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Created September 29, 2011 15:36
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Bookmarklet: Autoslug Badge and Level Keys based on the Name in Demand Media's Pluck v1.0 CMW
* Autoslug's because we'd all rather be lazy.
* The CMW uses Prototype. I like jQuery.
/* @Source */
var g=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
(function init() {
if( !jQuery ) { return setTimeout(function () { init(); }, 10); }
jQuery( document ).delegate( 'input[name*="Name"]', 'keyup', function( e ) {
var self = jQuery(this)
, val = self.val()
, autoTuned = autoTune( val )
, base = (self.attr('name').indexOf('plckBadgeLevelName_')!==-1 ) ? 'plckBadgeLevelName_' : 'plckBadge'
, key = self.attr('name').split( base )[1]
, relatedElem;
if( isNaN( key ) ) {
relatedElem = jQuery( 'input[name=' + (base+'FamilyId') + ']' )
} else {
relatedElem = jQuery( 'input[name=' + ('plckBadgeLevelKey_'+key) + ']' )
function autoTune( txt ) {
txt = txt.replace( / /g, '-' ).replace( /.,[\][&!?*:;\/\\'"]/g, '' );
return txt.toLowerCase();
relatedElem.val( autoTune( val ) );
/* @Bookmarklet */
javascript:(function(d,t){var g=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];g.src='';s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);(function init(){if(!jQuery){return setTimeout(function(){init();},10);}jQuery.noConflict();jQuery(document).delegate('input[name*="Name"]','keyup',function(e){var self=jQuery(this),val=self.val(),autoTuned=autoTune(val),base=(self.attr('name').indexOf('plckBadgeLevelName_')!==-1)?'plckBadgeLevelName_':'plckBadge',key=self.attr('name').split(base)[1],relatedElem;if(isNaN(key)){relatedElem=jQuery('input[name='+(base+'FamilyId')+']')}else{relatedElem=jQuery('input[name='+('plckBadgeLevelKey_'+key)+']')}function autoTune(txt){txt=txt.replace(/ /g,'-').replace(/[\][&!?*:;\/\\'"]/g,'');return txt.toLowerCase();};relatedElem.val(autoTune(val));});})();})(document,'script');
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