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meigwilym /
Created November 28, 2019 08:52
Notes on's Laravel beyond CRUD

Laravel beyond CRUD

A blog series for PHP developers working on larger-than-average Laravel projects

Written for projects with a development lifespan of six to twelve months, with a team of three to six developers working on them simultaneously.

Chapter 1: Domain oriented Laravel

svschannak / vat_validation.js
Created March 6, 2018 15:20
VAT ID Validation
Application: Utility Function
Author: John Gardner
Version: V1.0
Date: 30th July 2005
Description: Used to check the validity of an EU country VAT number
evgv /
Last active April 6, 2023 17:08
Magento. The Magento Checkout Object and Session Object.

The Magento Checkout Object and Session Object

The Magento Session object should be used when querying the current quote. Access it like so:

  $checkout = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')

The getQuote() method is responsible for retrieving the current quote. If a quote ID doesn't exist on the session object then a new quote object (Mage_Sales_Model_Quote) is created and set up with all of the necessary data (customer id, store id, remote ip etc).

If a product has never been added to the cart or the cart isn't being loaded from a previous session, it's likely the cart will never have been saved and will have no id. The cart gets saved when a product is added from the Checkout module's CartController (Mage_Checkout_CartController) in the addAction.

h-collector / Foo.php
Last active November 1, 2023 16:32
Standalone Laravel Queue + Redis example
namespace Jobs;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Redis\Database as Redis;
class Foo extends Job
use InteractsWithQueue;
frozenminds / clean-magento_ce-db-extended.sql
Created May 12, 2014 12:54
Clean Magento database of junk and unnecessary data
-- Magento CE database clean-up extended
-- This is an extended clean-up which will clean search, import/export, reports, etc.
-- @author Constantin Bejenaru <>
-- @copyright Copyright (c) Constantin Bejenaru (
-- @license MIT License
tvlooy / feestdagen.php
Last active March 25, 2024 21:40
Feestdagen berekenen
// (c) Tom Van Looy <>
// Alle feestdagen kunnen berekend worden, de berekende zijn allemaal
// afhankelijk van pasen. PHP heeft een functie easter_date().
// Makkie dus. Hoe easter_date() zelf werkt kan je hier raadplegen:
// Geen parameter? Doen we gewoon dit jaar toch.