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Forked from Redsandro/gist:5473335
Created March 14, 2014 13:42
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* Collapsible JSON Formatter - Formatter and colorer of raw JSON code
* jQuery Json Formatter plugin v0.1.3
* Usage
* -----
* $('#target').jsonFormat('#source'); // or
* $('#target').jsonFormat('#source', {options override defaults}); // see jf.config
* #target {
* font-family: monospace;
* white-space: pre; // or pre-wrap // All fails without this one!
* }
* License
* -------
* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Vladimir Bodurov
* Copyright (c) 2012 Redsandro - Made jQuery plugin
* The MIT License (MIT)
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
jQuery.fn.jsonFormat = function(src, params) {
var jf = {
config : {
TAB : ' ',
depth: false,
ImgCollapsed : "img/Collapsed.gif",
ImgExpanded : "img/Expanded.gif",
QuoteKeys : true,
IsCollapsible : true,
_dateObj : new Date(),
_regexpObj : new RegExp()
* Process - starts processing the JSON
* @param json - input JSON string
* @returns {String} html formatted JSON
Process : function(json) {
var html = "";
try {
if (json == "")
json = "\"\"";
var obj = eval("[" + json + "]");
html = jf.ProcessObject(obj[0], 0, false, false, false);
return html;
} catch (e) {
return "JSON invalid.\n" + e.message;
ProcessObject : function(obj, indent, addComma, isArray, isPropertyContent) {
var html = "";
var comma = (addComma) ? "<span class='Comma'>,</span> " : "";
var type = typeof obj;
var clpsHtml = "";
if (jf.IsArray(obj)) {
if (obj.length == 0) {
html += jf.GetRow(indent, "<span class='ArrayBrace'>[ ]</span>"
+ comma, isPropertyContent);
} else {
clpsHtml = jf.config.IsCollapsible ? "<span><img src=\""
+ jf.config.ImgExpanded
+ "\" onClick=\"jQuery().jsonFormat(this)\" /></span><span class='collapsible'>"
: "";
html += jf.GetRow(indent, "<span class='ArrayBrace'>[</span>"
+ clpsHtml, isPropertyContent);
for ( var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
html += jf.ProcessObject(obj[i], indent + 1, i < (obj.length - 1),
true, false);
clpsHtml = jf.config.IsCollapsible ? "</span>" : "";
html += jf.GetRow(indent, clpsHtml
+ "<span class='ArrayBrace'>]</span>" + comma);
} else if (type == 'object') {
if (obj == null) {
html += jf.FormatLiteral("null", "", comma, indent, isArray, "Null");
} else if (obj.constructor == jf.config._dateObj.constructor) {
html += jf.FormatLiteral("new Date(" + obj.getTime() + ") /*"
+ obj.toLocaleString() + "*/", "", comma, indent, isArray,
} else if (obj.constructor == jf.config._regexpObj.constructor) {
html += jf.FormatLiteral("new RegExp(" + obj + ")", "", comma, indent,
isArray, "RegExp");
} else {
var numProps = 0;
for ( var prop in obj)
if (numProps == 0) {
html += jf.GetRow(indent, "<span class='ObjectBrace'>{ }</span>"
+ comma, isPropertyContent);
} else {
clpsHtml = jf.config.IsCollapsible ? "<span><img src=\""
+ jf.config.ImgExpanded
+ "\" onClick=\"jQuery().jsonFormat(this)\" /></span><span class='collapsible'>"
: "";
html += jf.GetRow(indent, "<span class='ObjectBrace'>{</span>"
+ clpsHtml, isPropertyContent);
var j = 0;
for ( var prop in obj) {
var quote = jf.config.QuoteKeys ? "\"" : "";
html += jf.GetRow(indent + 1, "<span class='PropertyName'>"
+ quote
+ prop
+ quote
+ "</span>: "
+ jf.ProcessObject(obj[prop], indent + 1,
++j < numProps, false, true));
clpsHtml = jf.config.IsCollapsible ? "</span>" : "";
html += jf.GetRow(indent, clpsHtml
+ "<span class='ObjectBrace'>}</span>" + comma);
} else if (type == 'number') {
html += jf.FormatLiteral(obj, "", comma, indent, isArray, "Number");
} else if (type == 'boolean') {
html += jf.FormatLiteral(obj, "", comma, indent, isArray, "Boolean");
} else if (type == 'function') {
if (obj.constructor == jf.config._regexpObj.constructor) {
html += jf.FormatLiteral("new RegExp(" + obj + ")", "", comma, indent,
isArray, "RegExp");
} else {
obj = jf.FormatFunction(indent, obj);
html += jf.FormatLiteral(obj, "", comma, indent, isArray, "Function");
} else if (type == 'undefined') {
html += jf.FormatLiteral("undefined", "", comma, indent, isArray, "Null");
} else {
html += jf.FormatLiteral(obj.toString().split("\\").join("\\\\")
.split('"').join('\\"'), "\"", comma, indent, isArray, "String");
return html;
IsArray : function(obj) {
return obj && typeof obj === 'object' && typeof obj.length === 'number'
&& !(obj.propertyIsEnumerable('length'));
FormatLiteral : function(literal, quote, comma, indent, isArray, style) {
if (typeof literal == 'string')
literal = literal.split("<").join("&lt;").split(">").join("&gt;");
var str = "<span class='" + style + "'>" + quote + literal + quote + comma
+ "</span>";
if (isArray)
str = jf.GetRow(indent, str);
return str;
FormatFunction : function (indent, obj) {
var tabs = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < indent; i++)
tabs += jf.config.TAB;
var funcStrArray = obj.toString().split("\n");
var str = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < funcStrArray.length; i++) {
str += ((i == 0) ? "" : tabs) + funcStrArray[i] + "\n";
return str;
GetRow : function (indent, data, isPropertyContent) {
var tabs = "";
for ( var i = 0; i < indent && !isPropertyContent; i++)
tabs += jf.config.TAB;
if (data != null && data.length > 0 && data.charAt(data.length - 1) != "\n")
data = data + "\n";
return tabs + data;
ExpImgClicked : function (img) {
var container = img.parentNode.nextSibling;
if (!container)
var disp = "none";
var src = jf.config.ImgCollapsed;
if ( == "none") {
disp = "inline";
src = jf.config.ImgExpanded;
} = disp;
img.src = src;
// Expand clicked?
if (src.parentNode &&
src.parentNode.nextSibling &&
src.parentNode.nextSibling.classList &&
// Optional settings to override jf.config
jQuery.extend(jf.config, params);
// each, in case for some freak reason multiple target elements are selected
this.each(function() {
src = jQuery(src);
src = (src.val()) ? src.val() : src.text();
// Daisychaining hippy love
return this;
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