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rrrodrigo / instagram-download.txt
Created April 10, 2012 11:45
How to download all your Instagram pictures in highest resolution without using any API
Following the news about Facebook buying Instagram I decided to delete my Instagram account before Facebook claims ownership of my pictures.
Since the Instagram-recommended (in their FAQ): doesn't work for me (probably they can't cope with the high demand),
here is a quick and dirty way to download all my Instagram pictures in their highest resolution in a few easy steps.
You will need: Firefox, Firebug, some text editor, wget
1. Go to using Firefox with Firebug extension active
2. Scroll down as many times as it is needed to have all yor pictures thumbnails displayed (I had some 3 hundred pictures so it was not that much scrolling, YMMV)
3. In the Firebug JS console run this JS code: $(".lienPhotoGrid a img").each(function(index) { console.log($(this).attr('src')) })
4. JS console will contain urls to all the thumbnails images, like this: