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This takes XUnit output and generates an HTML file with @tags above it. The trait it looks for it "Story"
$configuration = "Debug"
$ScriptDir = Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
Set-Location $ScriptDir
$doc = [System.Xml.Linq.XDocument]::Parse([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$ScriptDir/xunit-results-xbehave.xml"))
$collections = $doc.Descendants("collection")
$html = New-Object -TypeName "System.Text.StringBuilder"
[void]$html.AppendLine("<head><title>Fast Test Results</title><style type='text/css'>html {font-family: verdana; font-size: 16px; line-height: 24px;} .collection-name {font-weight: bold; color: #666;} .collection-name span { color: #bbb; } .Pass{color: green;} .Fail{color: red;} .collection { margin: 0px 0 20px 10px; } .scenario { padding-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 15px;border-left: 3px solid #ccc;width: 50%;margin-top: 10px; }</style></head>")
function htmlencode($val) {
foreach($collection in $collections) {
$collectionName = $collection.Attribute("name").Value
$parts = $collectionName -split "\."
$featureName = $parts[$parts.length -1]
$niceName = ($featureName.substring(0,1).toupper() + $featureName.substring(1) -creplace '[A-Z]', ' $&').Trim()
$tests = $collection.Descendants("test")
$count = 1
$b = New-Object -TypeName "System.Text.StringBuilder"
[void]$b.AppendLine("<div class='collection'><div class='collection-name'>$niceName <span>($collectionName)</span></div><div class='scenario'>")
$found = $false
foreach($test in $tests) {
$name = $test.Attribute("name").Value
$result = $test.Attribute("result").Value
$method = $test.Attribute("method").Value
$traits = $test.Descendants("traits")
$stories = @()
foreach($trait in $traits) {
foreach($t in $trait.Descendants("trait")) {
if ($t.Attribute("name").Value -eq "Story") {
$stories += "@" + $t.Attribute("value").Value
$storiesString = [String]::Join(" ", $stories)
$niceMethodName = ($method.substring(0,1).toupper() + $method.substring(1) -creplace '[A-Z]', ' $&').Trim()
$countAsString = $count.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')
$split = $name -split "\[$countAsString\]"
$story =
if ($split.length -gt 1) {
$found = $true
$pretty = htmlencode $split[1]
if ($count -eq 1) {
[void]$b.AppendLine("<div class='scenario-tags'>$storiesString</div>")
[void]$b.AppendLine("<div class='scenario-name'>Scenario: $niceMethodName</div>")
[void]$b.AppendLine("<div class='result-row $result'>[$countAsString] $pretty</div>")
} else {
if ($found -eq $true) {
$found = $false
$b = New-Object -TypeName "System.Text.StringBuilder"
$count = 1
$countAsString = $count.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')
$split = $name -split "\[$countAsString\]"
if ($split.length -gt 1) {
$found = $true
$pretty = htmlencode $split[1]
[void]$b.AppendLine("<div class='scenario'>")
[void]$b.AppendLine("<div class='scenario-tags'>$storiesString</div>")
[void]$b.AppendLine("<div class='scenario-name'>Scenario: $niceMethodName</div>")
[Void]$b.AppendLine("<div class='result-row $result'>[$countAsString] $pretty</div>")
} else {
if ($found -eq $true) {
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$ScriptDir\xbehave.html", $html.ToString())
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