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Last active February 12, 2023 05:40
Add public metrics
const BearerTokenKey = 'twitterBearerToken';
function onOpen() {
.addItem('Set Bearer token', 'helpers.requestBearerToken')
.addItem('Sign out', 'helpers.logout')
const helpers = {};
helpers.bearerToken = () => PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty(BearerTokenKey);
helpers.checkBearerToken = () => {
if (!helpers.bearerToken()) {
throw new Error('You need to set a Bearer token before using this function. Select "Set Bearer Token" from the Twitter menu to set it.');
helpers.lookupUser = (tweet) => {
const authorId =;
let author = {};
for (const user of tweet.includes.users) {
if ( === authorId) {
author = user;
return user;
return {};
helpers.logout = () => PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().deleteAllProperties();
helpers.tweetIdFromURL = (url) => {
const tweetRegex = url.match(/status\/(\d{1,19})/);
if (!tweetRegex) {
throw new Error('Invalid URL');
return tweetRegex[1];
helpers.requestBearerToken = () => {
// Build the input prompt
const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
const result = ui.prompt(
'Bearer token',
'A Bearer token is the access token to make requests to the Twitter API.\nYou can find the Bearer token in your Twitter Developer Portal under Keys and Tokens.\n\nPaste the Bearer token here:',
// Proceed if the user clicked OK
if (result.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK) {
const bearerToken = result.getResponseText().trim();
// Do nothing if the user clicked OK without specifying a value
// (we can always ask for a token later)
if (bearerToken.length > 0) {
const properties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
properties.setProperty(BearerTokenKey, bearerToken);
helpers.tweet = (tweetId) => {
const lookupURL = `${tweetId}?expansions=author_id&user.fields=description&tweet.fields=public_metrics`;
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(
lookupURL, {
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${helpers.bearerToken()}`
const tweet = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
if (tweet.errors && ! {
throw new Error(JSON.stringify(tweet.errors));
return tweet;
function TWEET(url) {
const tweetId = helpers.tweetIdFromURL(url);
const tweet = helpers.tweet(tweetId);
function TWEET_AUTHOR(tweetURL) {
const tweetId = helpers.tweetIdFromURL(tweetURL);
const tweet = helpers.tweet(tweetId);
const user = helpers.lookupUser(tweet);
return user.username || '';
function BIO_OF_TWEET_AUTHOR(tweetURL) {
const tweetId = helpers.tweetIdFromURL(tweetURL);
const tweet = helpers.tweet(tweetId);
const user = helpers.lookupUser(tweet);
return user.description || '';
function LIKES_OF_TWEET(tweetURL) {
const tweetId = helpers.tweetIdFromURL(tweetURL);
const tweet = helpers.tweet(tweetId);
return || '';
function REPLIES_OF_TWEET(tweetURL) {
const tweetId = helpers.tweetIdFromURL(tweetURL);
const tweet = helpers.tweet(tweetId);
return || '';
function RETWEETS_OF_TWEET(tweetURL) {
const tweetId = helpers.tweetIdFromURL(tweetURL);
const tweet = helpers.tweet(tweetId);
return || '';
function QUOTES_OF_TWEET(tweetURL) {
const tweetId = helpers.tweetIdFromURL(tweetURL);
const tweet = helpers.tweet(tweetId);
return || '';
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jimorell commented Jun 6, 2022

@iamdaniele Thank you. The gist kind of does 😂 It's my take on it so it's not entirely functional! I will head over to the forums and thank you so much for your help and the inspiration.

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Hi @iamdaniele me again here. Does it possible now to retrieve video_url for v2 twitter api?

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itannu commented Feb 12, 2023

Is it possible to retrieve the view count of tweet that is showing now below each tweet?

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