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Created June 16, 2018 01:53
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IT214 sample brute force optimal thing finder
;; vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et sm lisp :
(declaim (optimize (debug 3)
(speed 3)
(compilation-speed 0)
(safety 3)
(space 0)))
(defun range0x (n)
(do ((i (1- n) (1- i))
(acc (list) (cons i acc)))
((< i 0) acc)))
(defun range1i (n)
(do ((i n (1- i))
(acc (list) (cons i acc)))
((< i 1) acc)))
(defvar *width-specific-environ*
(list '($maxwidth 9 17)
'($loswitchcost 3 4)
(defun environ-for-width (node is16)
(etypecase node
(lambda (n)
(environ-for-width n is16))
(let* ((tuple (assoc node *width-specific-environ*)))
(if tuple
(if is16 (third tuple) (second tuple))
(t node)))
(defmacro defun-per-width (name args &body body)
(let* ((name-8 (intern
(format nil "~a-8"
(symbol-name name))))
(name-16 (intern
(format nil "~a-16"
(symbol-name name)))))
(push '(,name ,name-8 ,name-16)
(defun ,name-8 ,(environ-for-width args nil)
,@(environ-for-width body nil))
(defun ,name-16 ,(environ-for-width args t)
,@(environ-for-width body t))
(defun-per-width cost-to-next (old new)
(declare (type (integer 1 $maxwidth) old new))
(cond ((= old new) new)
((<= old 6) (+ old new $loswitchcost))
(t (+ old new))))
(defun-per-width width-list-cost (widths &optional (from $maxwidth))
(declare (type fixnum from))
(let* ((acc 0)
(old from))
(declare (type fixnum acc old))
(dolist (new widths)
(declare (type fixnum new))
(incf acc (cost-to-next old new))
(setf old new))
(defun-per-width find-best-widths (widths &optional (from $maxwidth))
(let* ((best-output widths)
(best-score (width-list-cost widths from))
(new-output (copy-list widths))
(new-score 0)
(done-flag nil))
(declare (type fixnum best-score new-score))
(labels ((advance-to-next-width (src cmp)
((null src)
;; TODO: actually learn how to use throw/catch properly
(setf done-flag t)
((>= (car src) (min $maxwidth 10))
(cons (car cmp)
(cdr src)
(cdr cmp))))
(t (cons (1+ (car src))
(cdr src))))))
(block main-loop
(do () (nil)
;; Attempt to bump the widths in order
(setf new-output
new-output widths))
(when done-flag
(return-from main-loop nil))
(setf new-score
(width-list-cost new-output from))
(when (<= new-score best-score)
(print `(,new-score ,new-output))
(setf best-score new-score)
(setf best-output (copy-list new-output))))))
`(,best-score ,best-output)))
(defun print-transfer-table (size func)
(format t "~3a |" "")
(dolist (x (range1i size))
(format t "~3d" x))
(format t "~%")
(format t "----+")
(dolist (x (range1i size))
(format t "---"))
(format t "~%")
(dolist (y (range1i size))
(format t "~3d |" y)
(dolist (x (range1i size))
(format t "~3d" (funcall func y x)))
(format t "~%"))
(print-transfer-table 9 #'cost-to-next-8)
(print-transfer-table 17 #'cost-to-next-16)
(let* ((base-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
(print (find-best-widths-8 base-list))
(print (find-best-widths-16 base-list))
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