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Created November 6, 2023 18:12
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import json
import re
import csv
# Execute the initial command to get image list
initial_cmd = "sudo anchorectl image list -o json"
output = subprocess.check_output(initial_cmd, shell=True)
images = json.loads(output)
# Extract and sort unique image tags
unique_tags = sorted(
for image in images
for image_detail in image['imageDetail']
if image_detail['fulltag'] is not None
# Placeholder for aggregated results
aggregated_results = []
# Iterate over unique tags to fetch detailed info and process
for tag in unique_tags:
check_cmd = f"sudo anchorectl image check {tag} --detail -o json"
check_output = subprocess.check_output(check_cmd, shell=True)
checks = json.loads(check_output)
for check in checks:
for detail in check.get("detail", []):
# Extract severity from description using regex
severity_match ='\b(HIGH|MEDIUM|LOW|CRITICAL|UNKNOWN|NEGLIGIBLE)\b', detail["description"], re.IGNORECASE)
severity = if severity_match else "N/A"
# Check for "fixed in:" in the description
fix_available = "yes" if "fixed in:" in detail["description"].lower() else "no"
# Split triggerId into VulnerabilityID and Package
vulnerability_id, package = detail["triggerId"].split("+", 1) if "+" in detail["triggerId"] else ("N/A", "N/A")
"tag": detail["tag"],
"gate": detail["gate"],
"triggerName": detail["triggerName"],
"VulnerabilityID": vulnerability_id,
"Package": package,
"description": detail["description"],
"recommendation": detail["recommendation"],
"severity": severity,
"fixAvailable": fix_available
# Save the results to a JSON file in the current directory
json_filename = "aggregated_output.json"
with open(json_filename, "w") as f:
json.dump(aggregated_results, f, indent=4)
print(f"Results saved to {json_filename}")
# Save the results to a CSV file in the current directory
csv_filename = "aggregated_output.csv"
with open(csv_filename, mode='w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=aggregated_results[0].keys())
for result in aggregated_results:
print(f"Results saved to {csv_filename}")
# Save the results to a TSV file in the current directory
tsv_filename = "aggregated_output.tsv"
with open(tsv_filename, mode='w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=aggregated_results[0].keys(), delimiter='\t')
for result in aggregated_results:
print(f"Results saved to {tsv_filename}")
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