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Last active February 24, 2017 01:38
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Simple rules for claripy AST simplification for human readability (total ordering, Reverse() simplification, ...)
import itertools
import claripy
import operator
top = 'T' # lambda a: True
ident = '=' # lambda a: a
inv = '!' # lambda a: not a
bot = '_' # lambda a: False
cmp_info = {
# (A == B), (A ULT B), (A SLT B)
'__eq__': (ident, bot, bot),
'__ne__': (inv, bot, bot),
#'__ge__': (ident, inv, bot),
#'__lt__': (inv, ident, bot),
#'__le__': (ident, ident, bot),
#'__gt__': (inv, inv, bot),
'UGE': (ident, inv, bot),
'ULT': (inv, ident, bot),
'ULE': (ident, ident, bot),
'UGT': (inv, inv, bot),
'SGE': (ident, bot, inv),
'SLT': (inv, bot, ident),
'SLE': (ident, bot, ident),
'SGT': (inv, bot, inv),
ALL_BOT = (bot, bot, bot)
rev_cmp_info = dict((v, k) for k, v in cmp_info.items())
# assume both operator works on same value
or_map = {
(top, top): top, (top, ident): top, (top, inv): top, (top, bot): top,
(ident, top): top, (ident, ident): ident, (ident, inv): top, (ident, bot): ident,
(inv, top): top, (inv, ident): top, (inv, inv): inv, (inv, bot): inv,
(bot, top): top, (bot, ident): ident, (bot, inv): inv, (bot, bot): bot,
inv_map = {top: bot, ident: inv, inv: ident, bot: top}
def get_op_info(expr, inv=False):
while expr.op == 'Not':
expr, = expr.args
inv = not inv
k = cmp_info.get(expr.op, None)
if k is not None:
return expr, (inv_map[k[0]], inv_map[k[1]], inv_map[k[2]]) if inv else k
return expr, None
def ast_equivalent(a, b):
return claripy.is_true(a == b)
def simplify_or_cmppair(left, right, left_inv, right_inv, inv):
left, left_op = get_op_info(left, left_inv)
if left_op is None:
#print("simplify_or_cmppair(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r): left simplification failed" % (left, right, left_inv, right_inv, inv))
return None
right, right_op = get_op_info(right, right_inv)
if right_op is None:
#print("simplify_or_cmppair(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r): right simplification failed" % (left, right, left_inv, right_inv, inv))
return None
(la, lb), (ra, rb) = left.args, right.args
# normalize (A left_op B) or (B right_op A)
if ast_equivalent(la, rb) and ast_equivalent(lb, ra):
ra, rb = rb, ra
right_op = (right_op[0], inv_map[right_op[1]], inv_map[right_op[2]])
elif not (ast_equivalent(la, ra) and ast_equivalent(lb, rb)):
#print("simplify_or_cmppair(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r): two args non-equiv" % (left, right, left_inv, right_inv, inv))
return None
# now we need to simplify the form of [inv xor {(A left_op B) or (A right_op B)}]
#print("%s[%r <%r> %r] OR [%r <%r> %r]" % ("inv " if inv else "", la, left_op, lb, ra, right_op, rb))
(leq, lul, lsl), (req, rul, rsl) = left_op, right_op
new_op = (or_map[leq, req], or_map[lul, rul], or_map[lsl, rsl])
if inv:
new_op = (inv_map[new_op[0]], inv_map[new_op[1]], inv_map[new_op[2]])
if top in new_op:
return claripy.false if inv else claripy.true
elif top == ALL_BOT:
return claripy.true if inv else claripy.false
final_opnam = rev_cmp_info.get(new_op, None)
if final_opnam is not None:
return getattr(claripy, final_opnam)(la, lb)
return None
def simplify_logic(expr):
if not isinstance(expr, claripy.ast.Bool):
return expr
inv = False
while expr.op == 'Not':
expr, = expr.args
inv = not inv
if expr.op == 'And':
alist = list(expr.args)
if len(alist) == 2:
a, b = alist
k = simplify_or_cmppair(a, b, True, True, not inv)
if k is not None:
return k
while True:
for (i, a), (j, b) in itertools.combinations(enumerate(alist), r=2):
k = simplify_or_cmppair(a, b, True, True, True)
if k is not None:
del alist[i], alist[j]
expr = claripy.And(*alist)
elif expr.op == 'Or':
alist = list(expr.args)
if len(alist) == 2:
a, b = alist
k = simplify_or_cmppair(a, b, False, False, inv)
if k is not None:
return k
while True:
for (i, a), (j, b) in itertools.combinations(enumerate(alist), r=2):
k = simplify_or_cmppair(a, b, False, False, False)
if k is not None:
del alist[i], alist[j]
expr = claripy.Or(*alist)
return claripy.Not(expr) if inv else expr
def simplify_if(expr):
if expr.op != 'If':
return expr
cond, iftrue, iffalse = expr.args
mod = True
while mod:
mod = False
if iftrue.op == 'If':
iftrue_cond, iftrue_iftrue, iftrue_iffalse = iftrue.args
if ast_equivalent(iffalse, iftrue_iftrue): # If(x, If(y, A, B), A) => If(x & ~y, B, A)
cond = claripy.And(cond, claripy.Not(iftrue_cond))
iftrue = iftrue_iffalse
mod = True
elif ast_equivalent(iffalse, iftrue_iffalse): # If(x, If(y, A, B), B) => If(x & y, A, B)
cond = claripy.And(cond, iftrue_cond)
iftrue = iftrue_iftrue
mod = True
if iffalse.op == 'If':
iffalse_cond, iffalse_iftrue, iffalse_iffalse = iffalse.args
if ast_equivalent(iftrue, iffalse_iftrue): # If(x, A, If(y, A, B)) => If(x | y, A, B)
cond = claripy.Or(cond, iffalse_cond)
iffalse = iffalse_iffalse
mod = True
elif ast_equivalent(iftrue, iffalse_iftrue): # If(x, A, If(y, B, A)) => If(x | ~y, A, B)
cond = claripy.And(cond, claripy.Not(iffalse_cond))
iffalse = iffalse_iftrue
mod = True
return claripy.If(cond, iftrue, iffalse)
def _simplify(expr):
expr = simplify_logic(expr)
expr = simplify_if(expr)
if expr.op in claripy.operations.leaf_operations:
return expr
a = _simplify(expr.args[0])
bargs = map(_simplify, expr.args[1:])
method = getattr(a, expr.op)
except AttributeError:
return getattr(claripy.ast.all_operations, expr.op)(a, *bargs)
return method(*bargs)
def reverse_deep(expr):
if not isinstance(expr, claripy.ast.Base):
raise TypeError("expr must be an instance of claripy.ast.Base")
if expr.op == 'If':
cond, iftrue, iffalse = expr.args
return claripy.If(cond, reverse_deep(iftrue), reverse_deep(iffalse))
return claripy.Reverse(expr)
def simplify(expr):
if not isinstance(expr, claripy.ast.Base):
return expr
if expr.op == 'Reverse':
assert len(expr.args) == 1
expr = reverse_deep(expr.args[0])
return _simplify(claripy.simplify(expr))
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