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Created December 5, 2022 08:56
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import Foundation
private func filename(_ path: String) -> String {
guard let filename = path.split(separator: "/").last else { return path }
return String(filename.prefix(upTo: filename.index(filename.endIndex, offsetBy: -6)))
private func functionName(_ function: String) -> String {
guard let functionName = function.split(separator: "(").first else { return function }
return String(functionName)
private var lastTimeInMilli = timeInMilli()
private func timeInMilli() -> UInt64 {
UInt64(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000.0)
func TLog<T>(_ message: T, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line) {
let last = lastTimeInMilli
let now = timeInMilli()
let gap = now - last
print("⏱ [\(filename(file))]\(functionName(function))(\(line))(\(now)-\(gap): \(message)")
lastTimeInMilli = now
func VLog<T>(_ message: T, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line) {
print("📢 [\(filename(file))]\(functionName(function))(\(line)): \(message)")
func DLog<T>(_ message: T, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line) {
print("🐞 [\(filename(file))]\(functionName(function))(\(line)): \(message)")
func DLog<T>(with m: () -> T, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line) {
print("🐞 [\(filename(file))]\(functionName(function))(\(line)): \(m())")
func SLog<T>(_ message: T, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line) {
print("📣 [\(filename(file))]\(functionName(function))(\(line)): \(message)")
func WLog<T>(_ message: T, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line) {
print("⚠️ [\(filename(file))]\(functionName(function))(\(line)): \(message)")
func ELog(error: Error, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line) {
print("🚫 [\(filename(file))]\(functionName(function))(\(line)): \(error.localizedDescription)")
func ELog<T>(_ message: T, file: String = #file, function: String = #function, line: Int = #line) {
print("🚫 [\(filename(file))]\(functionName(function))(\(line)): \(message)")
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