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Last active August 31, 2016 19:59
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#!/usr/bin/env node
* This script will generate a JavaScript program to interact with the IBM
* Watson API. Try it out yourself!
* ```
* $ git clone watson
* $ cd watson
* $ chmod +x
* $ ./ > output.js
* ```
'use strict';
const Https = require('https');
const j = require('jscodeshift');
Https.request({hostname: '', path: '/listings/text-to-speech-v1.json'},
res => {
let body = '';
res.on('data', (chunk) => body += chunk);
res.on('end', () => performMagic(JSON.parse(body)));
* Quick and dirty Object.entries polyfill
const entries = (obj) => {
const result = [];
for (const key in obj) {
result.push([key, obj[key]]);
return result;
* This is where the aptly named magic begins. This loops through each path in
* the Swagger definition and generates our new program from it and outputs it
* to stdout.
const performMagic = (json) => {
const e = entries(json.paths);
const code = e
.filter((_, i) => i === e.length - 1)
.map(([path, methods]) => {
const code = [];
for (const method in methods) {
code.push(toFn(path, method, methods[method]));
return code;
.reduce((result, current) => result.concat(current), []);
const program = j.program(code);
program.comments = [j.commentBlock('* @flow ')];
const capitalize = str => str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1).toLowerCase();
* A simplistic transform of method + path to generate the function name.
* @example:
* genFnName('get', '/v1/synthesize') => 'getV1Synthesize';
* genFnName('delete', '/v1/synthesize') => 'deleteV1Synthesize';
const genFnName = (method, path) =>
path.split(/\/|_/g).filter(Boolean).reduce((str, part) =>
str + capitalize(part),
.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, (match, word) => capitalize(word))
* Generate the type annotation reference for the arguments
const genTypeAnnotation = (param) => {
if (param.type === 'string') {
if (param.enum) {
return j.unionTypeAnnotation( => j.stringLiteralTypeAnnotation(e, e)));
return j.stringTypeAnnotation();
if (param.schema && param.schema.$ref) {
return j.genericTypeAnnotation(j.identifier(param.schema.$ref.replace('#/definitions/', '')), null);
// TODO: an exercise to the reader to handle all the types you may have
return j.anyTypeAnnotation();
* Generate the function arguments
const genArgs = (params) => !params ? [] : => Object.assign(
j.identifier( + ':'), // hack around recast printer
{typeAnnotation: genTypeAnnotation(param)}
* Format description assuming single indentation and comment block like what
* you see in this file. This does not respect word boundaries.
const formatDescription = (str) =>
str.match(/.{1,76}/g).reduce((str, part) => str + '\n * ' + part, '*') + '\n *'
* Generate a JS AST from a Swagger entry.
const toFn = (path, method, obj) => {
return Object.assign(
j.exportDeclaration(false, j.functionDeclaration(
j.identifier(genFnName(method, path)),
{comments: [j.commentBlock(formatDescription(obj.description))]}
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