resolve( 2 ) ] } )
* .then() // -> { key: [ 2 ] }
function recursivePromiseResolve( P ) {
map = ( pl, n ) => Promise.all( p => Promise.resolve( p ).then( n ) )
props = o => {
const arr = [];
Object.keys( o )
k => arr.push(
Promise.resolve( o[ k ] )
.then( v => ( o[ k ] = v, o ) )
return Promise.all( arr ).then( () => ( o ) );
rNP = o => Promise.resolve( o )
.then( o => {
if( isArray( o ) ) {
return map( o, rNP );
} else if( typeof o === 'object' ) {
const oa = {};
for( const ka in o ) {
if( o.hasOwnProperty( ka ) ) {
oa[ ka ] = rNP( o[ ka ] );
return props( oa );
return o;
} );
return ( rNP )( P );
* objectId
* @description
* similar to a MongoId but not strictly compliant.
* starts with 8 bytes of a hexadecimal timestamp followed by
* 16 bytes (or otherwise specified) of random hexadecimal bytes
* @param {number} len - number of random bytes to append to timestamp
* @returns {string}
* returns an ObjectId of random bytes with the length specified
* @example
* objectId() // -> "5a5cfafcbf2752b429d4cba7"
function objectId( len = 16 ) {
const timestamp = ( new Date().getTime() / 1000 | 0 ).toString( 16 );
return timestamp + ( 'x'.repeat( len ) ).replace( /[x]/g, generateRandomHex ).toLowerCase();
* convertHighResolutionTime
* @description
* converts a "final" high resolution time stamp into seconds, milliseconds, and nanoseconds
* @param {hrtime} hrtime - high resolution time tuple returned from <code>process.hrtime</code>
* @returns {{seconds: number, milli: number, micro: number, nano: number}}
* seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds based on passed in high resolution time tuple
* @example
* const
* start = process.hrtime(),
* end = process.hrtime( start );
* convertHighResolutionTime( end ); // -> { seconds: 0.000002, milli: 0.002, micro: 2, nano: 2000 }
function convertHighResolutionTime( hrtime ) {
if( !isArray( hrtime ) ) {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_ARRAY );
} else if( hrtime.length !== 2 ) {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_PROPERTY( 'hrtime_tuple' ) );
nano = ( hrtime[ 0 ] * 1e9 ) + hrtime[ 1 ],
micro = nano / 1e3,
milli = nano / 1e6,
seconds = nano / 1e9;
return { seconds, milli, micro, nano };
* isUUIDv4
* should evaluate if a parameter (uuid) is RFC4122 Section 4.4 (Version 4) compliant
* @param {uuid} uuid
* random string of bytes assumed to be in the following format [xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx]
* @returns {boolean}
* signifies if the passed in UUID is RFC4122 Section 4.4 compliant
* @example
* isUUIDv4( 'b33ce0f0-fadc-11e7-8da3-d19e5c798a48' ) // -> false
function isUUIDv4( uuid ) {
if( !isString( uuid ) ) {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_STRING );
return /[a-f0-9]{8}-?[a-f0-9]{4}-?4[a-f0-9]{3}-?[89ab][a-f0-9]{3}-?[a-f0-9]{12}/i.test( uuid );
* ascendingSort
* @description
* basic evaluation wrapper for the <code>sort<code> function
* @param {number} n1 - first number comparision
* @param {number} n2 - second number comparision
* @returns {number} - delta of first and second float
* @example
* ascendingSort( 10, 9 ) // -> 1
function ascendingSort( n1, n2 ) {
if( !isNumber( n1, n2 ) ) {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_NUMBER );
return n1 - n2;
* clamp
* @description
* clamps a value between a minimum float and maximum float value
* @param {number} n - number to clamp
* @param {number} min - minimum to clamp to
* @param {number} max - maximum to clamp to
* @returns {number} - number clamped to min and max value
* @example
* clamp( 0.900001, 0.1, 0.9 ) // -> 0.9
function clamp( n, min, max ) {
return Math.max( min, Math.min( n, max ) );
* absoluteMinimum
* @description
* evaluates the absolute minimum between two numbers
* @param {number} n1 - first number comparision
* @param {number} n2 - second number comparision
* @returns {number} - minimum number of the two values
* @example
* absoluteMinimum( 1.5, 2.1 ) // -> 1.5
function absoluteMinimum( n1, n2 ) {
return Math.min( absoluteValue( n1 ), absoluteValue( n2 ) );
* absoluteMaximum
* @description
* evaluates the absolute maximum between two numbers
* @param {number} n1 - first number comparision
* @param {number} n2 - second number comparision
* @returns {number} - maximum number of the two values
* @example
* absoluteMaximum( 1.5, 2.1 ) // -> 2.1
function absoluteMaximum( n1, n2 ) {
return Math.max( absoluteValue( n1 ), absoluteValue( n2 ) );
* precisionDelta
* @description
* evaluates if two numbers are approximately equal to the specified tolerance
* precision is guaranteed up to 32-bit floats
* please unsign the number or use the <code>doublePrecision</code> method if 64-bit evaluation is necessary
* @param {number} n1 - first number comparision
* @param {number} n2 - second number comparision
* @param {number} absoluteTolerance - fixed minimal tolerance (set to 0 to ignore)
* @param {number} relativeTolerance - tolerance that scales with n1 / n2 (set to 0 to ignore)
* @returns {boolean} - returns true if precision delta is within specified tolerance
* @example
* precisionDelta( 100, 101, 0.99999999999999999, 0 ) // -> true
* precisionDelta( 100, 101, 0.9999999999999999, 0 ) // -> false
function precisionDelta( n1, n2, absoluteTolerance = 0, relativeTolerance = 0 ) {
if( !isNumber( n1, n2, absoluteTolerance, relativeTolerance ) ) {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_NUMBER );
const delta = absoluteValue( n1 - n2 );
return delta <= absoluteTolerance ||
delta <= relativeTolerance * absoluteMinimum( n1, n2 ) ||
n1 === n2;
* floatPrecision
* @description
* evaluates if two numbers are approximately equal with respect to the floating point (32-bit) epsilon
* @param {number} n1 - first float comparision
* @param {number} n2 - second float comparision
* @returns {boolean} - returns true if precision delta is within float epsilon tolerance (1.19209290e-7)
* @example
* floatPrecision( 100, 100.00001 ) // -> true
* floatPrecision( 100, 100.0001 ) // -> false
function floatPrecisionDelta( n1, n2 ) {
return precisionDelta( n1, n2, FLOAT_EPSILON, FLOAT_EPSILON );
* doublePrecision
* @description
* evaluates if two numbers are approximately equal with respect to the double-precision floating-point (64-bit) epsilon
* @param {number} n1 - first double comparison
* @param {number} n2 - second double comparison
* @returns {boolean} - returns true if precision delta is within double epsilon tolerance (2.2204460492503131e-16)
* @example
* doublePrecision( 100, 100.00000000000001 ) // -> true
* doublePrecision( 100, 100.0000000000001 ) // -> false
function doublePrecisionDelta( n1, n2 ) {
return precisionDelta( n1, n2, DOUBLE_EPSILON, DOUBLE_EPSILON );
* percentError
* @description
* evaluates the precision of your calculations
* Warning: cannot evaluate percent difference from zero (i.e if n2 is zero, the function will return false)
* @param {number} n1 - the experimental value
* @param {number} n2 - the expected or theoretical value
* @param {number} acceptedDelta - expected to be a number between 0 and 1 evaluated as a percentage
* @return {boolean} - if the first and second comparison are within the accepted tolerance
* @example
* percentError( 1, 1.09, 0.09 ) // -> true
* percentError( 1, 1.09, 0.08 ) // -> false
function percentError( n1, n2, acceptedDelta ) {
if( !isNumber( n1, n2, acceptedDelta ) ) {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_NUMBER );
} else if( ~~acceptedDelta !== 0 ) {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_PROPERTY( 'acceptedDelta must be a number between 0 and 1' ) );
if( acceptedDelta === 0 ) {
return n1 === n2;
return acceptedDelta >= absoluteValue( ( n1 - n2 ) / n2 );
* sum
* @description
* returns the sum of a list of parameters or array of numbers
* @param {number[]} args - arguments to operate on
* @returns {number} - result of cumulative additions
* @example
* sum( 1, 2, 3 ); // -> 6
function sum( ...args ) {
if( isArray( args[ 0 ] ) ) {
args = args[ 0 ];
if( !isNumber( ...args ) ) {
throw new Error( ARGUMENT_ERROR_NUMBER );
let n = 0;
for( let i = 0; i < args.length; i++ ) {
n += args[ i ];
return n;
* mean
* @description
* returns the mean of a list of parameters or array of numbers
* @param {number[]} args - arguments to operate on
* @returns {number} - result of argument mean value
* @example
* mean( 1, 2, 3 ) // -> 2
function mean( ...args ) {
return sum( ...args ) / args.length;
module.exports = {
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