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Last active February 13, 2022 18:46
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Lisp / Vim: highlight surrounding expression
augroup vlime_hilight_curr_expr
if empty(prop_type_get('lisp_curr_expr'))
call prop_type_add('lisp_curr_expr', {'highlight': 'LispCurrExpr'})
hi link LispCurrExpr MatchParen
function! s:HilightCurrExpr() abort
call prop_remove({'type': 'lisp_curr_expr', 'all': v:true})
let expr = vlime#ui#CurExpr(1)
if expr[0] == '' || expr[1][0] == 0
let [line1, col1] = expr[1]
let [line2, col2] = expr[2]
let l:options = {
\ 'type': 'lisp_curr_expr',
\ 'end_lnum': line2,
\ 'end_col': col2,
\ }
call prop_add(line1, col1, l:options)
autocmd CursorMoved,CursorMovedI <buffer> call s:HilightCurrExpr()
augroup end
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