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Created December 15, 2011 09:35
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The good parts config for NodeLint.tmbundle
* This is the customized options file for nodelint.js being run through TextMate.
* Properties listed here will override the default properties within nodelint.js options.
* Commented out properties are the same in the default configuration.
* predef handles global variables used throughout different frameworks.
* Changes released into the Public Domain by tav <>
* Options support added by Corey Hart <>
// set your options here
var options = {
// adsafe : false, // if ADsafe should be enforced
bitwise : true, // if bitwise operators should not be allowed
browser : true, // if the standard browser globals should be predefined
// cap : false, // if upper case HTML should be allowed
// css : false, // if CSS workarounds should be tolerated
// debug : false, // if debugger statements should be allowed
devel : true, // if logging should be allowed (console, alert, etc.)
eqeqeq : true, // if === should be required
// evil : false, // if eval should be allowed
// forin : false, // if for in statements must filter
// fragment : false, // if HTML fragments should be allowed
immed : true, // if immediate invocations must be wrapped in parens
// laxbreak : false, // if line breaks should not be checked
newcap : true, // if constructor names must be capitalized
nomen : true, // if names should be checked
// on : false, // if HTML event handlers should be allowed
onevar : true, // if only one var statement per function should be allowed
// passfail : false, // if the scan should stop on first error
plusplus : true, // if increment/decrement should not be allowed
regexp : true, // if the . should not be allowed in regexp literals
// rhino : false, // if the Rhino environment globals should be predefined
undef : true, // if variables should be declared before used
// safe : false, // if use of some browser features should be restricted
// sidebar : false, // if the System object should be predefined
// strict : false, // require the "use strict"; pragma
// sub : false, // if all forms of subscript notation are tolerated
white : true, // if strict whitespace rules apply
// widget : false, // if the Yahoo Widgets globals should be predefined
indent : 2, // set the expected indentation level
// the names of predefined global variables:
// the following are defined by frameworks such as nodejs, jasmine, jQuery
predef : ['exports',
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