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Created May 11, 2016 18:31
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copies lines to clipboard at end
#!/usr/bin/env python3
##let's generate some fucking confetti
import random
from math import ceil, floor
## genconfetti()
## args:
# line template
# - needs to be formatted with start time, end time, color, x position, y position, frz, and drawing coordinates in that order with these keys
# times
# - array of times
# colors
# - array of colors
# shapes
# - array of shapes to use
# speedmin, speedmax
# - range for how many 2-frame steps a piece of confetti can take to fall across screen
# count
# - how many to generate
# resx, resy
# - screen width and height
# frz
# - if True, use random frz for each confetti piece
# fps
# - how many frames in a step of confetti animation
def genconfetti(line_template, times, colors, shapes, speedmin, speedmax, count, resx=1280, resy=720, frz=False, fps=2):
rotation = ""
framecount = len(times)-1
s = ""
for n in range(count):
color = random.choice(colors)
speed = random.randrange(speedmin,speedmax+1)
# speed at which it drifts left or right
driftspeed = random.randrange(-1*floor(speedmax/2), ceil(speedmax/2))
x = random.randrange(0, resx+1)
y = speed
framesneeded = ceil((resy/speed) * fps)
#f is starting frame number
#evenly distributed start time
#f = random.randrange(framecount - framesneeded)
#I want random samples from range [0, framecount-framesneeded) to be normally distributed
#maybe this is right? need to play with sigma more, maybe need to skew it
f = ceil(random.normalvariate((framecount - framesneeded)/2, (framecount - framesneeded)/2.5))
if f < 0:
f = 0
elif f > (framecount - framesneeded):
f = (framecount - framesneeded)
while (y <= resy and f+fps <= framecount):
if frz:
rotation = random.randrange(360)
s = s + "\n" + line_template.format(s=times[f], e=times[f+fps], c=color, x=x, y=y, frz=rotation, drawing=random.choice(shapes))
x = x + driftspeed + random.randrange(-5, 5)
y = y + speed
#advance in frames
f = f+fps
return s
# stick string arg into clipboard
def toclipboard(s):
from tkinter import Tk
r = Tk()
if __name__ == '__main__':
line_template = """Dialogue: 9,{s},{e},confetti,,0,0,0,confetti,{{\c&H{c}&\\blur1\p1\pos({x},{y})\\frz{frz}}}{drawing}"""
#if we weren't using frz, leave "\frz" part out:
#line_template = """Dialogue: 0,{s},{e},confetti,,0,0,0,confetti,{{\c&H{c}&\blur1\p1\pos({x},{y}){frz}}}{drawing}"""
times = [ """0:04:10.48""", """0:04:10.52""", """0:04:10.56""", """0:04:10.60""", """0:04:10.64""", """0:04:10.68""", """0:04:10.73""", """0:04:10.77""", """0:04:10.81""", """0:04:10.85""", """0:04:10.89""", """0:04:10.93""", """0:04:10.98""", """0:04:11.02""", """0:04:11.06""", """0:04:11.10""", """0:04:11.14""", """0:04:11.18""", """0:04:11.23""", """0:04:11.27""", """0:04:11.31""", """0:04:11.35""", """0:04:11.39""", """0:04:11.43""", """0:04:11.48""", """0:04:11.52""", """0:04:11.56""", """0:04:11.60""", """0:04:11.64""", """0:04:11.68""", """0:04:11.73""", """0:04:11.77""", """0:04:11.81""", """0:04:11.85""", """0:04:11.89""", """0:04:11.93""", """0:04:11.98""", """0:04:12.02""", """0:04:12.06""", """0:04:12.10""", """0:04:12.14""", """0:04:12.19""", """0:04:12.23""", """0:04:12.27""", """0:04:12.31""", """0:04:12.35""", """0:04:12.39""", """0:04:12.44""", """0:04:12.48""", """0:04:12.52""", """0:04:12.56""", """0:04:12.60""", """0:04:12.64""", """0:04:12.69""", """0:04:12.73""", """0:04:12.77""", """0:04:12.81""", """0:04:12.85""", """0:04:12.89""", """0:04:12.94""", """0:04:12.98""", """0:04:13.02""", """0:04:13.06""", """0:04:13.10""", """0:04:13.14""", """0:04:13.19""", """0:04:13.23""", """0:04:13.27""", """0:04:13.31""", """0:04:13.35""", """0:04:13.39""", """0:04:13.44""" ]
colors = [ """HAEFFE4""", """HFEAEEE""", """HFDB0AE""" ]
shapes = [ """m -21 4 l 9 -27 l 29 -6 b 19 0 14 9 9 19""", """m -9 21 b 2 28 8 30 12 35 b 7 11 9 -8 8 -25 b -3 -21 -11 -22 -12 -24""", """m -5 -19 b 6 -12 11 -5 16 4 b 11 9 8 15 5 25 b 0 16 -1 7 -14 8""", """m -14 23 b -9 24 -5 24 0 25 b 10 11 12 -1 13 -17 b 7 -18 0 -20 -7 -22 b -5 -8 -8 9 -14 23""", """m -14 19 b -15 2 -14 -16 -17 -22 b -9 -23 6 -25 16 -22 b 19 -6 19 6 11 20""", """m -16 23 b 2 28 8 30 22 27 b 11 11 9 -8 9 -25 b -3 -21 -11 -22 -21 -21""", """m -17 -14 b -17 -14 -17 -14 -17 -14 b -2 -9 11 -16 27 -12 b 21 0 21 13 20 26 b 9 16 -7 23 -22 16""", """m -9 29 b 2 28 5 26 9 20 b 7 11 2 -8 5 -23 b -2 -22 -9 -25 -12 -24""", """m -23 -6 b -10 -2 11 -3 25 -6 b 24 -3 26 6 26 13 b 6 16 -7 7 -31 14""", """m -25 -1 b -14 -5 11 -3 30 0 b 26 1 26 6 20 13 b 7 10 -7 7 -21 12""" ]
speedmin = 25 #todo: find lower-bound from how many frames there are and how much ground needs to be covered
speedmax = 80
count = 80
s = genconfetti(line_template, times, colors, shapes, speedmin, speedmax, count, frz=True)
print("{} lines copied to clipboard".format(len(s.splitlines())))
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iamevn commented May 11, 2016

I'd have rather written this in lua as an aegisub script, but I don't have an interpreter installed on this computer and am really lazy

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