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Last active July 5, 2024 16:54
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modified version of valve's for CS2
# import_map script
# modified by iamasink:
# removed .decode() to work with python3
# added try/except for model importer
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import argparse
import time
import ast
from utils import utlc as utl
def StripMDLsFromRefs( filename ):
refs = utl.ReadTextFile( filename )
mdls = []
others = []
utl.SplitMdlFromRefs( mdls, others, refs )
mdlfilename = filename.replace( "_refs.txt", "_mdl_lst.txt" )
utl.EnsureFileWritable( mdlfilename )
writeFile = open( mdlfilename, "w" )
[ writeFile.write( x + "\n" ) for x in mdls ]
refsfilename = filename.replace( "_refs.txt", "_new_refs.txt" )
utl.EnsureFileWritable( refsfilename )
writeFile = open( refsfilename, "w" )
writeFile.write( utl.RefsStringFromList( others ) )
# Function to check meshinfo.txt and force 2UVs as required
# Ensure the vmat has the F_FORCE_UV2 feature added
def ForceUV2ForVMAT( mtlfile ):
vmatfilename = s2contentcsgoimported + "\\" + mtlfile.replace( ".vmt", ".vmat" )
if ( not os.path.exists( vmatfilename ) ):
vmatlist = utl.ReadTextFileNoStrip( vmatfilename )
utl.EnsureFileWritable( vmatfilename )
for line in range( len( vmatlist ) ):
txt = vmatlist[ line ].strip()
txt = txt.lower()
if txt.startswith( "\"shader\"" ):
# line + 1 assumed to be safe since there's always at least one more line after "Shader" "bla.vfx"
txtNext = vmatlist[ line + 1 ].strip()
txtNext = txtNext.replace( "\t", "" )
if ( not txtNext.startswith( "\"F_FORCE_UV2\"" ) ):
vmatlist.insert( line + 1, "\t\"F_FORCE_UV2\" \"1\"\n" )
print( "Added F_FORCE_UV2 to %s" % vmatfilename )
writeFile = open( vmatfilename, "w" )
writeFile.writelines( vmatlist )
def Force2UVsIfRequired( refsName, global2UVMaterials, global2UVMaterialsFile ):
uvsUpdated = set()
meshinfofilename = refsName.replace( "_refs.txt", "_refs/mesh/meshinfo.txt").replace( "/", "\\" )
if ( not os.path.exists( meshinfofilename ) ):
return False
meshinfo = utl.ReadTextFile( meshinfofilename )
meshstring = "".join( meshinfo )
meshinfoparse = ast.literal_eval( meshstring )
b2UV = False
if ( not os.path.exists( refsName ) ):
return False
refs = utl.ReadTextFile( refsName )
refsString = utl.ListStringFromRefs( refs )
refsList = refsString.split( "\n" )
for mtlfile in refsList :
if ( not len( mtlfile ) ):
if ( mtlfile in uvsUpdated ):
# check if ANY materials in refslist is already a member of the global2UVMaterials, if so let's force compile the model and make sure the material still has the flag added
if ( mtlfile in global2UVMaterials ):
b2UV = True
uvsUpdated.add( mtlfile )
# add new material to forceuv2 list
if ( meshinfoparse[ "numuvs" ] == 2 ):
b2UV = True
print ( "Adding F_FORCE_UV2 to mtls imported from %s..." % refsName )
uvsUpdated.add( mtlfile )
if ( mtlfile not in global2UVMaterials ):
global2UVMaterialsFile.write( "%s\n" % mtlfile )
global2UVMaterials.add( mtlfile )
# Ensure the vmat has the F_FORCE_UV2 feature added
ForceUV2ForVMAT( mtlfile )
return b2UV
def ImportAndCompileMapMDLs( filename, s2addon, errorCallback ):
# read list of models to convert
mdlfiles = utl.ReadTextFile( filename )
if ( len( mdlfiles ) < 1 ):
print( "No MDLs to import" )
print( "Importing models" )
print( "--------------------------------")
for x in mdlfiles :
if ( x.startswith("-") == False):
print( "--------------------------------")
force2UVList = []
mdlmtls = set()
extraoptions = ""
for mdlfile in mdlfiles :
if ( mdlfile.startswith( "-" ) ):
if ( ( mdlfile == "-" ) or ( mdlfile == "-nooptions" ) ):
extraoptions = ""
extraoptions = mdlfile
mdlfile = mdlfile.replace( "/", "\\" )
infile = mdlfile
outName = s2contentcsgoimported + "\\" + mdlfile.replace( ".mdl", ".vmdl" )
refsName = s2contentcsgoimported + "\\" + mdlfile.replace( ".mdl", "_refs.txt" )
# Import
importCmd = "cs_mdl_import -nop4 %s -i \"%s\" -o \"%s\" \"%s\"" % ( extraoptions, s1gamecsgo, s2contentcsgoimported, infile )
utl.RunCommand( importCmd, errorCallback )
print(f"Model {mdlfile} failed!!! Skipping...")
# So we only import materials once, lets add their refs to a refsset, and import them after all models
if ( os.path.exists( refsName ) ):
refs = utl.ReadTextFile( refsName )
str = utl.ListStringFromRefs( refs )
mtllist = str.split( "\n" )
for mtlname in mtllist : mdlmtls.add( mtlname )
# collect refsNames so we can add 2UVs as required
force2UVList.append( refsName )
# import mtls used by mdl
mdlmtlrefs = utl.RefsStringFromList( list( mdlmtls ) )
temp_refs = filename.replace( "mdl_lst", "mtl_lst")
utl.EnsureFileWritable( temp_refs )
fw = open( temp_refs, "w" )
fw.write( mdlmtlrefs )
importRefsCmd = "source1import -retail -nop4 -nop4sync -src1gameinfodir \"%s\" -s2addon %s -game csgo -usefilelist \"%s\"" % ( s1gamecsgo, s2addon, temp_refs )
utl.RunCommand( importRefsCmd, errorCallback )
# read in global list of materials where we've forced uv2...
global2UVMaterials = set()
force2UVList = utl.ReadTextFile( "source1import_2uvmateriallist.txt" )
for mtl in force2UVList :
global2UVMaterials.add( mtl )
# Ensure all mtls in this list have the F_FORCE_UV2 feature added
ForceUV2ForVMAT( mtl )
# ...we may append to this file
utl.EnsureFileWritable( "source1import_2uvmateriallist.txt" )
global2UVMaterialFile = open( "source1import_2uvmateriallist.txt", "a" )
# compile materials
# adding explicitly since we appear to miss a number of these if we rely on model compilation above to compile all materials refs too, even if we compile models with -f.
for mtlfile in mdlmtls :
if ( mtlfile.startswith( "-" ) or ( mtlfile == "" ) ):
mtlfile = mtlfile.replace( "/", "\\" )
outName = s2contentcsgoimported + "\\" + mtlfile.replace( ".vmt", ".vmat" )
resCompCmd = "resourcecompiler -retail -nop4 -game csgo \"%s\"" % ( outName )
utl.RunCommand( resCompCmd, errorCallback )
# compile models
for mdlfile in mdlfiles :
bForceCompile = False
if ( mdlfile.startswith( "-" ) ):
mdlfile = mdlfile.replace( "/", "\\" )
outName = s2contentcsgoimported + "\\" + mdlfile.replace( ".mdl", ".vmdl" )
if ( not os.path.exists( outName ) ):
refsName = s2contentcsgoimported + "\\" + mdlfile.replace( ".mdl", "_refs.txt" )
# commenting this out for now, not needed if we're always force compiling
bForceCompile = Force2UVsIfRequired( refsName, global2UVMaterials, global2UVMaterialFile )
# For now just let the map importer script do the compiles
# Compile Model ( should compile materials too ). Possibly add -f here when shader changes have happened.
if ( bForceCompile ):
resCompCmd = "resourcecompiler -retail -nop4 -f -game csgo \"%s\"" % ( outName )
resCompCmd = "resourcecompiler -retail -nop4 -game csgo \"%s\"" % ( outName )
utl.RunCommand( resCompCmd, errorCallback )
# close global 2uv material file
def ImportAndCompileMapRefs( refsFile, s2addon, errorCallback ):
# import map refs
importcmd = "source1import -retail -nop4 -nop4sync -src1gameinfodir \"" + s1gamecsgo + "\" -s2addon " + s2addon + " -game csgo -usefilelist \"" + refsFile + "\""
utl.RunCommand( importcmd, errorCallback )
refs = utl.ReadTextFile( refsFile )
str = utl.ListStringFromRefs( refs )
flatList = str.split( "\n" )
newList = ""
for line in flatList:
if len( line ):
line = line.replace( ".vmt", ".vmat" )
line = line.replace( " ", "_" )
newList += s2contentcsgoimported + "\\" + line.replace( "/", "\\" ) + "\n"
tmpFile = s2contentcsgoimported + "\\maps\\" + mapname + "_prefab_compile_new_refs.txt"
utl.EnsureFileWritable( tmpFile )
writeFile = open( tmpFile, "w" )
writeFile.write( newList )
compilercmd = "resourcecompiler -retail -nop4 -game csgo -f -filelist \"" + tmpFile + "\""
utl.RunCommand( compilercmd, errorCallback )
start = time.time()
# save VALVE_NO_AUTO_P4 environment var, set to 1 to ensure p4 lib works in a mode that is disconnected from p4
# inputs
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='import_map_community', description='Import a map (vmf) and its dependencies from s1 to s2' )
parser.add_argument( 's1gameinfodir', help='path to s1 gameinfo.txt' )
parser.add_argument( 's1contentdir', help='path to s1 content' )
parser.add_argument( 's2gameinfodir', help='path to s2' )
parser.add_argument( 's2addon', help='s2 addon name')
parser.add_argument( 'mapname', help='Name of map to import, relative to maps\\ in the csgo content directory' )
parser.add_argument( '-usebsp', action='store_true', default=False, help='Generate and use bsp on import' )
parser.add_argument( '-usebsp_nomergeinstances', action='store_true', default=False, help='if using bsp, do not merge instances' )
parser.add_argument( '-skipdeps', action='store_true', default=False, help='do not import and compile dependencies (imports .vmf to .vmap only)' )
args = parser.parse_args()
mapname = args.mapname
usebsp = args.usebsp
nomergeinstances = args.usebsp_nomergeinstances
skipdeps = args.skipdeps
# setup paths
s1gamecsgo = args.s1gameinfodir
s1contentcsgo = args.s1contentdir
s2gamecsgo = args.s2gameinfodir
s2addon = args.s2addon
s1gamecsgotxt = s1gamecsgo + "\\" + "gameinfo.txt"
if ( not os.path.exists( s1gamecsgotxt ) ):
utl.Error( "%s not found, aborting" % s1gamecsgotxt )
s2gamecsgogi = s2gamecsgo + "\\" + ""
if ( not os.path.exists( s2gamecsgogi ) ):
utl.Error( "%s not found, aborting" % s2gamecsgogi )
s2gameaddondir = "game\\csgo_addons\\" + s2addon
s2gameaddon = s2gamecsgo.replace( "game\\csgo", s2gameaddondir )
s2contentcsgo = s2gameaddon.replace( "game\csgo_addons", "content\csgo_addons" )
s2contentcsgoimported = s2contentcsgo
errorCallback = None
utl.print_color( "WARNING - this script will potentially overwrite imported content in your addon folders?\nEnter to Continue, Esc to Quit", utl.BACKGROUND_RED + utl.FOREGROUND_WHITE )
bRunImport = True
while True:
if utl.kbd.kbhit():
nKey = utl.kbd.getch()
if nKey == chr( 27 ): # Esc key
bRunImport = False
if nKey == chr( 13 ): # Enter key
bRunImport = True
if ( not bRunImport ):
utl.Error( "...aborting" )
# import vmf to vmap
mapImportCmd = "source1import -retail -nop4 -nop4sync " + "%s" %("-usebsp" if usebsp == True else "") + "%s" %(" -usebsp_nomergeinstances" if nomergeinstances == True else "") + " -src1gameinfodir \"" + s1gamecsgo + "\" -src1contentdir \"" + s1contentcsgo + "\" -s2addon \"" + s2addon + "\" -game csgo maps\\" + mapname + ".vmf"
utl.RunCommand( mapImportCmd, errorCallback )
# replace 'instance' paths with 'prefab'
mapname = mapname.replace( "instances", "prefabs" )
if ( not skipdeps ):
# We strip out models as they go through the new importer last
StripMDLsFromRefs( s2contentcsgoimported + "\\maps\\" + mapname + "_prefab_refs.txt" )
# now import mdls (as modeldoc), and their materials
ImportAndCompileMapMDLs( s2contentcsgoimported + "\\maps\\" + mapname + "_prefab_mdl_lst.txt", s2addon, errorCallback )
# import refs (excluding mdls)
ImportAndCompileMapRefs( s2contentcsgoimported + "\\maps\\" + mapname + "_prefab_new_refs.txt", s2addon, errorCallback )
# quick import vmf again (taking dependencies into account now that materials in particular have been imported/compiled)
utl.RunCommand( mapImportCmd, errorCallback )
# explicit copy of main .vmap to game\csgo\maps if not already there (since it can only be compiled from there)
infile = s2contentcsgo + "\\maps\\" + mapname + ".vmap"
if ( not os.path.exists( infile ) ):
utl.RunCommand( "xcopy " + s2contentcsgoimported + "\\maps\\" + mapname + ".vmap " + s2contentcsgo + "\\maps\\" + "*" )
# restore VALVE_NO_AUTO_P4 environment var
end = time.time()
elapsedTime = end - start
utl.print_I( " " + s1gamecsgo + " " + s1contentcsgo + " " + s2gamecsgo + " " + mapname + " " + "%s" %(" -usebsp" if usebsp == True else "") + "%s" %(" -usebsp_nomergeinstances" if nomergeinstances == True else "")+ "%s" %(" -skipdeps" if skipdeps == True else "") )
utl.print_I( "Elapsed time: " + utl.GetElapsedTime( elapsedTime ) )
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