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Last active April 13, 2023 12:20
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  • Save iUltimateLP/73d1e5a127b4fc7e617002bcb88da2b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save iUltimateLP/73d1e5a127b4fc7e617002bcb88da2b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extracts a number of images sequentially aligned in a horizontal strip of slides into seperate files (e.g. for Instagram Slides). Requires FFMPEG!
@echo off
:: Check for arguments
IF [%1]==[] GOTO USAGE
IF [%2]==[] GOTO USAGE
IF [%3]==[] GOTO USAGE
:: Arguments
SET "input=%1"
SET "inputName=%~n1"
SET "outputDir=%2"
SET /A slideCount=%3
:: Remove quotation marks
SET input=%input:"=%
SET inputName=%inputName:"=%
SET outputDir=%outputDir:"=%
:: Run ffmpeg
echo Extracting %slidecount% slides from "%input%" to "%outputDir%"
:: FFMPEG using the crop video filter (syntax is crop=w:h:x:y, iw and ih are "image width" and "image height")
"ffmpeg.exe" -loop 1 -i "%input%" -vf "crop=iw/%slideCount%:ih:n*(iw/%slideCount%):0" -vframes %slideCount% "%outputDir%/%inputName%_%%02d.png"
:: Wrong usage
echo Invalid arguments!
echo Usage:
echo "%0" "<input file>" "<output dir>" ^<slide count^>
exit /B 1
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