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var _ = require('lodash');
* Instructions:
* Write a solution in Node.JS that:
* Given an representation of a binary tree deserialized as string and a number, create a binary tree
* and return every path in the tree with sum of the nodes that is equals the given number.
* A path can start from any node and end at any node, i.e. they need not be root node and leaf node.
* Example:
* Input:
* tree = "1 5 # # 2 3 2 # # 7 # # 1 5 # # 1 # #"
* number = 5
* Respective binary tree for the given input:
* 1
* / \
* 5 2
* / \
* 3 1
* / \ / \
* 2 7 5 1
* Output: [ 0: [5], 1: [2, 3], 2: [3, 2], 3: [5], 4: [1, 2, 1, 1] ]
* Rules:
* 1. Do not create global scope. We have a test runner that will iterate on your function and run many fixtures through it.
* 2. The left sub-tree has priority over the right sub-tree.
* Common Questions:
* 1. What's a binary tree? A binary tree is made of nodes, where each node contains a "left" reference, a "right" reference, and a data element.
* 2. What does the # mean? It means null nodes.
* 3. Can I use outside packages to solve (e.g. NPM, Bower)? Yes. You can use any packages you want to solve the solution.
* 4. Can I use google or outside resources (e.g. StackOverflow, GitHub)? Yes. Act as you would in your day job.
* 5. How should I send my solution? You must send the solution by email to cc'ing
* @param tree is a string with the representation of tree
* @param number is an random number - Note: it can be a floating point
* @return an array with the nodes values in it or an empty array
exports.getSumInTree = function( tree, number) {
var Node = function(val){
this.value = val;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
function BinaryTree(){
this.root = null;
BinaryTree.prototype.push = function(val){
var root = this.root;
root = new Node(val);
var currentNode = root;
var lastNode = root;
currentNode.left = new Node(val);
}else if(currentNode.left.val=="#"){
currentNode = lastNode.right;
currentNode = currentNode.right;
}else if(currentNode.left){
lastNode = currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode.left;
else if(!currentNode.right){
currentNode.right = new Node(val);
}else if(currentNode.right.val=="#"){
currentNode = lastNode.right;
}else if(currentNode.right){
currentNode = currentNode.right;
var pushArray = function(arr,binT){
arr = arr.split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
binT.push( arr[i]=="#" ? "#" : parseInt(arr[i]) );
return binT;
var binT = new BinaryTree();
bitT = pushArray(tree,binT);
var findSum = function (number,binT) {
var output = [];
var totalSum = 0;
var currentNode = binT.root;
var lastNode = binT.root;
var nodeStack = [];
if((totalSum + currentNode.val) < 5){
nodeStack.push([currentNote, currentNode.val]);
totalSum += currentNode.val;
} else if((totalSum + currentNode.val) == 5){
nodeStack.push([currentNote, currentNode.val]);
output = [];
totalSum = 0;
} else if((totalSum + currentNode.val) > 5){
totalSum -= nodeStack.pop().val;
if(nodeStack[nodeStack.length - 1]){
currentNode = nodeStack[nodeStack.length - 1];
return output;
if(nodeStack[nodeStack.length - 2]){
lastNode = nodeStack[nodeStack.length - 2];
lastNode = binT.root;
if(currentNode.left.val == "#"){
if(nodeStack[nodeStack.length - 1]){
currentNode = nodeStack[nodeStack.length - 1];
return output;
if(nodeStack[nodeStack.length - 2]){
currentNode = nodeStack[nodeStack.length - 2];
currentNode = lastNode;
lastNode = currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode.right;
}else if(currentNode.right.val == "#"){
if(nodeStack[nodeStack.length - 1]){
currentNode = nodeStack[nodeStack.length - 1];
return output;
if(nodeStack[nodeStack.length - 2]){
currentNode = nodeStack[nodeStack.length - 2];
currentNode = lastNode;
return findSum(number,binT);
var tree = "1 5 # # 2 3 2 # # 7 # # 1 5 # # 1 # #";
var number = 5;
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