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Last active October 30, 2023 06:09
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Youtube Shorts Player in Flutter
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';
import 'package:webview_player/shorts_player.dart';
void main() {
class ShortsPlayerController implements IShortsPlayerController {
RxBool isLoading = true.obs;
RxString videoId = ''.obs;
RxString videoTitle = ''.obs;
RxDouble currentTime = 0.0.obs;
RxDouble duration = 0.0.obs;
int videoIndex = 0;
final List<String> videos = [
ShortsPlayerController() {
videoId.value = videos[videoIndex];
void onVideoStarted() {
print('Video Started');
onVideoFinished() {
print('Video finished');
videoIndex = (videoIndex + 1) % videos.length;
videoId.value = videos[videoIndex];
class App extends StatelessWidget {
IShortsPlayerController controller = ShortsPlayerController();
App({super.key}) {
controller.currentTime.listen((currentTime) {
print('plyaing ${currentTime}');
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return CupertinoApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
title: 'Cupertino App',
home: Container(
color: CupertinoColors.systemBackground,
child: Obx(() => ShortsPlayer(
controller: controller,
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';
import 'package:webview_flutter/webview_flutter.dart';
import 'package:webview_flutter_wkwebview/webview_flutter_wkwebview.dart';
abstract class IShortsPlayerController {
late RxString videoId;
late RxBool isLoading;
late RxString videoTitle;
late RxDouble currentTime;
late RxDouble duration;
void onVideoStarted();
void onVideoFinished();
class ShortsPlayer extends StatelessWidget {
final String _preScript = """
reportNativeMessage = (message) => {
playVideo = () => {
const _shortVideo = document.querySelector(".html5-main-video");
if (_shortVideo);
pauseVideo = () => {
const _shortVideo = document.querySelector(".html5-main-video");
if (_shortVideo) _shortVideo.pauseVideo();
(selector) => (document.querySelector(selector).style.display = "none")
(() => {
const _shortVideo = document.querySelector(".html5-main-video");
if (!_shortVideo) {
status: "ERROR",
message: "No video found",
currentTime: 0,
duration: 0,
_shortVideo.loop = false;
_shortVideo.muted = false;
status: "PLAY",
title: _shortVideo.title,
currentTime: _shortVideo.currentTime,
duration: _shortVideo.duration,
const _reportInterval = setInterval(() => {
status: "PLAYING",
currentTime: _shortVideo.currentTime,
duration: _shortVideo.duration,
}, 100);
_shortVideo.onpause = () => {
if (_reportInterval) clearInterval(_reportInterval);
status: "STOP",
currentTime: _shortVideo.currentTime,
duration: _shortVideo.duration,
late WebViewController _controller;
IShortsPlayerController controller;
PlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams _createPlatformParams() {
if (WebViewPlatform.instance is WebKitWebViewPlatform) {
return WebKitWebViewControllerCreationParams(
allowsInlineMediaPlayback: true,
mediaTypesRequiringUserAction: const <PlaybackMediaTypes>{},
} else {
return const PlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams();
ShortsPlayer({required this.controller, super.key}) {
final PlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams params =
_controller = WebViewController.fromPlatformCreationParams(params)
..setBackgroundColor(const Color(0x00000000))
onMessageReceived: (JavaScriptMessage message) {
var data = jsonDecode(message.message);
controller.currentTime.value = data['currentTime'];
controller.duration.value = data['duration'];
if (data['status'] == 'PLAY') {
controller.videoTitle.value = data['title'];
} else if (data['status'] == 'STOP') {
controller.isLoading.value = true;
onProgress: (int progress) {
// Update loading bar.
onPageStarted: (String url) {
controller.isLoading.value = true;
onPageFinished: (String url) {
Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 300)).then((value) {
controller.isLoading.value = false;
onWebResourceError: (WebResourceError error) {},
onNavigationRequest: (NavigationRequest request) {
return NavigationDecision.navigate;
if (controller.videoId.value.isNotEmpty) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Obx(() => Stack(
children: [
WebViewWidget(controller: _controller),
cover: controller.isLoading.value,
class _Cover extends StatelessWidget {
bool cover;
_Cover({this.cover = true});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return cover
? Container(
child: const Center(
child: CupertinoActivityIndicator(
radius: 16,
color: Colors.white,
: IgnorePointer(
ignoring: false,
child: Container(
color: Colors.transparent,
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