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Created January 10, 2012 13:46
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DustJS templates compiler into single file
path = require("path"),
fs = require("fs"),
dust_path = path.join(__dirname, "/lib/dust"),
tpls_path = path.join(__dirname, "../js/app"),
parser = require(path.join(dust_path, "/parser")),
compiler = require(path.join(dust_path, "/compiler")),
tpls = [],
compiled = "",
compiled_file = path.join(__dirname, "../js/");
compiler.parse = parser.parse;
function walk(filename, callback)
fs.stat(filename, function(err, stats)
if (stats.isFile() && filename.match(/\.js$/)) {
// Filename - do callback
} else if (stats.isDirectory()) {
// Directory - walk recursive
fs.readdir(filename, function(err, files)
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
walk(filename + '/' + files[i], callback);
var traverseFileSystem = function(currentPath)
var files = fs.readdirSync(currentPath);
for (var i in files) {
var currentFile = currentPath + '/' + files[i];
var stats = fs.statSync(currentFile);
if (stats.isFile()) {
if (path.extname(currentFile) === ".html") {
else if (stats.isDirectory()) {
var name = path.basename(file, ".html");
tpl = fs.readFileSync(file, "utf-8");
compiled += compiler.compile(tpl, name) + "\n";
console.log("processed " + name);
fs.writeFileSync(compiled_file, compiled);
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