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Last active December 8, 2023 22:35
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Applescript - Get Currently Playing Track information from Apple Music and write to file
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
-- Set Configuration Defaults
set OUTPUT_FILE to "~/now-playing.json"
-- END Configuration
on getCurrentTrack()
tell application "Music"
if it is running then
set currentTrack to (get current track)
set trackName to name of currentTrack as text
on error m number n
set trackName to "XX"
end try
set trackName to "XX"
end if
end tell
return trackName
end getCurrentTrack
on getTrackInfo()
set processImage to 1
set trackName to ""
set playerState to ""
set trackArtist to ""
set trackAlbum to ""
set trackDuration to 0
set coverArt to ""
set imgFormat to ""
with timeout of 2 seconds
tell application "Music"
if it is running then
set playerState to player state as text
set currentTrack to (get current track)
set trackName to name of currentTrack as text
set trackArtist to artist of currentTrack as text
set trackAlbum to album of currentTrack as text
set trackDuration to duration of currentTrack
set artObj to (get artwork 1 of currentTrack)
set imgFormat to my getImgFormat(artObj)
set rawArtData to (get raw data of artObj)
on error m number n
set processImage to 0
end try
end if
end tell
end timeout
end try
-- Get CoverArt as base64 string to include in output
if processImage is equal to 1 then
set coverArt to my getBase64ImageString(imgFormat, rawArtData)
end if
set output to {player_state:playerState, track_info:{track:trackName, artist:trackArtist, album:trackAlbum, duration:trackDuration, album_art:coverArt}}
return output
end getTrackInfo
on getImgFormat(format)
set imgFormat to ""
if format is JPEG picture then
set imgFormat to ".jpg"
set imgFormat to ".png"
end if
return imgFormat
end getImgFormat
on getBase64ImageString(format, rawArtData)
-- todo - can we do this without constantly writing to /tmp?
set artPath to "/tmp/albumArt" & format as text
tell me to set fileRef to (open for access artPath with write permission)
write rawArtData to fileRef starting at 0
tell me to close access fileRef
on error m number n
log n
log m
tell me to close access fileRef
end try
end try
set encArt to (do shell script "base64 < " & artPath)
set coverArt to ("data:" & format & ";base64," & encArt) as string
end getBase64ImageString
on refreshTrackInfo(OUTPUT_FILE)
set trackInfo to getTrackInfo()
set jsonString to convertToJson(trackInfo)
writeString(jsonString, OUTPUT_FILE)
end refreshTrackInfo
on convertToJson(track)
set objCDictionary to current application's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithDictionary:track
set {jsonDictionary, anError} to current application's NSJSONSerialization's dataWithJSONObject:objCDictionary options:0 |error|:(reference)
if jsonDictionary is missing value then
log "An error occured: " & anError as text
set jsonString to (current application's NSString's alloc()'s initWithData:jsonDictionary encoding:(current application's NSUTF8StringEncoding)) as text
end if
return jsonString
end convertToJson
on writeString(str, outputFile)
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of str & " > " & outputFile
end writeString
on main(OUTPUT_FILE)
set previousTrack to "XX"
set currentTrack to ""
repeat while true
set currentTrack to getCurrentTrack()
if previousTrack is not currentTrack then
set previousTrack to currentTrack
end if
delay 2
end repeat
end main
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Revision 1 - Only writes new files if the track changes. Removes progress functionality (will be gained elsewhere, to reduce write operations), adds support for the Music App being open but having nothing currently "playing", i.e. no track paused or queued up yet.

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Revision 2 - Abstracts the base64 image string conversion to its own function.

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