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Created December 7, 2014 02:22
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A simple expression library for building and parsing simple mathematical expressions
#include <memory>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
namespace Expression
enum expression_type
Constant ,
Variable ,
Plus ,
Minus ,
Divides ,
Multiplies ,
class expr
using expr_ptr = std::shared_ptr< expr >;
using const_expr_ptr = std::shared_ptr< expr const >;
virtual size_t num_children( void ) const = 0;
virtual const_expr_ptr get_children( size_t i ) const = 0;
virtual expr_ptr get_children( size_t i ) = 0;
virtual void set_children( size_t , expr_ptr e ) = 0;
virtual expression_type get_type( void ) const = 0;
virtual std::string to_string( void ) const = 0;
virtual double eval() const = 0;
using expr_ptr = expr::expr_ptr;
using const_expr_ptr = expr::const_expr_ptr;
class terminal_expr : public expr
size_t num_children( void ) const override { return 0; }
const_expr_ptr get_children( size_t i ) const override { assert( false ); return nullptr; }
expr_ptr get_children( size_t i ) override { assert( false ); return nullptr; }
void set_children( size_t i , expr_ptr e ) override { assert( false ); }
class unary_expr : public expr
unary_expr( expr_ptr child )
: m_child{ child } {}
virtual double eval() const { return 0.0; }
size_t num_children( void ) const override { return 1; }
const_expr_ptr get_children( size_t i ) const override { assert( i == 0 ) ;return m_child; }
expr_ptr get_children( size_t i ) override { assert( i == 0 ) ;return m_child; }
void set_children( size_t i , expr_ptr e ) override { assert( i == 0 ); m_child = e; }
expr_ptr m_child;
class binary_expr : public expr
binary_expr( expr_ptr left , expr_ptr right )
: m_children{} { m_children[0] = left; m_children[1] = right; }
double eval() const override { return 0.0; }
size_t num_children( void ) const override { return 2; }
const_expr_ptr get_children( size_t i ) const override { assert( i < 2 ); return m_children[i]; }
expr_ptr get_children( size_t i ) override { assert( i < 2 ); return m_children[i]; }
void set_children( size_t i , expr_ptr e ) override { assert( i < 2 ); m_children[i] = e; }
expr_ptr m_children[2];
class constant : public terminal_expr
constant( double c ) : m_c( c ) {}
double eval( ) const { return m_c; }
expression_type get_type( void ) const final { return Constant; }
std::string to_string( void ) const final
return std::to_string( m_c );
double m_c;
struct context_expr_eval
double get ( int const & index) const noexcept
assert( index < 20 );
return elements[index];
virtual ~context_expr_eval() { }
std::array<double, 20> elements { { 11.8, 15,9, 11.9, 1, 12, 12, 24, 6, 45, 45, 6 } };
template< size_t I >
class variable : public terminal_expr, context_expr_eval
int m_index;
variable( int const & index = I ): terminal_expr {}, context_expr_eval {}, m_index { index } { }
double eval() const override { return context_expr_eval::get( m_index ); }
expression_type get_type( void ) const override { return Variable; }
std::string to_string( void ) const override {
return std::string { "var" + std::to_string( m_index ) };
class sin_node : public unary_expr
sin_node( expr_ptr ptr ) : unary_expr{ ptr } { }
expression_type get_type( void ) const override { return UnaryFunc; }
std::string to_string( void ) const override { return "sin"; }
class cos_node : public unary_expr
cos_node( expr_ptr child ) : unary_expr{ child } { }
expression_type get_type( void ) const override { return UnaryFunc; }
std::string to_string( void ) const override { return "cos"; }
class plus_node : public binary_expr
plus_node( expr_ptr left , expr_ptr right ) : binary_expr{ left , right } { }
expression_type get_type( void ) const override { return Plus; }
std::string to_string( void ) const override { return "+"; }
class multiplies_node : public binary_expr
multiplies_node( expr_ptr left , expr_ptr right ) : binary_expr{ left , right } { }
expression_type get_type( void ) const override { return Multiplies; }
std::string to_string( void ) const override { return "*"; }
class minus_node : public binary_expr
minus_node( expr_ptr left , expr_ptr right ) : binary_expr{ left , right } { }
expression_type get_type( void ) const override { return Minus; }
std::string to_string( void ) const override { return "-"; }
class divides_node : public binary_expr
divides_node( expr_ptr left , expr_ptr right ) : binary_expr{ left , right } { }
expression_type get_type( void ) const override { return Divides; }
std::string to_string( void ) const override { return "/"; }
expr_ptr make_constant( double c ) { return std::make_shared< constant >( c ); }
template< size_t I>
expr_ptr make_variable( ) { return std::make_shared< variable< I > >( ); }
template< size_t I = 0>
expr_ptr make_variable_with_index( int const & index ) { return std::make_shared< variable< I > >( index ); }
expr_ptr make_sin( expr_ptr child ) { return std::make_shared< sin_node >( child ); }
expr_ptr make_cos( expr_ptr child ) { return std::make_shared< cos_node >( child ); }
expr_ptr make_plus( expr_ptr left , expr_ptr right ) { return std::make_shared< plus_node >( left , right ); }
expr_ptr make_minus( expr_ptr left , expr_ptr right ) { return std::make_shared< minus_node >( left , right ); }
expr_ptr make_multiplies( expr_ptr left , expr_ptr right ) { return std::make_shared< multiplies_node >( left , right ); }
expr_ptr make_divided( expr_ptr left , expr_ptr right ) { return std::make_shared< divides_node >( left , right ); }
#include "lexer.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <deque>
using namespace EditedExpression;
namespace Expression
inline expr_ptr build_tree_for( expression_type const & expr_constant )
switch( expr_constant ){
case expression_type::Plus: default: return make_plus( nullptr, nullptr );
void attach( expr_ptr const &a, std::deque<expression_type> &operator_deq, std::deque<expr_ptr> &children_deq )
for( size_t i = 0; i != a->num_children(); ++i ){
expression_type type_of_expr = a->get_children( i )->get_type();
if( type_of_expr == expression_type::Plus ){
operator_deq.push_back( type_of_expr );
attach( a->get_children( i ), operator_deq, children_deq );
} else {
children_deq.push_back( a->get_children( i ) );
expr_ptr build_rightmost_tree( expr_ptr const &a, expr_ptr &node, expression_type in )
expr_ptr right_tree = build_tree_for( in );
right_tree->set_children( 1, a );
right_tree.swap( node );
node->set_children( 0, right_tree );
return node->get_children( 1 );
expr_ptr linearize( expr_ptr const & expression )
std::deque<expr_ptr> child_deq {};
std::deque<expression_type> op_deq { expression->get_type() };
expr_ptr tree_to_build = nullptr, ptr = nullptr;
expr *x = tree_to_build.get();
attach( expression, op_deq, child_deq );
while( !op_deq.empty() ){
if( !tree_to_build ){
tree_to_build = build_tree_for( op_deq.front() ); op_deq.pop_front();
tree_to_build->set_children( 0, child_deq.front() );
tree_to_build->set_children( 1, child_deq.front() );
ptr = tree_to_build->get_children( 1 );
x = tree_to_build.get();
} else {
auto foo = build_rightmost_tree( child_deq.front(), ptr, op_deq.front() );
x->set_children( 1, ptr );
x = x->get_children( 1 ).get();
ptr = foo;
return tree_to_build;
inline double to_double ( std::string const & str )
return std::stod( str );
inline void update_current_token( Lexer &lex, Lexer::token_type &token )
if( !lex.eof() ){
token = lex.get_token();
} else {
token.second = expression_type::None;
* name: get_index_from
* @param: string
* @return: integer
* This function is an hack, why? Making variable requires a compile-time template parameter constant I, extracting the index from a
* polish notation, such as var0, requires a runtime calculation in order to get the last digit 0 or 10 in case it is var10, this is
* why I created this function and an accompanying function make_variable_with_index( int ), which will serve as an index.
inline int get_index_from( std::string const & str )
std::string::size_type found = str.find_first_of( "1234567890" );
return std::stoi( std::string { str.begin() + found, str.end() } );
expr_ptr build_unary_operator_or_variable_from( Lexer::token_type const & token )
if( token.first.lexeme() == std::string { "cos" } ){
return make_cos( nullptr );
} else if( token.first.lexeme() == std::string { "sin" } ){
return make_sin( nullptr );
} else {
unsigned int const index = get_index_from( token.first.lexeme() );
return make_variable_with_index<>( index );
expr_ptr convert_token_to_expression( Lexer::token_type const & token )
switch( token.second ){
case expression_type::None: default: return nullptr;
case expression_type::Constant: return make_constant( to_double( token.first.lexeme() ) );
case expression_type::Variable:
case expression_type::UnaryFunc: return build_unary_operator_or_variable_from( token );
case expression_type::Plus: return make_plus( nullptr, nullptr );
case expression_type::Minus: return make_minus( nullptr, nullptr );
case expression_type::Divides: return make_divided( nullptr, nullptr );
case expression_type::Multiplies: return make_multiplies( nullptr, nullptr );
inline expr_ptr get_root_node( Lexer & lex )
return convert_token_to_expression( lex.get_token() );
expr_ptr insert_child( expr_ptr node_to_insert, Lexer & lex, Lexer::token_type & token )
auto curr_ptr = node_to_insert;
if( curr_ptr ){
for( size_t i = 0; i != curr_ptr->num_children(); ++i ){
update_current_token( lex, token );
node_to_insert = convert_token_to_expression( token );
curr_ptr->set_children( i, insert_child( node_to_insert, lex, token ) );
return curr_ptr;
expr_ptr from_polish( std::string const & str, std::string const & separator = "|" )
Lexer lex ( str );
Lexer::token_type token;
expr_ptr root = get_root_node( lex );
if( !lex.eof() ){
for( size_t i = 0; i != root->num_children(); ++i ){
update_current_token( lex, token );
auto what_to_insert = convert_token_to_expression( token );
root->set_children( i, insert_child( what_to_insert, lex, token ) );
return root;
inline void to_polish( std::ostream& out , const_expr_ptr e , std::string const& separator = "|" )
assert( e );
out << e->to_string();
for( size_t i=0 ; i<e->num_children() ; ++i )
out << separator;
to_polish( out , e->get_children(i) , separator );
inline double process_unary_function( const_expr_ptr e );
inline double evaluate_expr( double const & c )
return c;
inline double evaluate_expr( const_expr_ptr e )
switch ( e->get_type() ) {
case Constant:
return e->eval();
case Variable:
return e->eval();
case Plus:
return evaluate_expr( e->get_children( 0 ) ) + evaluate_expr( e->get_children( 1 ) );
case Minus:
return evaluate_expr( e->get_children( 0 ) ) - evaluate_expr( e->get_children( 1 ) );
case Divides:
return evaluate_expr( e->get_children( 0 ) ) / evaluate_expr( e->get_children( 1 ) );
case Multiplies:
return evaluate_expr( e->get_children( 0 ) ) * evaluate_expr( e->get_children( 1 ) );
case UnaryFunc: default:
return process_unary_function( e );
inline double process_unary_function( const_expr_ptr e )
if( e->to_string() == std::string { "cos" } ){
return std::cos( evaluate_expr( e->get_children( 0 ) ) );
} else {
return std::sin( evaluate_expr( e->get_children( 0 ) ) );
inline std::string to_polish( const_expr_ptr e , std::string const& separator = "|" )
std::ostringstream str;
to_polish( str , e , separator );
return str.str();
namespace detail {
inline void to_graphviz_impl( std::ostream& out , const_expr_ptr e , size_t& index )
assert( e );
size_t current_index = index;
out << "NODE" << current_index << " [ label = \"" << e->to_string() << "\" ]\n";
for( size_t i=0 ; i<e->num_children() ; ++i )
out << "NODE" << current_index << " -> " << "NODE" << index << "\n";
to_graphviz_impl( out , e->get_children(i) , index );
} // namespace detail
inline void to_graphviz( std::ostream& out , const_expr_ptr e )
out << "digraph G\n";
out << "{\n";
size_t index = 0;
if( e ) detail::to_graphviz_impl( out , e , index );
out << "}\n";
inline std::string to_graphviz( const_expr_ptr e )
std::ostringstream str;
to_graphviz( str , e );
return str.str();
#include "expressions.hpp"
namespace EditedExpression
inline namespace Functions
struct is_alphabet
inline bool operator() ( int const & ch ) {
return ( ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' ) || ( ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' ) || ch == '_';
struct is_numeric_constant
inline bool operator ()( int const & ch ){
return ( ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ( ch == '.' );
struct is_alphanumeric
inline bool operator ()( int const & ch ){
return ( is_alphabet{}( ch ) || is_numeric_constant{}( ch ) );
[[noreturn]] void panic( std::string const & str, int const & column ){
std::string space ( column - 1, ' ' );
printf( "Invalid expression near column: %d\n", column );
puts( str.c_str() );
printf( "%s^\n", space.c_str() );
std::exit( -1 );
} // Functions
constexpr size_t EOF_F = -1;
using Expression::expression_type;
struct Symbol
Symbol( std::string && lex ): m_lexeme( std::move( lex ) ) { }
Symbol( char const *lex ): m_lexeme( lex ) { }
Symbol( std::string const & lex = "None" ): m_lexeme( lex ) { }
std::string &get_lexeme() { return m_lexeme; }
const std::string lexeme() const { return m_lexeme; }
std::string m_lexeme;
struct Lexer
std::string str_lex; //since we're dealing with a very small string, using a std::ostream would be an overkill
std::string::size_type current_index;
size_t current_character, end_of_file;
inline void update_current_token() {
if( current_index >= end_of_file ){
current_character = EOF_F;
current_character = str_lex[current_index];
using token_type = std::pair<Symbol, expression_type>;
Lexer() = delete;
explicit Lexer( std::string const & lex_str ): str_lex( lex_str ),
current_index { 0 }, current_character { }, end_of_file{ str_lex.size() }
assert( end_of_file > 0 );
explicit Lexer( char const *lex_str ): str_lex( lex_str ), current_index { 0 },
current_character { }, end_of_file{ str_lex.size() }
assert( end_of_file > 0 );
inline void reset(){
current_index = 0;
current_character = ' ';
inline void set_string( char const *str )
str_lex = std::string { str };
end_of_file = str_lex.size();
inline bool eof() {
return current_character == EOF_F;
token_type get_negated_constant_or_unary_minus()
std::string str_buf( 1, current_character );
bool dot_found = false;
if( is_numeric_constant{} ( current_character ) ){
while( is_numeric_constant{}( current_character ) ){
if( current_character == '.' && !dot_found ){
dot_found = true;
} else if ( current_character == '.' ){
panic( str_lex, current_index );
str_buf.push_back( current_character );
return { Symbol( str_buf ), expression_type::Constant };
} else {
return { Symbol( str_buf ), expression_type::Minus };
token_type get_constant_token()
std::string str_buf( 1, current_character );
bool dot_found = false;
while( is_numeric_constant{} ( current_character ) ){
if( current_character == '.' && !dot_found ){
dot_found = true;
} else if ( current_character == '.' ){
str_buf.push_back( current_character );
return { Symbol { str_buf }, expression_type::Constant };
token_type get_variable_token()
std::string str_buf { };
is_alphabet is_alpha {};
if( is_alpha ( current_character ) ){
str_buf.push_back( current_character );
while( is_alphanumeric{} ( current_character ) ){
str_buf.push_back( current_character );
return { Symbol { str_buf }, expression_type::Variable };
token_type get_token()
for( ; ; ){
switch( current_character ){
case EOF_F:
return { Symbol {}, expression_type::None };
case '|': case ' ':
case '*':
return { Symbol { "*" }, expression_type::Multiplies };
case '/':
return { Symbol { "/" }, expression_type::Divides };
case '+':
return { Symbol { "+" }, expression_type::Plus };
case '-':
return get_negated_constant_or_unary_minus();
case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '0':
return get_constant_token();
return get_variable_token();
} // namespace BuildExpression
#include "expression_io.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace Expression;
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
expr_ptr root1 = make_plus( make_sin( make_variable<0>( ) ) , make_constant( 2.0 ) );
std::ofstream fout( "" );
fout << to_graphviz( root1 );
std::cout << "Expr1 : " << to_polish( root1 ) << "\n";
std::cout << "Evaluation yields: " << evaluate_expr( root1 ) << std::endl;
expr_ptr root2 =
make_plus( make_variable<10>(), make_constant( 1.0 ) ) ,
make_plus( make_constant( 11 ) , make_variable<1>( ) ) ,
make_sin( make_variable<10>( ) )
) );
std::ofstream fout2( "" );
fout2 << to_graphviz( root2 );
std::cout << "Expr2 : " << to_polish( root2 ) << "\n";
std::cout << "Evaluation of Expr2: " << evaluate_expr( root2 ) << std::endl;
auto root3 = from_polish( to_polish( root2 ) );
std::cout << "Evaluation of Expr3: " << evaluate_expr( root3 ) << std::endl;
std::cout << to_polish( root3 ) << std::endl;
auto root4 = make_plus( make_plus( make_variable<0>(), make_constant( 1 ) ), make_plus( make_plus( make_constant( -2 ), make_variable<1>() ), make_sin( make_variable<2>() )) ) ;
std::cout << evaluate_expr( linearize( root4 ) )<< std::endl;
return 0;
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