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Created July 12, 2014 00:10
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NASM port of the Reality ADlib Tracker PLAYER.ASM playroutine + added standalone player
; 2014-07-12: Ported to NASM by @fanzyflani. Also contains a player!
; Stick a filename in here if you insist (or %define it elsewhere)
; (50Hz and 18.2Hz modules are detected and the IRQ0 timer adjusted accordingly)
; Or %define RAD_NO_DEFAULT_PLAYER in your code.
; I make no copyright claims on any of my modifications to this code.
; (Also, the minimum CPU requirement is 80186, not 80286.)
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; Play-routine Code version 1.1a
; by SHAYDE/REALITY Feb, Apr 95
; - * -
; Feel free to use/hack this code about as much as you like. In the good old
; dayz of Amiga, ALL tracker writers gave away player source-code so that the
; coder could do what he/she wanted with it. On PC every tracker writer thinks
; their player code should be protected and they either don't release a player
; or they release it in .OBJ format which means if you need to make changes to
; the code to fit in with your demo/intro you're fucked!!! So message to all
; tracker writers out there:
; source-code form to reduce head-aches!
; - * -
; This source-code doesn't contain any segment directives so it is only
; INCLUDEable in other source-code. Also it requires a minimum of a 286
; to run. I avoided using ASSUMEs so that the code that INCLUDEs this code
; doesn't lose it's ASSUMEs, hence variables are accessed via CS:. You can
; save a few bytes by dropping them (which you'll need to do if you want to
; use this player in protected-mode), although I use DS: to reference the
; tune segment.
; - * -
; Hey, 'scuse the ugliness of the listing. I'm a coder, not an artist!
; - * -
; To initialise the player, call "InitPlayer".
; To stop play, call "EndPlayer".
; To play music, call "PlayMusic" 50 times a second (18.2/sec for a
; "slow-timer" tune).
; - * -
; BUG FIXES (Arrrrrghhhh!!! :-)
; V1.1a Apr95:
; Fuck! Sorry dudez! Real stupid bug. You see, RAD itself plays the
; note and then does the effect straight away. But this 'ere source
; code played the note then did the effect one beat later. I didn't
; notice it in testing cos it's marginal, but it fucks up the slides
; slightly and with real complex slides (like in some of Void's latest
; AWESOME tunez) it can stick out like elephant's balls! I've now moved
; the call to UpdateNotes to the end of the routine so it's executed
; EVERY beat instead of every beat except note beats (make sense? No?
; GOOD! :-)
; Tracker commands
%define cmPortamentoUp 1 ; Portamento up
%define cmPortamentoDwn 2 ; Portamento down
%define cmToneSlide 3 ; Tone Slide: xx is speed of slide
%define cmToneVolSlide 5 ; Tone slide of 00 + Vol. Slide
%define cmVolSlide 10 ; Volume Slide: <50 down, >50 up
%define cmSetVol 12 ; set volume
%define cmJumpToLine 13 ; Jump to line in next track
%define cmSetSpeed 15 ; set speed
%define FreqStart 156h ; low end of frequency in each octave
%define FreqEnd 2aeh ; high end of frequency in each octave
%define FreqRange FreqEnd-FreqStart
bits 16
; Test code
org 0x0100
cpu 186
; Get segment
mov ax, test_module
shr ax, 4
mov bx, ds
add ax, bx
mov es, ax
; Detect speed
xor ax, ax
mov [timer_counter], ax
dec ax ; This is necessary as it likes to break with a timer_increment of 0.
test byte [es:0x11], 0x40
jnz .is_slow
mov ax, 0x5D37
mov [timer_increment], ax
call InitPlayer
jnc .nofailmod
int 0x20
; Prepare timer hook
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov ax, cs
mov cx, word [es:0x0020]
mov dx, word [es:0x0022]
mov word [es:0x0020], irq_timer
mov word [es:0x0022], ax
mov word [old_irq_timer+0x00], cx
mov word [old_irq_timer+0x02], dx
; Adjust timer
mov ax, [timer_increment]
test ax, ax
jz nofixtimer
mov al, 0x36
out 0x43, al
mov ax, [timer_increment]
out 0x40, al
mov al, ah
out 0x40, al
; Now wait for key press!
mov ah, 0
int 0x16
; OK, kill it all off
; Restore timer
mov al, 0x36
out 0x43, al
mov al, 0xFF
out 0x43, al
out 0x43, al
; Restore hook
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov cx, [old_irq_timer+0x00]
mov dx, [old_irq_timer+0x02]
mov [es:0x0020], cx
mov [es:0x0022], dx
; Kill player
call EndPlayer
; Return!
; Prelude
push ds
push es
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
; Update song
call PlayMusic
; Check if we do a hook call
mov ax, [cs:timer_increment]
add [cs:timer_counter], ax
jnc .nohook
; Call hook
call far [cs:old_irq_timer]
; Acknowledge interrupt and return
mov al, 0x20
out 0x20, al
pop es
pop ds
align 16
test_module: incbin RAD_MODULE_NAME
; This routine initialises the player.
; IN:
; ES: - points to .RAD module to play
; OUT:
; Carry - set on error (such as invalid module)
InitPlayer: pusha
call EndPlayer ; clear Adlib ready for tune
; initialise certain Adlib registers that aren't changed
mov ax,0120h ; allow waveforms
call Adlib
mov ax,0800h
call Adlib
mov ah,0bdh ; no drums, etc.
call Adlib
; check to see if it is a RAD file first
cmp word [es:0],'RA'
jnz .err
cmp word [es:2],'D '
jnz .err
cmp byte [es:16],10h ; correct version?
jnz .err
mov [cs:ModSeg],es ; keep the segment of module
; read initial speed
mov al,[es:17]
mov ah,al
and al,1fh
mov [cs:Speed],al
; see if there's a description to skip
mov si,18
test ah,80h ; description flag
jz .lc ; no description
xor al,al
jmp .le
.ld: inc si
.le: cmp [es:si],al ; look for null-termination
jnz .ld
inc si ; move past null
; create table of instrument pointers
.lc: xor bx,bx
.la: mov bl,[es:si] ; instrument no.
inc si
add bx,bx
jz .lb ; no more instruments
mov [cs:InstPtrs-2+bx],si ; record pointer to instrument
add si,11
jmp .la
; record offset of order list
.lb: xor ax,ax
mov al,[es:si] ; no. of orders in order-list
mov [cs:OrderSize],ax
inc si
mov [cs:OrderList],si
xor bx,bx
mov bl,[es:si] ; first pattern to play
add bx,bx
add si,ax ; move to end of list
; record table of pattern offsets
mov [cs:PatternList],si
mov ax,[es:si+bx] ; first pattern offset
mov [cs:PatternPos],ax ; pointer to first pattern
; initial pointers
xor ax,ax
mov [cs:OrderPos],ax ; start at position 0.
mov [cs:SpeedCnt],al
mov [cs:Line],al ; start at line 0
jmp .lx ; successful initialisation
.err: stc
.lx: popa
; This stops music playback (stops sound channels).
EndPlayer: push ax
mov ax,020h << 8
.la: call Adlib
inc ah
cmp ah,00f6h
jb .la
pop ax
; This routine does the actual playing. It MUST be called 50 times a second
; to maintain accurate music playback. Refer to accompanying timer source-code
; for ways of providing a 50/sec timer service.
PlayMusic: pusha
push ds
mov ds,[cs:ModSeg] ; segment of module
cmp byte [cs:SpeedCnt],0
jz .la ; play a line of music
dec byte [cs:SpeedCnt]
jmp .lx ; no new line, so just update effects
; switch off any effects that are in operation
.la: mov si,8
xor al,al
.laa: mov [cs:PortSlide+si],al ; reset any slides
mov [cs:VolSlide+si],al ; reset any slides
mov [cs:ToneSlide+si],al ; reset any slides
dec si
jns .laa
; playing a new line, PatternPos should have been set-up already
mov si,[cs:PatternPos]
or si,si
jz .lb ; rest of this pattern is blank
mov al,[si] ; line indicator
and al,7fh ; eliminate bit 7
cmp al,[cs:Line] ; is this current line?
jnz .lb ; haven't reached it yet
test byte [si],80h ; last line?
jz .lc ; no, still more to check
mov word [cs:PatternPos],0 ; mark rest of pattern as blank
.lc: inc si ; move to first channel
; play channels
.lf: mov cl,[si] ; channel we are processing
push cx
and cl,7fh ; get rid of bit 7
mov ax,[1+si] ; AL=octave/note, AH=inst/command
add si,3
test ah,15 ; if there's a cmd, there'll be a param.
jz .le ; no parameter byte
mov ch,[si] ; read parameter
inc si
.le: call PlayNote ; play the note
pop cx
jc .lg ; skip rest of line, AX has new line
test cl,80h ; last channel to play?
jz .lf ; not yet
mov [cs:PatternPos],si; keep position in crunched track
; update pointers
.lb: mov al,[cs:Speed] ; needs to be set AFTER note playing
dec al
mov [cs:SpeedCnt],al ; for new speeds to take effect!
inc byte [cs:Line]
cmp byte [cs:Line],64 ; end of pattern?
jb .lx ; nope
mov byte [cs:Line],0 ; top of next pattern
call NextPattern
; now update effects (effect is acted upon straight away)
.lx: call UpdateNotes
pop ds
; jump to line AX
.lg: mov bl,[cs:Speed] ; needs to be set AFTER note playing
mov [cs:SpeedCnt],bl ; for new speeds to take effect!
mov [cs:Line],al
; find start of next pattern
call NextPattern
jz .lx ; there isn't any data in next pattern
; find line that is greater or equal to the current line
.ll: mov cl,[si] ; line id.
and cl,7fh ; ignore bit 7
cmp cl,al
jae .lh ; found line
test byte [si],80h
jz .li ; not last line
xor si,si
jmp .lh ; ignore rest of pattern as it's last
; skip to next line definition
.li: inc si
.lj: mov cl,[si]
add si,3
test byte [cs:si-1],15 ; is there a valid command?
jz .lk
inc si ; skip parameter
.lk: add cl,cl
jnc .lj ; wasn't last channel spec.
jmp .ll ; check next line
.lh: mov [cs:PatternPos],si
jmp .lx
; Advances pointers to next pattern in order list.
NextPattern: mov bx,[cs:OrderPos]
inc bx
cmp bx,[cs:OrderSize]
jb .ld
xor bx,bx ; end of tune, move back to start
.ld: mov [cs:OrderPos],bx
mov si,[cs:OrderList]
mov bl,[si+bx] ; no. of next pattern
test bl,80h
jz .lda
and bl,7fh
jmp .ld ; bit 7 = jump to new order
.lda: mov si,[cs:PatternList]
add bx,bx
mov si,[si+bx] ; offset of next pattern
mov [cs:PatternPos],si
or si,si
; Plays a note on a channel.
; IN:
; AL - Octave (high nibble), Note (low nibble)
; AH - instrument (high nibble), command (low nibble)
; CL - channel to play note on (0..8)
; CH - parameter byte if command is non-zero
; OUT:
; CARRY - set if a line is to be jumped to
; AX - line to jump to if CARRY set
; Note: don't use SI or segment regs., otherwise registers do not need saving.
PlayNote: mov di,cx
and di,15
mov dh,ah
and dh,15 ; command
or al,al
jz .lb ; no note playing, process command
; check to see if we are actually performing a tone slide
cmp dh,cmToneSlide
jnz .lt ; nope, play note
; note/octave are used as parameters then (instrument ignored)
mov bx,ax
and bx,15 ; note
shr al,4
and ax,7 ; octave
dec bx ; we want 1..12
cmp bx,12
jae .lx ; not a valid note (probably KEY-OFF)
imul ax,FreqRange ; scale octave
add bx,bx
add ax,[cs:NoteFreq+bx] ; add frequency of this note
sub ax,FreqStart ; so range starts from zero
mov [cs:ToneSlideFreqL+di],al ; destination frequency
mov [cs:ToneSlideFreqH+di],ah
; set tone slide speed
mov byte [cs:ToneSlide+di],1 ; switch tone slide on
or ch,ch
jz .lx ; use last speed setting
mov [cs:ToneSlideSpeed+di],ch
jmp .lx
; KEY-OFF the previous note
.lt: push ax
mov al,[cs:OldB0+di] ; old register value
and al, ~ 20h ; clear KEY-ON bit
mov [cs:OldB0+di],al ; so slides after KEYOFF work correctly
mov ah,cl
add ah,0b0h
call Adlib
pop ax
; load instrument (if any)
mov dl,ah
add al,al
rcr dl,1
shr dl,3 ; instrument no.
jz .la ; no instrument to load
call LoadInst
; load note into channel
.la: mov bl,al
and bx,15*2 ; note * 2
cmp bx,15*2
jz .lb ; just a KEY-OFF so we're done
mov bx,[cs:NoteFreq-2+bx] ; frequency of note (BX-1)
shr al,3 ; octave
and al,7*4
or al,20h ; KEY-ON
or al,bh ; Frequency high byte
mov ah,0b0h
add ah,cl
mov [cs:OldB0+di],al ; record the register value
push ax
sub ah,10h
mov al,bl ; Frequency low byte
mov [cs:OldA0+di],al
call Adlib
pop ax
call Adlib
; process command (if any), DH has command, CH has parameter
.lb: xor bx,bx
mov bl,dh ; command
add bx,bx
jmp [cs:.Effects+bx]
.lx: clc
.lxx: ret
; Portamento up
.PortUp: mov [cs:PortSlide+di],ch
jmp .lx
; Portamento down
.PortDown: neg ch
mov [cs:PortSlide+di],ch
jmp .lx
; Tone slide to note (no note supplied)
.ToneSlide: or ch,ch ; parameter has speed of tone slide
jz .lja ; keep last tone slide speed
mov [cs:ToneSlideSpeed+di],ch
.lja: mov byte [cs:ToneSlide+di],1 ; tone slide on
jmp .lx
; Volume slide & Volume + Tone Slide
.VolSlide: cmp ch,50 ; <50 = slide down, >50 = slide up
jb .lga
sub ch,50
neg ch
.lga: mov [cs:VolSlide+di],ch
cmp dh,cmToneVolSlide ; just plain volume slide
jnz .lx
mov byte [cs:ToneSlide+di],1 ; tone slide on
jmp .lx
; Set volume
.SetVolume: call SetVolume ; CH has volume, CL has channel
jmp .lx
; jump to line in next pattern
.JumpToLine: cmp ch,64
jae .lx ; ignore as it is invalid
xor ax,ax
mov al,ch
ret ; skip rest of channels
; Set speed
.SetSpeed: mov [cs:Speed],ch
jmp .lx
.Effects dw .lx
dw .PortUp
dw .PortDown
dw .ToneSlide
dw .lx
dw .ToneVolSlide
dw .lx
dw .lx
dw .lx
dw .lx
dw .VolSlide
dw .lx
dw .SetVolume
dw .JumpToLine
dw .lx
dw .SetSpeed
NoteFreq dw 16bh,181h,198h,1b0h,1cah,1e5h ; 156h = C
dw 202h,220h,241h,263h,287h,2aeh
; Check each channel for ongoing effects to update.
UpdateNotes: xor bh,bh ; channel index
xor si,si
; process portamentos
.la: mov bl,[cs:PortSlide+si]
or bl,bl
jz .lb ; no slide for this channel
call GetFreq
mov ch,bl
sar cx,8 ; sign extend 8bit->16bit
add ax,cx
call SetFreq
; process volume slides
.lb: mov ch,[cs:VolSlide+si]
mov cl,[cs:Old43+si] ; contains current volume
and cl,3fh
xor cl,3fh
or ch,ch
jz .lc
jns .lba
; slide volume up
sub cl,ch
cmp cl,64
jb .lbb
mov cl,63
jmp .lbb
; slide volume down
.lba: sub cl,ch
jns .lbb
xor cl,cl
.lbb: mov ch,cl
mov cl,bh ; channel to set
call SetVolume
; process tone slides
.lc: cmp byte [cs:ToneSlide+si],0
jz .lx ; no tone slide
mov bl,[cs:ToneSlideSpeed+si] ; shouldn't get wiped uc
; get current absolute frequency
call GetFreq
; sign extend speed/direction
mov dh,bl
sar dx,8
; get destination frequency
mov cl,[cs:ToneSlideFreqL+si]
mov ch,[cs:ToneSlideFreqH+si]
cmp ax,cx
jz .le ; already at destination?!
ja .ld ; tone slide down (source > dest)
; doing a tone slide up
add ax,dx
cmp ax,cx
jb .lg ; still under destination
jmp .le ; reached destination
; doing a tone slide down
.ld: sub ax,dx
cmp ax,cx
ja .lg ; still over destination
; reached destination so stop tone slide
.le: mov ax,cx ; clip it onto destination
mov byte [cs:ToneSlide+si],0 ; disables tone slide
; write new frequency back to channel
.lg: call SetFreq
.lx: inc bh
inc si
cmp si,9
jb .la
; Returns the current absolute frequency of channel
; IN:
; SI - channel
; OUT:
; AX - frequency
; CX, DX
GetFreq: mov cl,[cs:OldA0+si]
mov ch,[cs:OldB0+si]
and ch,3 ; mask to get high frequency
sub cx,FreqStart
mov al,[cs:OldB0+si]
shr al,2
and ax,7 ; mask to get octave
mov dx,FreqRange
mul dx
add ax,cx
; Sets the channel's frequency
; IN:
; AX - absolute frequency
; SI - channel
; CX, DX
SetFreq: mov cx,FreqRange
xor dx,dx
div cx ; extracts octave in AX and freq. in DX
add dx,FreqStart
mov ah,[cs:OldB0+si]
and ah,11100000b ; keep old toggles
shl al,2 ; move octave to correct bit position
or al,ah ; insert octave
or al,dh ; insert high frequency
mov ah,bh
add ah,0b0h
mov [cs:OldB0+si],al
call Adlib
sub ah,10h
mov al,dl ; low frequency
mov [cs:OldA0+si],al
jmp Adlib
; Load in instrument data into a given channel.
; IN:
; CL - channel to load instrument into (0..8)
; DL - instrument no. (1..31)
LoadInst: push ax
push bx
push si
mov si,cx
and si,0ffh
mov ah,[cs:ChannelOffs+si] ; Adlib register offsets
xor bx,bx
mov bl,dl
dec bx
add bx,bx
mov bx,[cs:InstPtrs+bx] ; get instrument offset
or bx,bx
jz .lx ; no instrument data ?!
mov al,[2+bx]
mov [cs:Old43+si],al ; old 43.. value
mov dl,4
.la: mov al,[1+bx]
call Adlib ; load carrier
add ah,3
mov al,[bx]
call Adlib ; load modulator
add bx,2
add ah,20h-3
dec dl
jnz .la
add ah,40h ; do E0 range now
mov al,[2+bx]
call Adlib
add ah,3
mov al,[1+bx]
call Adlib
mov ah,0c0h
add ah,cl
mov al,[bx]
call Adlib
.lx: pop si
pop bx
pop ax
ChannelOffs db 20h,21h,22h,28h,29h,2ah,30h,31h,32h
; Outputs a value to an ADLIB register.
; IN:
; CL - channel to set volume on
; CH - new volume
SetVolume: push ax
push bx
xor bx,bx
mov bl,cl
; ensure volume is within range
cmp ch,64
jb .la
mov ch,63
; get old 43.. value
.la: mov al,[cs:Old43+bx]
and al,0c0h ; mask out volume bits
xor ch,3fh
or al,ch ; insert volume
mov [cs:Old43+bx],al ; keep new 43.. value
; write new volume into Adlib
mov ah,[cs:ChannelOffs+bx]
add ah,23h
call Adlib
pop bx
pop ax
; Outputs a value to an ADLIB register.
; IN:
; AH - register no.
; AL - value
Adlib: push ax
push dx
mov dx,[cs:AdlibPort]
xchg ah,al
out dx,al
in al,dx
in al,dx
in al,dx
in al,dx
in al,dx
in al,dx
inc dx
mov al,ah
out dx,al
dec dx
mov ah,22
.la: in al,dx
dec ah
jnz .la
pop dx
pop ax
; Variables
AdlibPort dw 388h ; default Adlib base port
InstPtrs times 31 dw 0 ; offsets of instrument data
Old43 times 9 db 0 ; record of 43.. register values
OldA0 times 9 db 0 ; record of A0..A8 register values
OldB0 times 9 db 0 ; record of B0..B8 register values
ToneSlideSpeed times 9 db 1 ; speed of tone slide
section .bss
ToneSlideFreqL resb 9 ; destination frequency of tone slide
ToneSlideFreqH resb 9
ToneSlide resb 9 ; tone slide flag
PortSlide resb 9 ; portamento slide
VolSlide resb 9 ; volume slide
ModSeg resw 1 ; segment of module (starts at offset 0)
Speed resb 1 ; speed (n/50Hz) of tune
SpeedCnt resb 1 ; counter used for deriving speed
OrderSize resw 1 ; no. of entries in Order List
OrderList resw 1 ; offset in module of Order List
OrderPos resw 1 ; current playing position in Order List
PatternList resw 1 ; offset of pattern offset table in module
PatternPos resw 1 ; offset to current line in current pattern
Line resb 1 ; current line being played (usually +1)
; end of PLAYER.ASM base - define your stuff here!
old_irq_timer: resw 2
timer_increment: resw 1
timer_counter: resw 1
section .data
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