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Created December 20, 2018 08:16
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module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import System.Environment
import System.Process
data Typ =
V | Opaque | I1 | I8 | I16 | I32 | I64 | F32 | F64 | Ref String |
Arr { arrCount :: Word, arrElemTyp :: Typ } |
Stru { struMembers :: [Typ] } | PStru { struMembers :: [Typ] } |
Ptr Typ | Fun { retTyp :: Typ, argTyp :: [Typ], isVarArg :: Bool }
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
data SzAl = SzAl { saSize :: Word, saAlign :: Word }
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
isIdChar :: Char -> Bool
isIdChar = (`elem` "._"++['0'..'9']++['a'..'z']++['A'..'Z'])
stE :: String -> String
stE = dropWhile isSpace
literal :: String -> String -> [((), String)]
literal p i =
case stripPrefix p i of
Just x -> return ((), stE x)
Nothing -> fail "literal match fail"
ident :: String -> [(String, String)]
ident (x:xs)
| isIdChar x =
let (v, r) = span isIdChar xs
in return ((x:v), stE r)
| otherwise = fail "ident is empty"
ident [] = fail "unexpected EOF for ident"
typeAtom :: String -> [(Typ, String)]
typeAtom ('o':'p':'a':'q':'u':'e':xs) = return (Opaque, stE xs)
typeAtom ('v':'o':'i':'d':xs) = return (V, stE xs)
typeAtom ('i':'8':xs) = return (I8, stE xs)
typeAtom ('i':'1':'6':xs) = return (I16, stE xs)
typeAtom ('i':'3':'2':xs) = return (I32, stE xs)
typeAtom ('i':'6':'4':xs) = return (I64, stE xs)
typeAtom ('f':'l':'o':'a':'t':xs) = return (F32, stE xs)
typeAtom ('d':'o':'u':'b':'l':'e':xs) = return (F64, stE xs)
typeAtom ('i':'1':xs) = return (I1, stE xs)
typeAtom ('%':xs) = do
(n, r) <- ident (stE xs)
return (Ref n, r)
typeAtom ('(':xs) = do
(v, r) <- typeExpr (stE xs)
(_, r) <- literal ")" r
return (v, r)
typeAtom ('[':xs) = do
(c, r) <- reads (stE xs)
(_, r) <- literal "x" (stE r)
(v, r) <- typeExpr r
(_, r) <- literal "]" r
return (Arr c v, r)
typeAtom ('<':xs) = do
(_, r) <- literal "{" (stE xs)
let m0 ('}':xs) = mf (stE xs) id
m0 r = m r id
mf r vs = do
(_, r) <- literal ">" r
let vf = vs []
vf `seq` return (PStru vf, r)
m r vs = do
(v, r) <- typeExpr r
let vs' = vs . (v:)
case r of
(',':xs) -> m (stE xs) vs'
('}':xs) -> mf (stE xs) vs'
_ -> fail "malformed packed product type"
m0 r
typeAtom ('{':xs) = m0 (stE xs) where
m0 ('}':xs) = return (Stru [], stE xs)
m0 r = m r id
m r vs = do
(v, r) <- typeExpr r
let vs' = vs . (v:)
case r of
(',':xs) -> m (stE xs) vs'
('}':xs) ->
let vf = vs' []
in vf `seq` return (Stru vf, stE xs)
_ -> fail "malformed product type"
typeAtom _ = fail "not a type"
typeExpr :: String -> [(Typ, String)]
typeExpr inp = do
(v, r) <- typeAtom inp
let m k ('*':xs) = m (Ptr k) (stE xs)
m k ('(':xs) = w (stE xs) id where
fin r vs b =
let vf = vs []
in vf `seq` m (Fun k vf b) (stE r)
fin0 r vs = fin r vs False
finV r vs = do
(_, r) <- literal ")" r
fin r vs True
nxt ('.':'.':'.':xs) vs = finV (stE xs) vs
nxt r vs = do
(v, r) <- typeExpr r
let vs' = vs . (v:)
case r of
(',':xs) -> nxt (stE xs) vs'
(')':xs) -> fin0 (stE xs) vs'
_ -> fail "expected ',' or ')'"
w ('.':'.':'.':xs) vs = finV (stE xs) vs
w (')':xs) vs = fin0 (stE xs) vs
w r vs = nxt r vs
m k r = return (k, r)
m v r
unref :: Applicative f => (String -> f Typ) -> Typ -> f Typ
unref f (Ref x) = f x
unref f (Arr c e) = Arr c <$> unref f e
unref f (Stru x) = Stru <$> traverse (unref f) x
unref f (PStru x) = PStru <$> traverse (unref f) x
unref f (Ptr t) = Ptr <$> unref f t
unref f (Fun rt ats b) = liftA2 (\x y -> Fun x y b) (unref f rt) (traverse (unref f) ats)
unref _ t = pure t
typeDecl :: String -> [(String, Typ, String)]
typeDecl ('%':xs) = do
(n, r) <- ident xs
(_, r) <- literal "=" r
(_, r) <- literal "type" r
(t, r) <- typeExpr r
return (n, t, r)
typeDecl _ = fail "not a type declaration"
varDecl :: String -> [(String, Typ, String)]
varDecl ('@':xs) = do
(n, r) <- ident xs
(_, r) <- literal "=" r
let m r@(_:_) = m0 r <|> m (stK r)
m _ = fail "unexpected EOF"
stK = stE . dropWhile (not . isSpace)
m0 = fmap (\(t, r) -> (n, t, r)) . typeExpr
m (stK r)
varDecl _ = fail "not a var declaration"
parseType :: String -> Either String Typ
parseType inp =
case [ x | (x, "") <- typeExpr (stE inp) ] of
[x] -> Right x
[] -> Left "parseType: no parse"
_ -> Left "parseType: ambiguous parse"
sizeOf :: SzAl -> Typ -> SzAl
sizeOf _ V = SzAl 1 1
sizeOf _ I1 = SzAl 1 1
sizeOf _ I8 = SzAl 1 1
sizeOf _ I16 = SzAl 2 2
sizeOf _ I32 = SzAl 4 4
sizeOf _ I64 = SzAl 8 8
sizeOf _ F32 = SzAl 4 4
sizeOf _ F64 = SzAl 8 8
sizeOf p (Arr c e) = SzAl (c * s) a where SzAl s a = sizeOf p e
sizeOf p (Stru m) =
let sa = map (sizeOf p) m
f (SzAl s0 a0) (SzAl s a) =
let k = (s0 + a - 1) `quot` a
in SzAl (a * k + s) (lcm a0 a)
SzAl s' a' = foldl' f (SzAl 0 1) sa
in f (SzAl s' 1) (SzAl 0 a')
sizeOf p (PStru m) = SzAl s 1 where
s = foldr ((+) . saSize . sizeOf p) 0 m
sizeOf p (Ptr _) = p
sizeOf _ _ = SzAl 0 1
sizeOf32 :: Typ -> SzAl
sizeOf32 = sizeOf (SzAl 4 4)
sizeOf64 :: Typ -> SzAl
sizeOf64 = sizeOf (SzAl 8 8)
type TypMap = Map.Map String Typ
data Action = NewVar String Typ | UpdateReg String Typ | Failure String | Nop
deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
procLine :: String -> Action
procLine r =
case r of
'%':_ ->
case typeDecl r of
(n, t, _):_ -> UpdateReg n t
_ -> Failure "unknown type decl"
'@':_ ->
case varDecl r of
(n, t, _):_ -> NewVar n t
_ -> Failure "unknown var decl"
_ -> Nop
procLLFile :: String -> Handle -> IO ()
procLLFile fn fh = procIter (1 :: Word) Map.empty `catch` handleIt where
sizeOf' = saSize . sizeOf32
fail' = Left
resolve tm hist n
| n `elem` hist =
fail' $ "Cycle! " ++ show hist
| otherwise =
case Map.lookup n tm of
Just (Ref x) -> resolve tm (n:hist) x
Just t -> return t
_ -> fail' $ "Unknown type " ++ n
handleIt :: IOError -> IO ()
handleIt e
| isEOFError e = return ()
| otherwise = throwIO e
rptRoot = hPutStr stderr . ((fn ++ ": ") ++)
procIter lno tm = do
line <- hGetLine fh
let report str =
rptRoot $ shows lno $ ": " ++ str ++ ": " ++ line ++ "\n"
case procLine line of
NewVar _n t -> do
case unref (resolve tm []) t of
Left e -> report e
Right t' -> putStrLn v where
v = shows (sizeOf' t') (' ':fn ++ (':':line))
procIter (lno+1) tm
UpdateReg n t -> procIter (lno+1) (Map.insert n t tm)
Failure e -> report e *> procIter (lno+1) tm
Nop -> procIter (lno+1) tm
procFile :: String -> Handle -> IO ()
procFile fn fh =
withCreateProcess (proc "llvm-dis" ["-o=-"]) {
std_in = UseHandle fh,
std_out = CreatePipe
} $ \_ ofhm _ _ -> do
let Just ofh = ofhm
procLLFile fn ofh
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= \args ->
case args of
[] -> procFile "-" stdin
_ -> mapM_ (\fn -> withFile fn ReadMode (procFile fn)) args
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