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Created November 14, 2014 23:17
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Fitting 3D points to a plane or a line
template<class Vector3>
std::pair<Vector3, Vector3> best_plane_from_points(const std::vector<Vector3> & c)
// copy coordinates to matrix in Eigen format
size_t num_atoms = c.size();
Eigen::Matrix< Vector3::Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > coord(3, num_atoms);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_atoms; ++i) coord.col(i) = c[i];
// calculate centroid
Vector3 centroid(coord.row(0).mean(), coord.row(1).mean(), coord.row(2).mean());
// subtract centroid
coord.row(0).array() -= centroid(0); coord.row(1).array() -= centroid(1); coord.row(2).array() -= centroid(2);
// we only need the left-singular matrix here
auto svd = coord.jacobiSvd(Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);
Vector3 plane_normal = svd.matrixU().rightCols<1>();
return std::make_pair(centroid, plane_normal);
template<class Vector3>
std::pair < Vector3, Vector3 > best_line_from_points(const std::vector<Vector3> & c)
// copy coordinates to matrix in Eigen format
size_t num_atoms = c.size();
Eigen::Matrix< Vector3::Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > centers(num_atoms, 3);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_atoms; ++i) centers.row(i) = c[i];
Vector3 origin = centers.colwise().mean();
Eigen::MatrixXd centered = centers.rowwise() - origin.transpose();
Eigen::MatrixXd cov = centered.adjoint() * centered;
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> eig(cov);
Vector3 axis = eig.eigenvectors().col(2).normalized();
return std::make_pair(origin, axis);
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attiladoor commented May 18, 2020

Some help for those who are new with Eigen (as me), you should include:
#include <Eigen/Core> #include <Eigen/Dense>

and the 18th line worked for me like this:
auto plane_normal = svd.matrixU().rightCols(1);

Otherwise, it works great. Thanks for the snippet.

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I have an issue fitting a plane with this 3D point cloud:


It seems that the resulted plane doesn't fit the dataset but is parallel to it!
I don't understand the geometric reason for this and sincerely.

Someone can have a suggestion?

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atablash commented Feb 26, 2021 via email

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rocoat82 commented Mar 3, 2021

For the record: I found a sign error into my code!
The functions work properly.

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equal-l2 commented Aug 4, 2021

I wonder if using SelfAdjointEigenSolver for fitting line is correct.
That is because the document says:

Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of selfadjoint matrices.

and centers cannot be selfadjoint unless num_atoms == 3, I think.

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For { {0,0,0}, {0,0,1} } and { {0,0,0}, {0,0,0} } the same line {0,0,1} is fit.
Is there a way to distinguish the former, valid input from the latter, degenerate input?

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