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Last active March 18, 2017 10:29
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Tokyo Westerns MMA CTF - palindrome [ppc warmup]
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *
def has_common_prefix(a, b):
return a[:len(b)] == b[:len(a)]
def solve(prefix, postfix, words):
pre_flat = ''.join(prefix)
post_flat = ''.join(postfix)
if not words:
w = pre_flat + post_flat
if w == w[::-1]:
yield ' '.join(prefix + postfix)
if len(pre_flat) <= len(post_flat):
for i, word in enumerate(words):
if has_common_prefix(pre_flat + word, post_flat[::-1]):
for x in solve(prefix + [word], postfix, words[:i] + words[i+1:]):
yield x
for i, word in enumerate(words):
if has_common_prefix(pre_flat, (word + post_flat)[::-1]):
for x in solve(prefix, [word] + postfix, words[:i] + words[i+1:]):
yield x
r = remote('', 31111)
for _ in range(30):
r.recvuntil("\nInput: ")
inp = r.recvline(False).split(" ")
if int(inp[0]) != len(inp) - 1:
raise RuntimeError("?!")
for sol in solve([], [], inp[1:]):
r.recvuntil("Answer: ")
raise RuntimeError("no sol?!")
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