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Created September 29, 2014 21:32
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Compute proximity of triangle-triangle in 3D
// Adapted from:
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
namespace Intersect{
typedef double Scalar;
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector3;
const Scalar EPSILON = 1e-5;
Scalar distanceToPlane(const Vector3& n, Scalar t, const Vector3& v)
return - t;
bool buildTrianglePlane(const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, const Vector3& v3, Vector3* n, Scalar* t)
Vector3 n_ = (v2 - v1).cross(v3 - v1);
//bool can_normalize = false;
*n = n_;
*t =;
return true;
return false;
inline void computeDeepestPoints(Vector3* clipped_points, unsigned int num_clipped_points, const Vector3& n, Scalar t, Scalar* penetration_depth, Vector3* deepest_points, unsigned int* num_deepest_points)
*num_deepest_points = 0;
Scalar max_depth = -std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::max();
unsigned int num_deepest_points_ = 0;
unsigned int num_neg = 0;
unsigned int num_pos = 0;
unsigned int num_zero = 0;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_clipped_points; ++i)
Scalar dist = -distanceToPlane(n, t, clipped_points[i]);
if(dist > EPSILON) num_pos++;
else if(dist < -EPSILON) num_neg++;
else num_zero++;
if(dist > max_depth)
max_depth = dist;
num_deepest_points_ = 1;
deepest_points[num_deepest_points_ - 1] = clipped_points[i];
else if(dist + 1e-6 >= max_depth)
deepest_points[num_deepest_points_ - 1] = clipped_points[i];
if(max_depth < -EPSILON)
num_deepest_points_ = 0;
if(num_zero == 0 && ((num_neg == 0) || (num_pos == 0)))
num_deepest_points_ = 0;
*penetration_depth = max_depth;
*num_deepest_points = num_deepest_points_;
inline int project6(const Vector3& ax,
const Vector3& p1, const Vector3& p2, const Vector3& p3,
const Vector3& q1, const Vector3& q2, const Vector3& q3)
Scalar P1 =;
Scalar P2 =;
Scalar P3 =;
Scalar Q1 =;
Scalar Q2 =;
Scalar Q3 =;
Scalar mn1 = std::min(P1, std::min(P2, P3));
Scalar mx2 = std::max(Q1, std::max(Q2, Q3));
if(mn1 > mx2) return 0;
Scalar mx1 = std::max(P1, std::max(P2, P3));
Scalar mn2 = std::min(Q1, std::min(Q2, Q3));
if(mn2 > mx1) return 0;
return 1;
inline bool intersect_Triangle(const Vector3& P1, const Vector3& P2, const Vector3& P3,
const Vector3& Q1, const Vector3& Q2, const Vector3& Q3,
Vector3* contact_points,
unsigned int* num_contact_points,
Scalar* penetration_depth,
Vector3* normal)
Vector3 p1 = P1 - P1;
Vector3 p2 = P2 - P1;
Vector3 p3 = P3 - P1;
Vector3 q1 = Q1 - P1;
Vector3 q2 = Q2 - P1;
Vector3 q3 = Q3 - P1;
Vector3 e1 = p2 - p1;
Vector3 e2 = p3 - p2;
Vector3 n1 = e1.cross(e2);
if (!project6(n1, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 f1 = q2 - q1;
Vector3 f2 = q3 - q2;
Vector3 m1 = f1.cross(f2);
if (!project6(m1, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 ef11 = e1.cross(f1);
if (!project6(ef11, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 ef12 = e1.cross(f2);
if (!project6(ef12, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 f3 = q1 - q3;
Vector3 ef13 = e1.cross(f3);
if (!project6(ef13, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 ef21 = e2.cross(f1);
if (!project6(ef21, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 ef22 = e2.cross(f2);
if (!project6(ef22, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 ef23 = e2.cross(f3);
if (!project6(ef23, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 e3 = p1 - p3;
Vector3 ef31 = e3.cross(f1);
if (!project6(ef31, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 ef32 = e3.cross(f2);
if (!project6(ef32, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 ef33 = e3.cross(f3);
if (!project6(ef33, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 g1 = e1.cross(n1);
if (!project6(g1, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 g2 = e2.cross(n1);
if (!project6(g2, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 g3 = e3.cross(n1);
if (!project6(g3, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 h1 = f1.cross(m1);
if (!project6(h1, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 h2 = f2.cross(m1);
if (!project6(h2, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
Vector3 h3 = f3.cross(m1);
if (!project6(h3, p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3)) return false;
if(contact_points && num_contact_points && penetration_depth && normal)
Vector3 n1, n2;
Scalar t1, t2;
buildTrianglePlane(P1, P2, P3, &n1, &t1);
buildTrianglePlane(Q1, Q2, Q3, &n2, &t2);
Vector3 deepest_points1[3];
unsigned int num_deepest_points1 = 0;
Vector3 deepest_points2[3];
unsigned int num_deepest_points2 = 0;
Scalar penetration_depth1, penetration_depth2;
Vector3 P[3] = {P1, P2, P3};
Vector3 Q[3] = {Q1, Q2, Q3};
computeDeepestPoints(Q, 3, n1, t1, &penetration_depth2, deepest_points2, &num_deepest_points2);
computeDeepestPoints(P, 3, n2, t2, &penetration_depth1, deepest_points1, &num_deepest_points1);
if(penetration_depth1 > penetration_depth2)
*num_contact_points = std::min(num_deepest_points2, (unsigned int)2);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < *num_contact_points; ++i)
contact_points[i] = deepest_points2[i];
*normal = n1;
*penetration_depth = penetration_depth2;
*num_contact_points = std::min(num_deepest_points1, (unsigned int)2);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < *num_contact_points; ++i)
contact_points[i] = deepest_points1[i];
*normal = -n2;
*penetration_depth = penetration_depth1;
return true;
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