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The **LIFE ARMS framework** is a versatile and powerful coaching framework that offers individuals and businesses a comprehensive approach to achieving their goals and aspirations. It can be applied to various contexts, whether it's personal life, business, or specific situations, providing the necessary guidance and strategies for success. The framework is designed to be adaptable, accommodating individuals of diverse abilities, including both neurodivergent and neurotypical individuals.
The application of the LIFE ARMS framework involves a step-by-step process that begins with the **discovery stage**. This stage is crucial for gaining self-awareness and understanding the different aspects of LIFE—**Luxury**, **Imbalance**, **Fatigue**, and **Exhaustion**. Through self-reflection and assessment, individuals delve into their own experiences and challenges. They explore their current state and identify areas for improvement. This stage serves as the foundation for their growth journey, allowing them to set sp
import 'dart:convert';
void main() {
String jsonFile = '''{
"afterTwelve": {
"interest_name": {
"Engineer": {
"special_notes": {
"note_title": "Join top colleges to have a better environment"
void main() {
Map<dynamic, dynamic> moneyOut = {
'App' : 70,
'Flutter' : 400,
'Issam Alameh': 260,
'Life Arms': 1100,
'Success': 30,
'Legend': 80,
'Smart Work': 850,
import 'dart:convert';
void main() {
Cart itema = Cart(product: 'icecrea', price: '100');
Cart itemb = Cart(product: 'tofu', price: '200');
List<Cart> items = [itema, itemb];
String itemstosavetodatabase = jsonEncode(items);
void main() {
String iconName(String filename) => "${filename.split('.').last}.png";
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_form_builder/flutter_form_builder.dart';
import '../provider/chat_provider.dart';
class Showing extends StatelessWidget {
static const routedname='/showing';
final GlobalKey<FormBuilderState> _fbKey = GlobalKey<FormBuilderState>();
void main() {
List<int> myint = [];
//myint[0] = 1;
void main() {
Map<Calc, List<Calc>> map = {};
class SelectionItem {
{@required, @required this.max, @required this.description});
final String name;
final int max;
final String description;
void main() {
Map<Calc, List<Calc>> map = {};
Calc calc = new Calc(5);
Calc calc1 = new Calc(6);
Calc calc2 = new Calc(7);
calc.add(11, 12);
map[calc] = [calc1, calc2];