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  • Save iaindooley/8818465 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save iaindooley/8818465 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* This script presents an "algorithmic" way of doing a cohort analysis
* on your eCommerce customer database.
* This can be useful if you want to automate a lifetime value calculation
* based on some data available from a CSV file, database or API.
* The specifics of how your eCommerce system stores this information is
* abstracted out to a couple of objects with methods such as
* "firstSuccessfulOrder".
* For your reference, 2 abstract class definitions appear at the end
* of this file that describe the methods and return values required
* by the Person and Order class.
* Also, where variables represent these "abstraction points", I have noted
* it in the source code. That way, you can relatively simply implement
* this for your own eCommerce system by just creating objects that
* implement these methods. The bulk of the work here is done in
* "plain old procedural" PHP. Even though in a lot of cases I find it
* much simpler to work with objects (because keeping track of lots of
* arrays and indexes and whatnot can be a strain on the brain!) I wanted
* to just have this laid out as "purely" as possible so you can easily see
* the "algorithm" behind it.
* This code was first published on the Decal Marketing blog at:
* and written by Iain Dooley in February 2014.
* You're welcome to re-use or redistribute this code however you see fit
* however I'd appreciate it if you could leave this message in-tact
* at the top. Any questions, please don't hesitate to email me:
* Enjoy!
//First, place each customer into a cohort based on month of first purchase
$cohorts = array();
//Here, we assume that we have an array of Person objects that has
//been generated by some method specific to your eCommerce system.
//Each Person object will have some methods, which have been noted
//in the comments below. In order to re-use the code below *verbatim*
//all you should need to do is implement the Person class and Order
//class as described below, then put them into an array called
//$people anywhere above the following line of code.
array_filter($people,function($person) use(&$cohorts)
//The Person object needs to implement a method:
//This method should return an object of class Order
//which has methods as described below
//The return value of firstSuccessfulOrder
//is an object which has the method orderDate() on it,
//for example you might return an object of class
//Order which has a method orderDate(). The orderDate()
//method needs to return a date/time string in a format
//that can be correctly parsed by
//NB: we use a unix timestamp for the purchase month
//in the array index so we can sort based on
//array key
$purchase_month = strtotime(date('Y-m-01',strtotime($person->firstSuccessfulOrder()->orderDate())));
$cohorts[$purchase_month] = array();
$cohorts[$purchase_month][] = $person;
//Get into descending order
//Now for each cohort create an array with one element per month since the
//month of first purchase, and find the average purchase in that month for
//the given cohort
$avg_month_purchase_by_cohort = array();
$max_months = 0;
array_walk($cohorts,function($cohort,$purchase_month) use(&$max_months,&$avg_month_purchase_by_cohort)
//Start by finding the number of months since first purchase
$first_purchase_month_start = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00',$purchase_month);
$date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
$diff = date_diff(date_create_from_format($date_format, $first_purchase_month_start), date_create());
//The date_diff months value here resets as the year ticks over, so need to
//add years * 12 to the month value in order to work for more than 1 year ago
$months = $diff->m + ($diff->y * 12);
//Now define our array to hold averages per month, noting
//that our months will start from 0
$current_row = range(0,$months);
//If this is the oldest cohort, record that this is the maximum number of months we have
//history for. Later we will use this to "pad out" incomplete cohorts with averages
//based on past purchase data
if(count($current_row) > $max_months)
$max_months = count($current_row);
array_walk($current_row,function(&$average,$index) use($cohort)
$current_total = 0;
foreach($cohort as $person)
//Find total purchases in this month number.
//The Person class will need to implement the
//method totalPurchasesInMonth() such that it
//accepts the number of months since first purchase
//as a sort of "offset"
$current_total += $person->totalPurchasesInMonth($index);
//Average is the total purchases in month $index
//divided by number of people in this cohort
$average = $current_total/count($cohort);
//We're building a "matrix" where each row represents a cohort
//and each column represents the number of months since first purchase.
//Each "cell" is therefore the average amount spent by people in that
//cohort in the given month number.
$avg_month_purchase_by_cohort[date('Y-m',$purchase_month)] = $current_row;
//Now we have a "matrix" but the right hand end is "jagged", that is, for those
//who first purchased 2 months ago, we don't have a value for any months
//beyond the 2nd month, so fill up any "empty" cells with the average for
//that month number across all cohorts for which we have data in that month number
array_walk($avg_month_purchase_by_cohort,function(&$months,$cohort) use($max_months,&$avg_month_purchase_by_cohort)
//If there are months for which we have data that aren't recorded for this
if(count($months) < $max_months)
//Get a range of months for which we don't have data
$range = range(count($months),$max_months-1);
//Create a copy of our array so we can loop over it below
//without modifying the array pointer
$averages_orig = $avg_month_purchase_by_cohort;
//Now loop over all cohorts for each month number for which
//we don't have data, and enter in the average we have for
//all cohorts that do have sales data for this month number
array_filter($range,function($index) use($averages_orig,&$avg_month_purchase_by_cohort,$cohort)
$cohort_totals = array();
array_walk($averages_orig,function($months) use(&$cohort_totals,$index)
$cohort_totals[] = $months[$index];
$cohort_average_for_month = array_sum($cohort_totals)/count($cohort_totals);
$cohort_average_for_month = 0;
//This is the bit where we set the value for future months with
//the average based on past months
$avg_month_purchase_by_cohort[$cohort][$index] = $cohort_average_for_month;
//Format everything into a CSV file so we can easily open it in a spreadsheet application
//to make a pretty graph or sum totals etc.
$header = array('Cohort');
array_walk(range(1,$max_months),function($i) use(&$header)
$header[] = 'Month '.$i;
$header[] = '# in Cohort';
$out = array();
$out[] = '"'.implode('","',$header).'"';
array_walk($avg_month_purchase_by_cohort,function($months,$cohort) use(&$out,$cohorts)
$months[] = count($cohorts[strtotime($cohort.'-01')]);
$out[] = '"'.implode('","',$months).'"';
print implode(PHP_EOL,$out);
* Below are interfaces for Person and Order, describing what
* methods need to be implemented, what arguments they accept
* and what the return values are
interface Person
* Returns an object of the class Order that represents
* the first time this person successfully completed an
* order
public function firstSuccessfulOrder();
* Accepts the "month since first purchase" as an
* argument and returns total amount purchased in
* that month by this Person. For example, if they
* first purchased in January, and the parameter
* passed in is 0, you would return the total
* spent in January. If the parameter was 1,
* you would return the total spent in February.
public function totalPurchasesInMonth($index);
interface Order
* Return a string that can be parsed by
* representing the date
* and time of this order
public function orderDate();
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