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Created October 24, 2016 22:40
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@Description reads in three parameters, runs a subroutine
@and prints the results of the subroutine
.global main
.type main, %function
aye .req r1
bee .req r2
cee .req r3
push {lr}
sub sp, sp, #12
@Asks user for input for A and stores it
ldr r0, =prtAye
bl printf
ldr r0, =rdfmt
mov r1, sp
bl scanf
@Asks user for input for B and stores it
ldr r0, =prtBee
bl printf
ldr r0, =rdfmt
add r1, sp, #4
bl scanf
@Asks user for input for C and stores it
ldr r0, =prtBee
bl printf
ldr r0, =rdfmt
add r1, sp, #8
bl scanf
@Prints the first part (A + (B * C))
ldmia sp, {aye-cee}
ldr r0, =prtfmt
bl printf
@Runs the MAC function
ldmia sp, {r0-r2}
bl mac
@Prints the result of the MAC function
mov r1, r0
ldr r0, =prtfmttwo
bl printf
add sp, sp, #12
pop {pc}
rdfmt: .asciz "%d"
prtfmt: .asciz "\n%d + (%d * %d) = "
prtfmttwo: .asciz "%d\n\n"
prtAye: .asciz "Enter an integer for A: "
prtBee: .asciz "Enter an integer for B: "
prtCee: .asciz "Enter an integer for C: "
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