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Last active April 3, 2019 03:10
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#include "customer.h"
customerType::customerType( std::string firstName, std::string lastName, int an)
setCustomerInfo(firstName, lastName, an);
//Define method to set customer information
void customerType::setCustomerInfo( std::string firstName, std::string lastName, int an)
this->firstName = firstName;
this->lastName = lastName;
accountNumber = an;
//Define method to set account number
void customerType::setAccountNumber(int an)
accountNumber = an;
void customerType::setFirstName( std::string firstname)
this->firstName = firstname;
void customerType::setLastName( std::string lastname)
this->lastName = lastname;
void customerType::addVideo(videoType v)
bool customerType::returnVideo( std::string title)
bool fg = false;
for (int kk = 0; kk < rentedVideos.size(); kk++)
if (rentedVideos[kk].getTitle() == title)
rentedVideos.erase(rentedVideos.begin() + (kk + 1));
fg = true;
return fg;
void customerType::printAccountNumber()
cout << "Account Number:" << accountNumber << endl;
int customerType::getAccountNumber() const
return accountNumber;
int customerType::getNoOfRentedVideos() const
return rentedVideos.size();
//define method to display customer
void customerType::display()
std::cout << "First Name: " << firstName << std::endl;
std::cout << "Last Name: " << lastName << std::endl;
std::cout << "Account Number: " << accountNumber << std::endl;
std::cout << "Rented Videos: " << std::endl;
for (int kk = 0; kk < rentedVideos.size(); kk++)
//videoType v =rentedVideos[kk]
cout << rentedVideos[kk] << endl;
//define method
bool customerType::operator==(const customerType & c)
return((firstName == c.firstName) && (lastName == c.lastName));
bool customerType::operator!=(const customerType & c)
return((firstName != c.firstName) && (lastName != c.lastName));
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const customerType& c)
out << "First Name: " << c.firstName << std::endl;
out << "Last Name: " << c.lastName << std::endl;
out << "Account Number: " << c.accountNumber << std::endl;
out << "Rented Videos: " << endl;
for (int kk = 0; kk < c.rentedVideos.size(); kk++)
//videoType v =rentedVideos[kk]
out << c.rentedVideos[kk] << std::endl;
return out;
#include "customerListType.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//Implementatioon of customerSearch method to search for a customer
bool customerListType::customerSearch(int accountNumber) const
for ( auto cp_iter = GetRootNode(); cp_iter != nullptr; cp_iter = cp_iter->next ) {
if ( cp_iter->data.getAccountNumber() == accountNumber ) return true;
return false;
//Implementation of addCustomer method to add customer
bool customerListType::addCustomer(customerType c)
bool fg = false;
if (!customerSearch(c.getAccountNumber()))
fg = true;
return fg;
//Implementation of printCustomerList method to print the customers
void customerListType::printCustomerList() const
for ( auto cp_iter = GetRootNode(); cp_iter != nullptr; cp_iter = cp_iter->next ) {
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "customer.h"
#include "unorderedLinkedList.h"
#include "videoType.h"
using namespace std;
//customerListType class declaration
class customerListType :public unorderedLinkedList<customerType>
//Declaration of customerSearch method
bool customerSearch(int accountNUmber) const;
//Declaration of addCustomer method
bool addCustomer(customerType c);
//Declaration of printCustomerList method
void printCustomerList() const;
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