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/* Protect the networkDefinitions object so that it is not mutable */
const networkDefinitions = {
gmb: {
name: 'Google My Business'
bbb: {
name: 'Better Business Bureau'
// Create a function to test if these sudoku puzzles are correct
// correct
// incorrect, 5 twice in block 5
// Three characters, Barbarian, Archer, and Wizard
// They all can attack, heal, defend (echo/print/etc.. the method name)
// Barbarian has the ability to charge
// Archer has the ability to shoot arrows
// Wizard has the ability to cast magic
// Each character starts with 100 health, 10 strength, 10 magic, 10 speed
// Barbarians will have extra strength of 20
// Archer will have extra speed of 20
// Wizard will have extra magic of 20
// Write a function that takes a string as an argument and returns the number of vowels (a, e, i, o, u) it contains.
// Example: foo('Hello World'); => 3
iamkevinlowe / s3_cache_control.rb
Last active June 19, 2017 18:17
Ruby script to update cache control on S3 objects
@s3 =
access_key_id: ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'],
secret_access_key: ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']
@bucket = ENV['S3_BUCKET_NAME']
def get_objects(continuation_token = nil, last_key = nil)
options = { bucket: @bucket, prefix: 'images/uploads/' }
options.merge!(continuation_token: continuation_token) if continuation_token
iamkevinlowe / crypto.rb
Created February 16, 2017 23:53
Crypto module to encrypt/decrypt with AES128 and AES256
module Crypto
module AES128
class << self
def encrypt(data)
aes ='AES-128-CBC')
aes.key = Digest::MD5.digest(ENV['SECRET_KEY'])
crypt = aes.update(data) +
def solve_problem
numbs = Array(1..999)
mults_of_3 = []
mults_of_5 = []
all_mults = []
the_answer = 0
numbs.each do |number|
if number % 3 == 0
mults_of_3 << number
class StringCalculator
def add(string)
# Default delimiters to split string
delims = %w(, \n)
# If string begins with "//[delimiter]\n" include delimiter to array of delimiters
if string.match(/^\/\/.+/)
match, string = string.split('\n', 2)
def decompose(n, area = n**2, squares = "", results = [])
if area == 0
results << squares.strip.split(' ').map(&:to_i)
x = Math.sqrt(area).floor
x -= 1 while x >= n
x.downto(1) do |i|
iamkevinlowe / triplebyte_programming_challenge.rb
Created December 15, 2015 23:22
Triplebyte Programming Challenge
# The first 12 digits of pi are 314159265358. We can make these digits into an expression evaluating to 27182 (first 5 digits of e) as follows:
# 3141 * 5 / 9 * 26 / 5 * 3 - 5 * 8 = 27182
# or
# 3 + 1 - 415 * 92 + 65358 = 27182
# Notice that the order of the input digits is not changed. Operators (+,-,/, or *) are simply inserted to create the expression.
# Write a function to take a list of numbers and a target, and return all the ways that those numbers can be formed into expressions evaluating to the target. Do not use the eval function in Python, Ruby or JavaScript