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Created December 12, 2017 15:13
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sudo apt -y install monit
echo "Creating monit config to restart zend automatically"
chmod u+x /home/$USER/
sed -i "s/%USER%/$USER/g"
####################################################### Autostart & Restart #############################################################
sudo sh -c "echo '
### added on setup for zend
set httpd port 2812
use address localhost # only accept connection from localhost
allow localhost # allow localhost to connect to the server
### zend process control
check process zend with pidfile /home/$USER/.zen/
start program = \"/home/$USER/ start\" with timeout 60 seconds
stop program = \"/home/$USER/ stop\"
' >> /etc/monit/monitrc"
sudo monit reload
sudo monit start zend
zen-cli z_getnewaddress
# Done.
#################################################### Useful commands #############################################################
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Deposit 5x0.03 ZEN to the address above"
echo "\n"
echo "Check totalbalance: zen-cli z_gettotalbalance"
echo "\n"
echo "Get new address: zen-cli z_getnewaddress"
echo "\n"
echo "List all addresses: zen-cli z_listaddresses"
echo "\n"
echo "Get network info: zen-cli getnetworkinfo. Make sure 'tls_cert_verified' is true."
echo "\n"
echo "###############################################################################################################"
echo "\n"
echo "\n"
echo "ALL DONE! "
echo ""
echo ""
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