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Last active October 25, 2018 06:41
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RSFORM version 2.0.15 - ZURB Foundation 6.4 Fixes
* @package RSForm! Pro
* @copyright (C) 2007-2015
* @license GPL,
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_rsform/helpers/fields/birthday.php';
class RSFormProFieldFoundationBirthDay extends RSFormProFieldBirthDay
public function getFormInput() {
$separator = $this->getProperty('DATESEPARATOR');
$items = parent::getFormInput();
if (preg_match_all('/<select.*?><\/select>/', $items, $matches))
$items = $matches[0];
// This shouldn't be the case (it wasn't the case)
$items = explode($separator, $items);
// extra classes for proper alignment
$last = count($items) - 1;
foreach($items as $i => &$item) {
$item = '<div class="cell small-4'.($last == $i ? ' end' : '').'">'.$item.'</div>';
return '<div class="grid-x grid-margin-x">'.implode('', $items).'</div>';
* @package RSForm! Pro
* @copyright (C) 2007-2014
* @license GPL,
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../formlayout.php';
class RSFormProFormLayoutFoundation extends RSFormProFormLayout
public $errorClass = ' has-error-foundation';
public $fieldErrorClass = 'is-invalid-input';
public $progressContent = '<div><div class="progress" role="progressbar" tabindex="0" aria-valuenow="{percent}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"><div class="progress-meter" style="width: {percent}%"><p class="progress-meter-text"><em>{page_lang} <strong>{page}</strong> {of_lang} {total}</em></p></div></div></div>';
public function __construct() {
if (JFactory::getDocument()->direction == 'rtl') {
$this->progressContent = '<div><div class="progress" role="progressbar" tabindex="0" aria-valuenow="{percent}" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100"><div class="progress-meter" style="width: {percent}%"><p class="progress-meter-text"><em>{total} {of_lang} <strong>{page}</strong> {page_lang}</em></p></div></div></div>';
$this->progressOverwritten = true;
// $this->addStyleSheet('com_rsform/frameworks/foundation/foundation-errors.css');
public function loadFramework() {
// Load the CSS files
// $this->addStyleSheet('com_rsform/frameworks/foundation/foundation.css');
// Load the RTL file
if (JFactory::getDocument()->direction == 'rtl') {
// $this->addStyleSheet('com_rsform/frameworks/foundation/foundation-rtl.css');
// Load jQuery
// $this->addjQuery();
// Load Javascript
// $this->addScript('com_rsform/frameworks/foundation/what-input.js');
// $this->addScript('com_rsform/frameworks/foundation/foundation.js');
// $this->addScript('com_rsform/frameworks/foundation/app.js');
public function generateButton($goto)
return '<button type="button" class="no-barba rsform-submit-button rsform-thankyou-button button" name="continue" onclick="'.$goto.'">'.JText::_('RSFP_THANKYOU_BUTTON').'</button>';
* @package RSForm! Pro
* @copyright (C) 2007-2017
* @license GPL,
* save to administrator/com_rsform/layouts/grid/foundation.php
// no direct access
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
require_once __DIR__ . '/grid.php';
class RSFormProGridFoundation extends RSFormProGrid
public function generate()
$html = array();
// Show title
if ($this->showFormTitle) {
$html[] = '<h2>{global:formtitle}</h2>';
// Error placeholder
$html[] = '<div data-abide-error class="no-cb alert callout" style="display: none;">{error}</div>';
// Start with a page
foreach ($this->pages as $page_index => $rows)
$html[] = '<!-- Do not remove this ID, it is used to identify the page so that the pagination script can work correctly -->';
$html[] = '<fieldset class="formContainer" id="rsform_{global:formid}_page_' . $page_index . '">';
foreach ($rows as $row_index => $row)
// Start a new row
$html[] = "\t".'<div class="grid-x grid-margin-x">';
foreach ($row['columns'] as $column_index => $fields)
$size = $row['sizes'][$column_index];
$html[] = "\t"."\t".'<div class="medium-' . (int) $size . ' cell">';
foreach ($fields as $field)
if (isset($this->components[$field]))
if (!$this->components[$field]->Published)
$html[] = $this->generateField($this->components[$field]);
$html[] = "\t"."\t".'</div>';
$html[] = "\t".'</div>';
$html[] = '</fieldset>';
foreach ($this->hidden as $field)
if (isset($this->components[$field]))
if (!$this->components[$field]->Published)
$html[] = $this->generateField($this->components[$field]);
return implode("\n", $html);
protected function generateField($data)
$html = array();
// Placeholders
$placeholders = array(
'body' => '{' . $data->ComponentName . ':body}',
'caption' => '{' . $data->ComponentName . ':caption}',
'description' => '{' . $data->ComponentName . ':description}',
'error' => '{' . $data->ComponentName . ':errorClass}',
'validation' => '{' . $data->ComponentName . ':validation}',
// Some fields should span the entire width
if ($data->ComponentTypeId == RSFORM_FIELD_FREETEXT)
$block = $this->getBlock($data->ComponentName);
$html[] = "\t"."\t"."\t".'<div class="grid-x rsform-block rsform-block-' . $block . $placeholders['error'] . '">
<div class="cell">';
$html[] = "\t"."\t"."\t"."\t"."\t".$placeholders['body'];
$html[] = "\t"."\t"."\t".'</div></div>';
elseif (in_array($data->ComponentTypeId, array(RSFORM_FIELD_HIDDEN, RSFORM_FIELD_TICKET)))
$html[] = "\t"."\t"."\t"."\t"."\t".$placeholders['body'];
$block = $this->getBlock($data->ComponentName);
$html[] = "\t"."\t"."\t".'<fieldset class="grid-x rsform-block rsform-block-' . $block . $placeholders['error'] . '"><div class="cell">';
// $data->ComponentName:description
* =======================================================================
+ RAJESH - IF DESCRITION IS BLANK - how do we hide code?
//<label data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="has-tip top" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="2" title="A tool used for cutting crops.">
* =======================================================================
if (($placeholders['description']) != '') {
$label = "\t"."\t"."\t"."\t"."\t".'<label class="control-label {if '.$placeholders['description'].'==""} hastip {/if}"';
$label .= ' data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" data-disable-hover="false" tabindex="2"';
} else {
$label = "\t"."\t"."\t"."\t"."\t".'<label class="' . ($data->ComponentTypeId != RSFORM_FIELD_PAGEBREAK ? ' ' : '') . '"';
if ($data->ComponentTypeId != RSFORM_FIELD_PAGEBREAK)
$label .= ' title="' . $placeholders['description'] . '"';
if ($data->ComponentTypeId == RSFORM_FIELD_TEXTBOX || $data->ComponentTypeId == RSFORM_FIELD_TEXTAREA) {
$label .= ' for="' . $data->ComponentName . '"';
$label .= '>';
$label .= $placeholders['caption'];
if ($data->Required && $this->requiredMarker)
$label .= '<strong class="formRequired">' . $this->requiredMarker . '</strong>';
$label .= '</label>';
if ($this->formOptions->FormLayoutFlow == static::FLOW_HORIZONTAL) {
$html[] = "\t"."\t"."\t"."\t".'<div class="small-12 medium-3 cell">';
$html[] = $label;
if ($this->formOptions->FormLayoutFlow == static::FLOW_HORIZONTAL) {
$html[] = "\t" . "\t" . "\t" . "\t" . '</div>';
if ($this->formOptions->FormLayoutFlow == static::FLOW_HORIZONTAL) {
$html[] = "\t" . "\t" . "\t" . "\t" . '<div class="small-12 medium-9 cell formControls">';
$html[] = "\t"."\t"."\t"."\t"."\t".$placeholders['body'];
if ($data->ComponentTypeId != RSFORM_FIELD_PAGEBREAK)
$html[] = "\t"."\t"."\t"."\t"."\t".'<span class="form-error">' . $placeholders['validation'] . '</span>';
if ($this->formOptions->FormLayoutFlow == static::FLOW_HORIZONTAL) {
$html[] = "\t" . "\t" . "\t" . "\t" . '</div>';
$html[] = "\t"."\t"."\t".'</div></fieldset>';
// If it's a CAPTCHA field and the removing CAPTCHA is enabled, must wrap it in {if}
if (in_array($data->ComponentTypeId, RSFormProHelper::$captchaFields) && !empty($this->formOptions->RemoveCaptchaLogged)) {
array_unshift($html, '{if {global:userid} == "0"}');
array_push($html, '{/if}');
return implode("\n", $html);
* @package RSForm! Pro
* @copyright (C) 2007-2014
* @license GPL,
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/constants.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/config.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/version.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/assets.php';
// Let's run some workarounds
// Disable caching for the current view (eg. com_content with Content Plugin)
$cache = JFactory::getCache(JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('option'), 'view');
// Disable caching for the current component
$cache = JFactory::getCache(JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('option'));
// Disable caching for com_rsform
$cache = JFactory::getCache('com_rsform');
// Disable System - Page Cache caching
$cache = JFactory::getCache('page');
// Disable module caching
$cache = JFactory::getCache('mod_rsform');
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$lang->load('com_rsform', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, 'en-GB', true);
$lang->load('com_rsform', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, $lang->getDefault(), true);
$lang->load('com_rsform', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, true);
class RSFormProHelper
public static $captchaFields = array(
24, // ReCAPTCHA v1.0
2424, // ReCAPTCHA v2.0
2525 // Joomla! Captcha plugin
// just for legacy reasons
public static function isJ16() { return true; }
public static function isJ($version) {
static $cache = array();
if (!isset($cache[$version])) {
$jversion = new JVersion();
$cache[$version] = $jversion->isCompatible($version);
return $cache[$version];
public static function getDate($date)
static $mask;
if (!$mask) {
$mask = RSFormProHelper::getConfig('global.date_mask');
if (!$mask) {
$mask = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
return JHtml::_('date', $date, $mask);
public static function getTooltipText($title, $content='') {
static $version;
if (!$version) {
$version = new JVersion();
if ($version->isCompatible('3.1.2')) {
return JHtml::tooltipText($title, $content, 0, 0);
} else {
return $title.'::'.$content;
public static function getTooltipClass() {
static $class = false;
if (!$class) {
$version = new JVersion();
if ($version->isCompatible('3.1.2')) {
$class = 'hasTooltip';
} else {
$class = 'hasTip';
return $class;
public static function showEditor($name, $html, $options = array())
if (!isset($options['syntax']))
$options['syntax'] = 'html';
if (!isset($options['readonly']))
$options['readonly'] = false;
if (!isset($options['id']))
$options['id'] = null;
$use_editor = RSFormProHelper::getConfig('global.codemirror');
$editor = 'codemirror';
if ($use_editor)
$plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('editors', $editor);
if (empty($plugin))
$use_editor = false;
if (!is_string($plugin->params) && is_callable(array($plugin->params, 'toString')))
$plugin->params = $plugin->params->toString();
if ($use_editor)
$jversion = new JVersion;
if ($jversion->isCompatible('3.8.0'))
$instance = new \Joomla\CMS\Editor\Editor($editor);
$instance = new JEditor($editor);
$html = $instance->display($name, static::htmlEscape($html), '100%', 300, 75, 20, $buttons = false, $options['id'], $asset = null, $author = null, array('syntax' => $options['syntax'], 'readonly' => $options['readonly']));
if ($options['syntax'] == 'php')
$name = preg_replace('/jform\[(.*?)\]/', '$1', $name);
JFactory::getDocument()->addScriptDeclaration("jQuery(function(){Joomla.editors.instances['$name'].setOption('mode', 'text/x-php');});");
if (empty($options['id']))
$options['id'] = $name;
$readonly = '';
if (!empty($options['readonly']))
$readonly = 'readonly';
$html = '<textarea class="' . $options['classes'] . '" ' . $readonly . ' rows="20" cols="75" name="' . static::htmlEscape($name) . '" id="' . static::htmlEscape($options['id']) . '">' . static::htmlEscape($html) . '</textarea>';
return $html;
public static function getComponentId($name, $formId=0)
static $cache = array();
if (empty($formId))
$formId = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('formId');
if (empty($formId))
$post = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('form', array(),'array');
$formId = isset($post['formId']) ? $post['formId'] : 0;
if (!isset($cache[$formId][$name]))
$cache[$formId][$name] = RSFormProHelper::componentNameExists($name, $formId, 0, 'ComponentId');
return $cache[$formId][$name];
public static function getComponentTypeId($name, $formId=0)
static $cache = array();
if (empty($formId))
$formId = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('formId');
if (empty($formId))
$post = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('form', array(),'array');
$formId = isset($post['formId']) ? $post['formId'] : 0;
if (!isset($cache[$formId][$name])) {
$cache[$formId][$name] = RSFormProHelper::componentNameExists($name, $formId, 0, 'ComponentTypeId');
return $cache[$formId][$name];
public static function checkValue($setvalue, $array)
if (!is_array($array))
$array = RSFormProHelper::explode($array);
if (strlen($setvalue))
foreach ($array as $k => $v)
@list($value, $text) = explode("|", $v, 2);
if ($value == $setvalue)
$array[$k] = $v.'[c]';
return implode("\n", $array);
public static function createList($results, $value='value', $text='text')
$list = array();
if (is_array($results))
foreach ($results as $result)
if (is_object($result))
$list[] = $result->{$value}.'|'.$result->{$text};
elseif (is_array($result))
$list[] = $result[$value].'|'.$result[$text];
return implode("\n", $list);
public static function displayForm($formId, $is_module=false)
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$form = RSFormProHelper::getForm($formId);
if (empty($form) || !$form->Published)
if ($is_module)
$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('RSFP_FORM_DOES_NOT_EXIST', $formId), 'warning');
return false;
return JError::raiseError(404, JText::sprintf('RSFP_FORM_DOES_NOT_EXIST', $formId));
// Check form access level
if (!$is_module && $form->Access != '') {
$canView = false;
$menu = $mainframe->getMenu();
$active = $menu->getActive();
if ($active) {
if ($query = $active->query) {
if (isset($query['option']) && isset($query['view']) && isset($query['formId'])) {
if ($query['option'] == 'com_rsform' && $query['view'] == 'rsform' && $query['formId'] == $formId) {
$canView = true;
$rseventspro = $mainframe->input->get('option') == 'com_rseventspro' && $mainframe->input->get('layout') == 'subscribe';
if ($rseventspro || $mainframe->isClient('administrator'))
$canView = true;
if (!$canView) {
$user = JFactory::getUser();
if (!in_array($form->Access,$user->getAuthorisedViewLevels())) {
// Error, the form cannot be accessed
$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('RSFP_FORM_CANNOT_BE_ACCESSED', $formId), 'warning');
return false;
$lang = RSFormProHelper::getCurrentLanguage($formId);
$translations = RSFormProHelper::getTranslations('forms', $formId, $lang);
if ($translations)
foreach ($translations as $field => $value)
if (isset($form->$field))
$form->$field = $value;
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
if (!$is_module)
if ($form->MetaDesc)
$doc->setMetaData('description', $form->MetaDesc);
if ($form->MetaKeywords)
$doc->setMetaData('keywords', $form->MetaKeywords);
if ($form->MetaTitle)
$session = JFactory::getSession();
$formparams = $session->get('com_rsform.formparams.formId'.$formId);
// Form has been processed ?
if ($formparams && !empty($formparams->formProcessed))
// Must show Thank You Message
if ($form->ShowThankyou)
return RSFormProHelper::showThankYouMessage($formId);
// Clear
// Must show small message
if ($formparams->showSystemMessage) {
if ($form->ScrollToThankYou)
// scroll the window to the Thank You Message
$scrolltoScript = 'RSFormProUtils.addEvent(window, \'load\',function(){ RSFormPro.scrollToElement(document.getElementById(\'system-message-container\')); });';
if ($form->DisableSubmitButton) {
RSFormProAssets::addScriptDeclaration('RSFormProUtils.addEvent(window, \'load\',function(){ RSFormPro.setDisabledSubmit(\''.$formId.'\', '.($form->AjaxValidation ? 'true' : 'false').'); });');
// Must process form
$post = $mainframe->input->post->get('form', array(), 'array');
if (isset($post['formId']) && $post['formId'] == $formId)
$invalid = RSFormProHelper::processForm($formId);
// Did not pass validation - show the form
if ($invalid)
if ($form->ScrollToError){
RSFormProAssets::addScriptDeclaration('RSFormProUtils.addEvent(window, \'load\',function(){ RSFormPro.gotoErrorElement('.$formId.'); });');
return RSFormProHelper::showForm($formId, $post, $invalid);
// Default - show the form
$get = $mainframe->input->get->get('form', array(), 'array');
return RSFormProHelper::showForm($formId, $get);
public static function getEditor()
static $editor;
// Get the editor configuration setting
if (is_null($editor))
$editor = JFactory::getConfig()->get('editor');
$jversion = new JVersion;
if ($jversion->isCompatible('3.8.0'))
return \Joomla\CMS\Editor\Editor::getInstance($editor);
return JEditor::getInstance($editor);
public static function WYSIWYG($name, $content, $hiddenField, $width, $height, $col, $row)
$editor = RSFormProHelper::getEditor();
$params = array('relative_urls' => '0', 'cleanup_save' => '0', 'cleanup_startup' => '0', 'cleanup_entities' => '0');
$id = trim(substr($name, 4), '][');
$content = $editor->display($name, $content , $width, $height, $col, $row, true, $id, null, null, $params);
return $content;
public static function getOtherCalendars($type = RSFORM_FIELD_CALENDAR) {
$list = array();
$formId = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('formId');
$componentId = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('componentId');
$list[] = array(
'value' => '',
'text' => 'NO_DATE_MODIFIER'
if ($calendars = self::componentExists($formId, $type)) {
// remove our current calendar from the list
if ($componentId) {
$pos = array_search($componentId, $calendars);
if ($pos !== false) {
// any calendars left?
if ($calendars) {
$all_data = self::getComponentProperties($calendars);
foreach ($calendars as $calendar) {
$data =& $all_data[$calendar];
$list[] = array(
'value' => 'min '.$calendar,
'text' => JText::sprintf('RSFP_CALENDAR_SETS_MINDATE', $data['NAME'])
$list[] = array(
'value' => 'max '.$calendar,
'text' => JText::sprintf('RSFP_CALENDAR_SETS_MAXDATE', $data['NAME'])
return self::createList($list);
public static function getValidationClass() {
if (file_exists(JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_rsform/helpers/customvalidation.php')) {
require_once JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_rsform/helpers/customvalidation.php';
return 'RSFormProCustomValidations';
} else {
require_once JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_rsform/helpers/validation.php';
return 'RSFormProValidations';
public static function getValidationRules($asArray = false, $remove_multiple = false) {
$results = get_class_methods(static::getValidationClass());
// Add 'none' as first validation rule
unset($results[array_search('none', $results)]);
array_unshift($results, 'none');
// remove the multiple validation because the multiple rules has already been selected, also the none validation is not necessary
if ($remove_multiple) {
unset($results[array_search('multiplerules', $results)]);
unset($results[array_search('none', $results)]);
if ($asArray) {
return $results;
} else {
return implode("\n", $results);
public static function getDateValidationClass() {
if (file_exists(JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_rsform/helpers/customdatevalidation.php')) {
require_once JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_rsform/helpers/customdatevalidation.php';
return 'RSFormProCustomDateValidations';
} else {
require_once JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_rsform/helpers/datevalidation.php';
return 'RSFormProDateValidations';
public static function getDateValidationRules($asArray = false) {
$results = get_class_methods(static::getDateValidationClass());
// Add 'none' as first validation rule
unset($results[array_search('none', $results)]);
array_unshift($results, 'none');
if ($asArray) {
return $results;
} else {
return implode("\n", $results);
public static function readConfig($force=false)
$config = RSFormProConfig::getInstance();
if ($force) {
return $config->getData();
public static function getConfig($name = null)
$config = RSFormProConfig::getInstance();
if (is_null($name)) {
return $config->getData();
} else {
return $config->get($name);
public static function componentNameExists($componentName, $formId, $currentComponentId=0, $column = 'ComponentId')
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
if ($componentName == 'formId')
return true;
$componentName = $db->escape($componentName);
$formId = (int) $formId;
$currentComponentId = (int) $currentComponentId;
$query = "SELECT c.".$column." FROM #__rsform_properties p LEFT JOIN #__rsform_components c ON (p.ComponentId = c.ComponentId)";
$query .= "WHERE c.FormId='".$formId."' AND p.PropertyName='NAME' AND p.PropertyValue='".$componentName."'";
if ($currentComponentId)
$query .= " AND c.ComponentId != '".$currentComponentId."'";
$exists = $db->loadResult();
return $exists;
public static function getCurrentLanguage($formId=null)
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$session = JFactory::getSession();
$formId = !$formId ? $mainframe->input->getInt('formId') || $mainframe->input->getInt('FormId') : $formId;
// editing in backend ?
if ($mainframe->isClient('administrator'))
if ($mainframe->input->getCmd('task') == 'submissions.edit' || ($mainframe->input->getCmd('view') == 'submissions' && $mainframe->input->getCmd('layout') == 'edit'))
$cid = $mainframe->input->get('cid', array(), 'array');
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
return $db->setQuery($query)
return $session->get('com_rsform.form.formId'.$formId.'.lang', $lang->getTag());
// frontend
return $lang->getTag();
public static function &getComponentProperties($components) {
static $cache = array();
if (is_numeric($components)) {
$componentIds = array($components);
$single = $components;
} else {
$componentIds = array();
$single = false;
foreach ($components as $componentId) {
if (is_object($componentId) && !empty($componentId->ComponentId)) {
$componentIds[] = (int) $componentId->ComponentId;
} elseif (is_array($componentId) && !empty($componentId['ComponentId'])) {
$componentIds[] = (int) $componentId['ComponentId'];
} else {
$componentIds[] = (int) $componentId;
if ($componentIds) {
if ($newComponentIds = array_diff($componentIds, array_keys($cache))) {
$all_data = &$cache;
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->where($db->qn('ComponentId').' IN ('.implode(',', $newComponentIds).')');
if ($results = $db->setQuery($query)->loadObjectList()) {
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (!isset($all_data[$result->ComponentId])) {
$all_data[$result->ComponentId] = array('componentId' => $result->ComponentId);
$all_data[$result->ComponentId][$result->PropertyName] = $result->PropertyValue;
// Guess the form ID
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$formId = $db->setQuery($query)->loadResult();
// language
$lang = RSFormProHelper::getCurrentLanguage($formId);
$translations = RSFormProHelper::getTranslations('properties', $formId, $lang);
foreach ($all_data as $componentId => $properties) {
foreach ($properties as $property => $value) {
$reference_id = $componentId.'.'.$property;
if (isset($translations[$reference_id])) {
$properties[$property] = $translations[$reference_id];
$all_data[$componentId] = $properties;
if ($single) {
if (!empty($cache[$single])) {
return $cache[$single];
} else {
$results = array();
foreach ($componentIds as $componentId) {
$results[$componentId] = &$cache[$componentId];
return $results;
$blank = array();
return $blank;
public static function isCode($value) {
if (self::hasCode($value)) {
return eval($value);
return $value;
public static function hasCode($value) {
return (strpos($value, '<code>') !== false);
public static function getIcon($type) {
$icon = '';
switch ($type) {
case 'calendar': $icon = 'calendar-o'; break;
case 'gmaps': $icon = 'map-marker'; break;
case 'hidden': $icon = 'texture'; break;
case 'jQueryCalendar': $icon = 'calendar'; break;
case 'rangeSlider': $icon = 'th-list'; break;
case 'php': $icon = 'code'; break;
case 'support': $icon = 'ticket'; break;
return '<span class="rsficon rsficon-'.$icon.'" style="font-size:24px;margin-right:5px"></span>';
public static function htmlEscape($val)
return htmlentities($val, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
public static function explode($value)
if (!is_array($value))
$value = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $value);
$value = explode("\n", $value);
return $value;
public static function readFile($file, $download_name=null)
$ext = strtolower(JFile::getExt($file));
if ($ext == 'tgz' || $ext == 'gz') {
// Needed when some servers with GZIP compression perform double encoding
if (is_callable('ini_set')) {
if (is_callable('ini_get') && ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) {
ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
ini_set('output_buffering', 'Off');
ini_set('output_handler', '');
header('Content-Encoding: none');
if (empty($download_name))
$download_name = basename($file);
$fsize = filesize($file);
header("Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate");
header('Cache-Control: pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0');
if (!preg_match('#MSIE#', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 01:00:00 GMT");
if (preg_match('#Opera#', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
header("Content-Type: application/octetstream");
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Length: ".(string) ($fsize));
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$download_name.'"');
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n");
public static function readFileChunked($filename, $retbytes=true)
$chunksize = 1*(1024*1024); // how many bytes per chunk
$cnt = 0;
$handle = fopen($filename, 'rb');
if ($handle === false) {
return false;
while (!feof($handle)) {
$buffer = fread($handle, $chunksize);
echo $buffer;
if ($retbytes) {
$cnt += strlen($buffer);
$status = fclose($handle);
if ($retbytes && $status) {
return $cnt; // return num. bytes delivered like readfile() does.
return $status;
public static function getReplacements($SubmissionId, $skip_globals=false)
// Small hack
return RSFormProHelper::sendSubmissionEmails($SubmissionId, true, $skip_globals);
public static function sendSubmissionEmails($SubmissionId, $only_return_replacements=false, $skip_globals=false)
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$u = JUri::getInstance();
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
$SubmissionId = (int) $SubmissionId;
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$Itemid = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('Itemid');
$Itemid = $Itemid ? '&amp;Itemid='.$Itemid : '';
$db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__rsform_submissions WHERE SubmissionId='".$SubmissionId."'");
$submission = $db->loadObject();
$submission->values = array();
$db->setQuery("SELECT FieldName, FieldValue FROM #__rsform_submission_values WHERE SubmissionId='".$SubmissionId."'");
$fields = $db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($fields as $field)
$submission->values[$field->FieldName] = $field->FieldValue;
$formId = $submission->FormId;
$db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__rsform_forms WHERE FormId='".$formId."'");
$form = $db->loadObject();
$form->MultipleSeparator = str_replace(array('\n', '\r', '\t'), array("\n", "\r", "\t"), $form->MultipleSeparator);
if (empty($submission->Lang))
if (!empty($form->Lang))
$submission->Lang = $form->Lang;
$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
$language = $lang->getDefault();
$submission->Lang = $language;
$db->setQuery("UPDATE #__rsform_submissions SET Lang='".$db->escape($submission->Lang)."' WHERE SubmissionId='".$submission->SubmissionId."'");
$translations = RSFormProHelper::getTranslations('forms', $form->FormId, $submission->Lang);
if ($translations)
foreach ($translations as $field => $value)
if (isset($form->$field))
$form->$field = $value;
$placeholders = array();
$values = array();
$db->setQuery("SELECT c.ComponentTypeId, p.ComponentId, p.PropertyName, p.PropertyValue FROM #__rsform_components c LEFT JOIN #__rsform_properties p ON (c.ComponentId=p.ComponentId) WHERE c.FormId='".$formId."' AND c.Published='1' AND p.PropertyName IN ('NAME', 'DESCRIPTION', 'CAPTION', 'EMAILATTACH', 'WYSIWYG', 'ITEMS', 'TEXT')");
$components = $db->loadObjectList();
$properties = array();
$uploadFields = array();
$hiddenFields = array();
$multipleFields = array();
$textareaFields = array();
$freetextFields = array();
$userEmailUploads = array();
$adminEmailUploads = array();
$additionalEmailUploads = array();
$additionalEmailUploadsIds = array();
foreach ($components as $component)
// Upload fields - grab by NAME so that we can use it later on when checking $_FILES
if ($component->ComponentTypeId == RSFORM_FIELD_FILEUPLOAD)
if ($component->PropertyName == 'EMAILATTACH')
$emailsvalues = $component->PropertyValue;
$emailsvalues = trim($emailsvalues) != '' ? explode(',',$emailsvalues) : array();
if (!empty($emailsvalues))
foreach ($emailsvalues as $emailvalue)
if ($emailvalue == 'useremail' || $emailvalue == 'adminemail') continue;
$additionalEmailUploadsIds[] = $emailvalue;
$additionalEmailUploadsIds = array_unique($additionalEmailUploadsIds);
if (!empty($additionalEmailUploadsIds))
foreach ($additionalEmailUploadsIds as $additionalEmailUploadsId)
if (in_array($additionalEmailUploadsId,$emailsvalues))
$additionalEmailUploads[$additionalEmailUploadsId][] = $component->ComponentId;
if ($component->PropertyName == 'NAME')
$uploadFields[] = $component->PropertyValue;
if ($component->PropertyName == 'EMAILATTACH' && !empty($component->PropertyValue))
$emailvalues = explode(',',$component->PropertyValue);
if (in_array('useremail',$emailvalues))
$userEmailUploads[] = $component->ComponentId;
if (in_array('adminemail',$emailvalues))
$adminEmailUploads[] = $component->ComponentId;
// Multiple fields - grab by ComponentId for performance
elseif (in_array($component->ComponentTypeId, array(RSFORM_FIELD_SELECTLIST, RSFORM_FIELD_CHECKBOXGROUP)))
if ($component->PropertyName == 'NAME')
$multipleFields[] = $component->ComponentId;
// Textarea fields - grab by ComponentId for performance
elseif ($component->ComponentTypeId == RSFORM_FIELD_TEXTAREA)
if ($component->PropertyName == 'WYSIWYG' && $component->PropertyValue == 'NO')
$textareaFields[] = $component->ComponentId;
} elseif ($component->ComponentTypeId == RSFORM_FIELD_FREETEXT) {
$freetextFields[] = $component->ComponentId;
} elseif (in_array($component->ComponentTypeId, array(RSFORM_FIELD_HIDDEN, RSFORM_FIELD_TICKET))) {
$hiddenFields[] = $component->ComponentId;
$properties[$component->ComponentId][$component->PropertyName] = $component->PropertyValue;
// language
$translations = RSFormProHelper::getTranslations('properties', $formId, $submission->Lang);
foreach ($properties as $componentId => $componentProperties)
foreach ($componentProperties as $property => $value)
$reference_id = $componentId.'.'.$property;
if (isset($translations[$reference_id]))
$componentProperties[$property] = $translations[$reference_id];
$properties[$componentId] = $componentProperties;
$secret = $config->get('secret');
foreach ($properties as $ComponentId => $property)
// {component:caption}
$placeholders[] = '{'.$property['NAME'].':caption}';
// Hidden fields don't have a caption
if (in_array($ComponentId, $hiddenFields))
$values[] = $property['NAME'];
$values[] = isset($property['CAPTION']) ? $property['CAPTION'] : '';
// {component:description}
$placeholders[] = '{'.$property['NAME'].':description}';
$values[] = isset($property['DESCRIPTION']) ? $property['DESCRIPTION'] : '';
// {component:name}
$placeholders[] = '{'.$property['NAME'].':name}';
$values[] = $property['NAME'];
// {component:price}
if (isset($property['ITEMS'])) {
if (strpos($property['ITEMS'], '[p') !== false) {
$placeholders[] = '{'.$property['NAME'].':price}';
$values[] = RSFormProHelper::getComponentPrice($property, $submission);
// {component:value}
$placeholders[] = '{'.$property['NAME'].':value}';
$value = '';
if (isset($submission->values[$property['NAME']]))
$value = $submission->values[$property['NAME']];
// Check if this is an upload field
if (in_array($property['NAME'], $uploadFields))
$value = '<a href="'.JUri::root().'index.php?option=com_rsform&amp;task=submissions.view.file&amp;hash='.md5($submission->SubmissionId.$secret.$property['NAME']).$Itemid.'">'.basename($submission->values[$property['NAME']]).'</a>';
// Check if this is a multiple field
elseif (in_array($ComponentId, $multipleFields))
$value = str_replace("\n", $form->MultipleSeparator, $value);
elseif ($form->TextareaNewLines && in_array($ComponentId, $textareaFields))
$value = nl2br($value);
} elseif (in_array($ComponentId, $freetextFields)) {
$value = $property['TEXT'];
$values[] = $value;
if (isset($property['ITEMS'])) {
$placeholders[] = '{'.$property['NAME'].':text}';
if (isset($submission->values[$property['NAME']])) {
$value = $submission->values[$property['NAME']];
$all_values = explode("\n", $value);
$all_texts = array();
$items = RSFormProHelper::explode(RSFormProHelper::isCode($property['ITEMS']));
$special = array('[c]', '[g]', '[d]');
$pricePattern = '#\[p([0-9\.\-\+]+)\]#s';
foreach ($all_values as $v => $value) {
$all_texts[$v] = $value;
foreach ($items as $item) {
$item = str_replace($special, '', $item);
$item = preg_replace($pricePattern, '', $item);
@list($item_val, $item_text) = explode("|", $item, 2);
if ($item_text && $item_val == $value)
$all_texts[$v] = $item_text;
if ($all_texts) {
$values[] = implode($form->MultipleSeparator, $all_texts);
} else {
$values[] = $value;
} else {
$values[] = '';
// {component:path}
// {component:localpath}
// {component:filename}
if (in_array($property['NAME'], $uploadFields))
$placeholders[] = '{'.$property['NAME'].':path}';
$placeholders[] = '{'.$property['NAME'].':localpath}';
$placeholders[] = '{'.$property['NAME'].':filename}';
if (isset($submission->values[$property['NAME']])) {
$filepath = $submission->values[$property['NAME']];
$filepath = substr_replace($filepath, JUri::root(), 0, strlen(JPATH_SITE)+1);
$filepath = str_replace(array('\\', '\\/', '//\\'), '/', $filepath);
$values[] = $filepath;
$values[] = $submission->values[$property['NAME']];
$values[] = basename($submission->values[$property['NAME']]);
else {
$values[] = '';
$values[] = '';
$values[] = '';
$placeholders[] = '{_STATUS:value}';
$values[] = isset($submission->values['_STATUS']) ? JText::_('RSFP_PAYPAL_STATUS_'.$submission->values['_STATUS']) : '';
$placeholders[] = '{_ANZ_STATUS:value}';
$values[] = isset($submission->values['_ANZ_STATUS']) ? JText::_('RSFP_ANZ_STATUS_'.$submission->values['_ANZ_STATUS']) : '';
$user = JFactory::getUser($submission->UserId);
if (empty($user->id))
$user = JFactory::getUser(0);
$root = $mainframe->isClient('administrator') ? JUri::root() : $u->toString(array('scheme','host', 'port'));
$confirmation_hash = md5($submission->SubmissionId.$formId.$submission->DateSubmitted);
$hash_link = 'index.php?option=com_rsform&task=confirm&hash='.$confirmation_hash;
$delete_link = 'index.php?option=com_rsform&task=deletesubmission&hash='.$submission->SubmissionHash;
$confirmation = $root.($mainframe->isClient('administrator') ? $hash_link : JRoute::_($hash_link));
$deletion = $root.($mainframe->isClient('administrator') ? $delete_link : JRoute::_($delete_link));
if (!$skip_globals)
array_push($placeholders, '{global:username}', '{global:userid}', '{global:useremail}', '{global:fullname}', '{global:userip}', '{global:date_added}', '{global:sitename}', '{global:siteurl}', '{global:confirmation}', '{global:deletion}', '{global:submissionid}', '{global:submission_id}', '{global:mailfrom}', '{global:fromname}', '{global:formid}');
array_push($values, $user->username, $user->id, $user->email, $user->name, $submission->UserIp, RSFormProHelper::getDate($submission->DateSubmitted), $config->get('sitename'), JUri::root(), $confirmation, $deletion, $submission->SubmissionId, $submission->SubmissionId, $config->get('mailfrom'), $config->get('fromname'), $formId);
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_onAfterCreatePlaceholders', array(array('form' => &$form, 'placeholders' => &$placeholders, 'values' => &$values, 'submission' => $submission)));
if ($only_return_replacements)
return array($placeholders, $values);
// RSForm! Pro Scripting - User Email Text
// performance check
if (strpos($form->UserEmailText, '{/if}') !== false) {
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/scripting.php';
RSFormProScripting::compile($form->UserEmailText, $placeholders, $values);
$userEmail = array(
'to' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->UserEmailTo),
'cc' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->UserEmailCC),
'bcc' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->UserEmailBCC),
'from' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->UserEmailFrom),
'replyto' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->UserEmailReplyTo),
'fromName' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->UserEmailFromName),
'text' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->UserEmailText),
'subject' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->UserEmailSubject),
'mode' => $form->UserEmailMode,
'files' => array()
// user cc
if (strpos($userEmail['cc'], ',') !== false)
$userEmail['cc'] = explode(',', $userEmail['cc']);
// user bcc
if (strpos($userEmail['bcc'], ',') !== false)
$userEmail['bcc'] = explode(',', $userEmail['bcc']);
$file = str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->UserEmailAttachFile);
if ($form->UserEmailAttach && file_exists($file))
$userEmail['files'][] = $file;
// Need to attach files
// User Email
foreach ($userEmailUploads as $componentId)
$name = $properties[$componentId]['NAME'];
if (!empty($submission->values[$name]))
$userEmail['files'][] = $submission->values[$name];
// RSForm! Pro Scripting - Admin Email Text
// performance check
if (strpos($form->AdminEmailText, '{/if}') !== false) {
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/scripting.php';
RSFormProScripting::compile($form->AdminEmailText, $placeholders, $values);
$adminEmail = array(
'to' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->AdminEmailTo),
'cc' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->AdminEmailCC),
'bcc' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->AdminEmailBCC),
'from' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->AdminEmailFrom),
'replyto' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->AdminEmailReplyTo),
'fromName' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->AdminEmailFromName),
'text' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->AdminEmailText),
'subject' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $form->AdminEmailSubject),
'mode' => $form->AdminEmailMode,
'files' => array()
// admin cc
if (strpos($adminEmail['cc'], ',') !== false)
$adminEmail['cc'] = explode(',', $adminEmail['cc']);
// admin bcc
if (strpos($adminEmail['bcc'], ',') !== false)
$adminEmail['bcc'] = explode(',', $adminEmail['bcc']);
// Admin Email
foreach ($adminEmailUploads as $componentId)
$name = $properties[$componentId]['NAME'];
if (!empty($submission->values[$name]))
$adminEmail['files'][] = $submission->values[$name];
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_beforeUserEmail', array(array('form' => &$form, 'placeholders' => &$placeholders, 'values' => &$values, 'submissionId' => $SubmissionId, 'userEmail'=>&$userEmail)));
// Script called before the User Email is sent.
// mail users
if ($userEmail['to']) {
$recipients = explode(',', $userEmail['to']);
RSFormProHelper::sendMail($userEmail['from'], $userEmail['fromName'], $recipients, $userEmail['subject'], $userEmail['text'], $userEmail['mode'], !empty($userEmail['cc']) ? $userEmail['cc'] : null, !empty($userEmail['bcc']) ? $userEmail['bcc'] : null, $userEmail['files'], !empty($userEmail['replyto']) ? $userEmail['replyto'] : '');
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_beforeAdminEmail', array(array('form' => &$form, 'placeholders' => &$placeholders, 'values' => &$values, 'submissionId' => $SubmissionId, 'adminEmail'=>&$adminEmail)));
// Script called before the Admin Email is sent.
//mail admins
if ($adminEmail['to']) {
$recipients = explode(',', $adminEmail['to']);
RSFormProHelper::sendMail($adminEmail['from'], $adminEmail['fromName'], $recipients, $adminEmail['subject'], $adminEmail['text'], $adminEmail['mode'], !empty($adminEmail['cc']) ? $adminEmail['cc'] : null, !empty($adminEmail['bcc']) ? $adminEmail['bcc'] : null, $adminEmail['files'], !empty($adminEmail['replyto']) ? $adminEmail['replyto'] : '');
//additional emails
$db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__rsform_emails WHERE `type` = 'additional' AND `formId` = ".$formId." AND `from` != ''");
if ($emails = $db->loadObjectList()) {
$etranslations = RSFormProHelper::getTranslations('emails', $formId, $submission->Lang);
foreach ($emails as $email) {
if (isset($etranslations[$email->id.'.fromname'])) {
$email->fromname = $etranslations[$email->id.'.fromname'];
if (isset($etranslations[$email->id.'.subject'])) {
$email->subject = $etranslations[$email->id.'.subject'];
if (isset($etranslations[$email->id.'.message'])) {
$email->message = $etranslations[$email->id.'.message'];
if (empty($email->fromname) || empty($email->subject) || empty($email->message)) {
// RSForm! Pro Scripting - Additional Email Text
// performance check
if (strpos($email->message, '{/if}') !== false) {
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/scripting.php';
RSFormProScripting::compile($email->message, $placeholders, $values);
$additionalEmail = array(
'to' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $email->to),
'cc' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $email->cc),
'bcc' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $email->bcc),
'from' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $email->from),
'replyto' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $email->replyto),
'fromName' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $email->fromname),
'text' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $email->message),
'subject' => str_replace($placeholders, $values, $email->subject),
'mode' => $email->mode,
'files' => array()
if (!empty($additionalEmailUploads))
foreach ($additionalEmailUploads as $additionalEmailId => $additionalEmailUpload)
if ($additionalEmailId == $email->id)
foreach ($additionalEmailUpload as $componentId)
$name = $properties[$componentId]['NAME'];
if (!empty($submission->values[$name]))
$additionalEmail['files'][] = $submission->values[$name];
// additional cc
if (strpos($additionalEmail['cc'], ',') !== false)
$additionalEmail['cc'] = explode(',', $additionalEmail['cc']);
// additional bcc
if (strpos($additionalEmail['bcc'], ',') !== false)
$additionalEmail['bcc'] = explode(',', $additionalEmail['bcc']);
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_beforeAdditionalEmail', array(array('form' => &$form, 'placeholders' => &$placeholders, 'values' => &$values, 'submissionId' => $SubmissionId, 'additionalEmail'=>&$additionalEmail)));
// mail users
if ($additionalEmail['to']) {
$recipients = explode(',', $additionalEmail['to']);
RSFormProHelper::sendMail($additionalEmail['from'], $additionalEmail['fromName'], $recipients, $additionalEmail['subject'], $additionalEmail['text'], $additionalEmail['mode'], !empty($additionalEmail['cc']) ? $additionalEmail['cc'] : null, !empty($additionalEmail['bcc']) ? $additionalEmail['bcc'] : null, $additionalEmail['files'], !empty($additionalEmail['replyto']) ? $additionalEmail['replyto'] : '');
return array($placeholders, $values);
public static function escapeArray(&$val, &$key)
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$val = $db->escape($val);
$key = $db->escape($key);
public static function quoteArray(&$val, $key) {
static $db;
if (!$db) {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$val = $db->q($val);
public static function componentExists($formId, $componentTypeId, $published = 1)
$formId = (int) $formId;
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
if (is_array($componentTypeId))
$componentTypeId = array_map('intval', $componentTypeId);
$componentTypeId = array((int) $componentTypeId);
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('ComponentTypeId') . ' IN (' . implode(',', $componentTypeId) . ')')
->where($db->qn('FormId') . ' = ' . $db->q($formId));
if ($published)
$query->where($db->qn('Published') . ' = ' . $db->q(1));
return $db->setQuery($query)->loadColumn();
public static function cleanCache()
$cache = JCache::getInstance('page');
$id = $cache->makeId();
if ($handler = $cache->_getStorage()) {
$handler->remove($id, 'page');
// Test this
// $cache->clean();
// conditions
public static function getConditions($formId, $lang=null)
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
if (!$lang)
$lang = RSFormProHelper::getCurrentLanguage();
// get all conditions
$db->setQuery("SELECT c.*,p.PropertyValue AS ComponentName FROM `#__rsform_conditions` c LEFT JOIN #__rsform_properties p ON (c.component_id = p.ComponentId) LEFT JOIN #__rsform_components comp ON (comp.ComponentId=p.ComponentId) WHERE c.`form_id` = ".$formId." AND c.lang_code='".$db->escape($lang)."' AND comp.Published = 1 AND p.PropertyName='NAME' ORDER BY c.`id` ASC");
if ($conditions = $db->loadObjectList())
// put them all in an array so we can use only one query
$cids = array();
foreach ($conditions as $condition)
$cids[] = $condition->id;
// get details
$db->setQuery("SELECT d.*,p.PropertyValue AS ComponentName FROM #__rsform_condition_details d LEFT JOIN #__rsform_properties p ON (d.component_id = p.ComponentId) LEFT JOIN #__rsform_components comp ON (comp.ComponentId=p.ComponentId) WHERE d.condition_id IN (".implode(",", $cids).") AND comp.Published = 1 AND p.PropertyName='NAME'");
$details = $db->loadObjectList();
// arrange details within conditions
foreach ($conditions as $i => $condition)
$condition->details = array();
foreach ($details as $detail)
if ($detail->condition_id != $condition->id) continue;
$detail->value = preg_replace('#\[p(.*?)\]#is','',$detail->value);
$condition->details[] = $detail;
$conditions[$i] = $condition;
// all done
return $conditions;
// nothing found
return false;
public static function showForm($formId, $val=array(), $validation=array())
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$jconfig = JFactory::getConfig();
$u = RSFormProHelper::getURL();
$formId = (int) $formId;
$logged = $user->id;
$form = RSFormProHelper::getForm($formId);
$lang = RSFormProHelper::getCurrentLanguage();
$translations = RSFormProHelper::getTranslations('forms', $form->FormId, $lang);
if ($translations)
foreach ($translations as $field => $value)
if (isset($form->$field))
$form->$field = $value;
if ($form->JS)
if ($form->CSS)
if ($form->ScrollToError) {
RSFormProAssets::addScriptDeclaration('RSFormPro.scrollToError = true;');
RSFormProAssets::addStyleSheet(JHtml::stylesheet('com_rsform/front.css', array('pathOnly' => true, 'relative' => true)));
RSFormProAssets::addScript(JHtml::script('com_rsform/script.js', array('pathOnly' => true, 'relative' => true)));
// calendars
$YUICalendars = RSFormProHelper::componentExists($formId, RSFORM_FIELD_CALENDAR);
$jQueryCalendars = RSFormProHelper::componentExists($formId, RSFORM_FIELD_JQUERY_CALENDAR);
$rangeSliders = RSFormProHelper::componentExists($formId, RSFORM_FIELD_RANGE_SLIDER);
$formLayout = $form->FormLayout;
$errorMessage = $form->ErrorMessage;
$components = RSFormProHelper::getComponents($formId);
$pages = array();
$page_progress = array();
$submits = array();
foreach ($components as $component)
if ($component->ComponentTypeId == RSFORM_FIELD_PAGEBREAK)
$pages[] = $component->ComponentId;
elseif ($component->ComponentTypeId == RSFORM_FIELD_SUBMITBUTTON)
$submits[] = $component->ComponentId;
$find = array();
$replace = array();
$start_page = 0;
if (!empty($validation)) {
foreach ($components as $component)
if (in_array($component->ComponentId, $validation)) {
if ($component->ComponentTypeId == RSFORM_FIELD_PAGEBREAK)
// stores the error class names found in the form layout
$layoutErrorClass = array();
$fieldErrorClass = array();
$layoutName = (string) preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9]/i', '', $form->FormLayoutName);
// keep the loaded framework class for further purpose
$layoutClassLoaded = false;
if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/formlayouts/'.$layoutName.'.php')) {
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/formlayouts/'.$layoutName.'.php';
$class = 'RSFormProFormLayout'.$layoutName;
if (class_exists($class)) {
$layout = new $class();
$layoutClassLoaded = $layout;
if ($form->LoadFormLayoutFramework) {
// Return the specific layout error class
$layoutErrorClass[$layoutName] = $layout->errorClass;
$fieldErrorClass[$layoutName] = $layout->fieldErrorClass;
} else {
$layoutErrorClass[$layoutName] = '';
$fieldErrorClass[$layoutName] = 'rsform-error';
if ($doc->getDirection() == 'rtl')
RSFormProAssets::addStyleSheet(JHtml::stylesheet('com_rsform/front-rtl.css', array('pathOnly' => true, 'relative' => true)));
$hasAjax = (bool) $form->AjaxValidation;
$all_data = RSFormProHelper::getComponentProperties($components);
foreach ($components as $component) {
if (in_array($component->ComponentTypeId, RSFormProHelper::$captchaFields))
if ($logged && $form->RemoveCaptchaLogged)
$data = $all_data[$component->ComponentId];
$data['componentTypeId'] = $component->ComponentTypeId;
$data['ComponentTypeName'] = $component->ComponentTypeName;
$data['Order'] = $component->Order;
// Pagination
if ($component->ComponentTypeId == RSFORM_FIELD_PAGEBREAK)
// Set flag to load Ajax scripts
if (!empty($data['VALIDATENEXTPAGE']) && $data['VALIDATENEXTPAGE'] == 'YES') {
$hasAjax = true;
$data['PAGES'] = $pages;
$page_progress[] = array('show' => (@$data['DISPLAYPROGRESS'] == 'YES' || @$data['DISPLAYPROGRESS'] == 'AUTO'), 'text' => @$data['DISPLAYPROGRESSMSG'], 'auto' => @$data['DISPLAYPROGRESS'] == 'AUTO');
elseif ($component->ComponentTypeId == RSFORM_FIELD_SUBMITBUTTON)
$data['SUBMITS'] = $submits;
if ($component->ComponentId == end($submits))
$page_progress[] = array('show' => (@$data['DISPLAYPROGRESS'] == 'YES' || @$data['DISPLAYPROGRESS'] == 'AUTO'), 'text' => @$data['DISPLAYPROGRESSMSG'], 'auto' => @$data['DISPLAYPROGRESS'] == 'AUTO');
// Error classes
$errorClass = '';
if (!empty($validation) && in_array($component->ComponentId, $validation)) {
$errorClass = $layoutErrorClass[$layoutName];
$find[] = '{'.$component->name.':errorClass}';
$replace[] = $errorClass;
// Caption
$caption = '';
if (isset($data['SHOW']) && $data['SHOW'] == 'NO') {
$caption = '';
} elseif (isset($data['CAPTION'])) {
$caption = $data['CAPTION'];
$find[] = '{'.$component->name.':caption}';
$replace[] = $caption;
// Body
$out = '';
$invalid = in_array($component->ComponentId, $validation);
// Some filtering in the field type
$type = (string) preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9_\.-]/i', '', $data['ComponentTypeName']);
$type = ltrim($type, '.');
$layouts = array(
// Path to the layout (overridden) class
'RSFormProField'.$layoutName.$type => dirname(__FILE__).'/fields/'.strtolower($layoutName).'/'.strtolower($type).'.php',
// Path to the fallback (basic) class
'RSFormProField'.$type => dirname(__FILE__).'/fields/'.strtolower($type).'.php'
// For legacy reasons...
$r = array(
'ComponentTypeId' => $data['componentTypeId'],
'Order' => isset($data['Order']) ? $data['Order'] : 0
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_bk_onBeforeCreateFrontComponentBody', array(array(
'out' => &$out,
'formId' => $formId,
'componentId' => $component->ComponentId,
'data' => &$data,
'value' => &$val
$config = array(
'formId' => $formId,
'componentId' => $component->ComponentId,
'data' => $data,
'value' => $val,
'invalid' => $invalid,
'errorClass' => $layoutErrorClass[$layoutName],
'fieldErrorClass' => $fieldErrorClass[$layoutName]
foreach ($layouts as $class => $file) {
if (file_exists($file)) {
// If class doesn't exist, load the file
if (!class_exists($class)) {
require_once $file;
// Create the field
$field = new $class($config);
// Return the output
$out .= $field->output;
// do not load the other class again if one is already initiated
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_bk_onAfterCreateFrontComponentBody', array(array(
'out' => &$out,
'formId' => $formId,
'componentId' => $component->ComponentId,
'data' => $data,
'value' => $val,
'r' => $r,
'invalid' => $invalid
$find[] = '{'.$component->name.':body}';
$replace[] = $out;
// Description
$description = '';
if (isset($data['SHOW']) && $data['SHOW'] == 'NO') {
$description = '';
} elseif (isset($data['DESCRIPTION'])) {
$description = $data['DESCRIPTION'];
$find[] = '{'.$component->name.':description}';
$replace[] = $description;
// Validation message
$validationMessage = '';
if (isset($data['SHOW']) && $data['SHOW'] == 'NO') {
$validationMessage = '';
} elseif (isset($data['VALIDATIONMESSAGE'])) {
if (!empty($validation) && in_array($component->ComponentId, $validation)) {
$validationMessage = '<span id="component'.$component->ComponentId.'" class="formError">'.$data['VALIDATIONMESSAGE'].'</span>';
} else {
$validationMessage = '<span id="component'.$component->ComponentId.'" class="formNoError">'.$data['VALIDATIONMESSAGE'].'</span>';
$find[] = '{'.$component->name.':validation}';
$replace[] = $validationMessage;
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_f_onInitFormDisplay', array(array(
'find' => &$find,
'replace' => &$replace,
'formLayout' => &$formLayout
// Global placeholders
$global = array(
'{global:formid}' => $form->FormId,
'{global:formtitle}' => $form->FormTitle,
'{global:username}' => $user->get('username'),
'{global:userip}' => $mainframe->input->server->getString('REMOTE_ADDR'),
'{global:userid}' => $user->get('id'),
'{global:useremail}' => $user->get('email'),
'{global:fullname}' => $user->get('name'),
'{global:sitename}' => $jconfig->get('sitename'),
'{global:siteurl}' => JUri::root(),
'{global:mailfrom}' => $jconfig->get('mailfrom'),
'{global:fromname}' => $jconfig->get('fromname')
$find = array_merge($find, array_keys($global));
$replace = array_merge($replace, array_values($global));
// Error placeholder
$error = '';
/* if (!empty($validationMessage)) {
$error = $errorMessage;
} elseif ($hasAjax) {
$error = $errorMessage;
$error = $errorMessage;
$find[] = '{error}';
$replace[] = $error;
// Check for {if} scripting inside Form Layout
if (strpos($formLayout, '{/if}') !== false)
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/scripting.php';
RSFormProScripting::compile($formLayout, $find, $replace);
// Replace all placeholders
$formLayout = str_replace($find, $replace, $formLayout);
$formLayout .= '<input type="hidden" name="form[formId]" value="'.$formId.'"/>';
if ($form->FormLayoutName == 'responsive') {
$form->CSSClass .= ' formResponsive';
$CSSClass = $form->CSSClass ? ' class="'.RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape(trim($form->CSSClass)).'"' : '';
$CSSId = $form->CSSId ? ' id="'.RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape(trim($form->CSSId)).'"' : '';
$CSSName = $form->CSSName ? ' name="'.RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape(trim($form->CSSName)).'"' : '';
$u = $form->CSSAction ? $form->CSSAction : $u;
$CSSAdditionalAttributes = $form->CSSAdditionalAttributes ? ' '.trim($form->CSSAdditionalAttributes) : '';
if (!empty($pages))
$total_pages = count($pages)+1;
$step = round(100/$total_pages, 2);
$replace_progress = array('{page}', '{total}', '{percent}');
$with_progress = array(1, $total_pages, $step*1);
$progress = reset($page_progress);
$progress_script = '';
if ($layoutClassLoaded && $progress['auto']) {
$progress['text'] = $layoutClassLoaded->progressContent;
$formLayout = '<div id="rsform_progress_'.$formId.'" class="rsformProgress">'.($progress['show'] ? str_replace($replace_progress, $with_progress, $progress['text']) : '').'</div>'."\n".$formLayout;
foreach ($page_progress as $p => $progress)
$progress['text'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', '\n'), addcslashes($progress['text'], "'"));
if ($layoutClassLoaded && $progress['auto']) {
$progress['text'] = $layoutClassLoaded->progressContent;
$replace_progress = array('{page}', '{total}', '{percent}');
$with_progress = array($p+1, $total_pages, $p+1 == $total_pages ? 100 : $step*($p+1));
$progress_script .= "if (page == ".$p.") document.getElementById('rsform_progress_".$formId."').innerHTML = '".($progress['show'] ? str_replace($replace_progress, $with_progress, $progress['text']) : '')."';";
$formLayout .= "\n".'<script type="text/javascript">'."\n".'function rsfp_showProgress_'.$formId.'(page) {'."\n".$progress_script."\n".'}'."\n".'</script>';
$encType = '';
if (RSFormProHelper::componentExists($formId, RSFORM_FIELD_FILEUPLOAD)) {
$encType = ' enctype="multipart/form-data"';
$formLayout = '<form method="post" '.$CSSId.$CSSClass.$CSSName.$CSSAdditionalAttributes.$encType.' action="'.RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape($u).'">'.$formLayout.'</form>';
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_rsform/helpers/prices.php';
if ($prices = RSFormProPrices::getInstance($formId)->getPrices()) {
$script = '';
foreach ($prices as $componentName => $values) {
$script .= "RSFormProPrices['".addslashes($formId.'_'.$componentName)."'] = ".json_encode($values).";\n";
$formLayout .= "\n".'<script type="text/javascript">'."\n".$script."\n".'</script>'."\n";
if (!empty($YUICalendars) || !empty($jQueryCalendars))
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_rsform/helpers/calendar.php';
// render the YUI Calendars
if (!empty($YUICalendars)) {
$calendar = RSFormProCalendar::getInstance('YUICalendar');
// render the jQuery Calendars
if ($jQueryCalendars) {
$calendar = RSFormProCalendar::getInstance('jQueryCalendar');
if (!empty($rangeSliders)) {
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_rsform/helpers/rangeslider.php';
$rangeSlider = RSFormProRangeSlider::getInstance();
if (!empty($pages)) {
$formLayout .= '<script type="text/javascript">rsfp_changePage('.$formId.', '.$start_page.', '.count($pages).');</script>'."\n";
if ($hasAjax) {
$formLayout .= '<script type="text/javascript">RSFormPro.Ajax.URL = '.json_encode(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_rsform&task=ajaxValidate', false)).';</script>';
$validationParams = array(
'parent' => $layoutErrorClass[$layoutName],
'field' => $fieldErrorClass[$layoutName]
if ($form->AjaxValidation) {
"RSFormProUtils.addEvent(window, 'load', function(){
RSFormPro.Ajax.overrideSubmit(" . $formId . ", " . json_encode($validationParams) . ");
} else {
// Allow plugins to inject code with their own Ajax script
$ajaxScript = '';
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_f_onAJAXScriptCreate', array(array('script' => &$ajaxScript, 'formId' => $formId)));
if ($hasAjax || $ajaxScript) {
$formLayout .= "\n".'<script type="text/javascript">';
$formLayout .= "\n".'ajaxExtraValidationScript['.$formId.'] = function(task, formId, data){ '."\n";
$formLayout .= 'var formComponents = {};'."\n";
foreach ($components as $component) {
$formLayout .= "formComponents[".$component->ComponentId."]='".$component->name."';";
$formLayout .= "\n".'RSFormPro.Ajax.displayValidationErrors(formComponents, task, formId, data);'."\n";
// has this been modified?
if ($ajaxScript) {
$formLayout .= $ajaxScript;
$formLayout .= '};'."\n";
$formLayout .= '</script>';
if ($conditions = RSFormProHelper::getConditions($formId))
$formLayout .= '<script type="text/javascript">';
$runAllConditions = "\n".'function rsfp_runAllConditions'.$formId.'(){';
foreach ($conditions as $condition)
$formLayout .= "\n".'function rsfp_runCondition'.$condition->id.'(){';
$runAllConditions .= "\n".'rsfp_runCondition'.$condition->id.'();';
if ($condition->details)
$condition_vars = array();
foreach ($condition->details as $detail)
$formLayout .= "\n"."isChecked = rsfp_verifyChecked(".$formId.", '".addslashes($detail->ComponentName)."', '".addslashes($detail->value)."');";
$formLayout .= "\n"."condition".$detail->id." = isChecked == ".($detail->operator == 'is' ? 'true' : 'false').";";
$condition_vars[] = "condition".$detail->id;
if ($condition->block)
$block = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($condition->ComponentName);
$formLayout .= "\n"."items = rsfp_getBlock(".$formId.", '".addslashes($block)."');";
$formLayout .= "\n"."items = rsfp_getFieldsByName(".$formId.", '".addslashes($condition->ComponentName)."');";
$formLayout .= "\n"."if (items) {";
$formLayout .= "\n"."if (".implode($condition->condition == 'all' ? '&&' : '||', $condition_vars).") {";
$formLayout .= "\n"."displayValue = '".($condition->action == 'show' ? '' : 'none')."';";
$formLayout .= "\n".'} else {';
$formLayout .= "\n"."displayValue = '".($condition->action == 'show' ? 'none' : '')."';";
$formLayout .= "\n".'}';
$formLayout .= "\n".'rsfp_setDisplay(items, displayValue);';
$formLayout .= "\n"."if (displayValue == 'none') {";
$formLayout .= "\n"."RSFormPro.resetValues(rsfp_getFieldsByName(".$formId.", '".addslashes($condition->ComponentName)."'));";
$formLayout .= "\n"."}";
$formLayout .= "\n"."}";
$formLayout .= "\n".'}';
$formLayout .= "\n".'rsfp_runCondition'.$condition->id.'();';
if ($condition->details) {
$uniques = array();
foreach ($condition->details as $detail) {
if (!in_array($detail->ComponentName, $uniques)) {
$formLayout .= "\n"."rsfp_addCondition(".$formId.", '".addslashes($detail->ComponentName)."', rsfp_runCondition".$condition->id.");";
$uniques[] = $detail->ComponentName;
$runAllConditions .= "\n".'}';
$formLayout .= "\n"."RSFormPro.Conditions.addReset($formId);";
$formLayout .= "\n".$runAllConditions."\n".'</script>';
if ($calculations = RSFormProHelper::getCalculations($formId)) {
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/calculations.php';
$formLayout .= "\n".'<script type="text/javascript">';
$formLayout .= "\n".'function rsfp_Calculations'.$formId.'(){';
foreach ($calculations as $calculation) {
$expression = RSFormProCalculations::expression($calculation, $formId);
$formLayout .= "\n".$expression."\n";
$formLayout .= "\n".'}';
$formLayout .= "\n".'rsfp_Calculations'.$formId.'();';
$formLayout .= RSFormProCalculations::getFields($calculations,$formId);
$formLayout .= "\n".'rsfp_setCalculationsEvents('.$formId.',rsfpCalculationFields'.$formId.');';
$formLayout .= "\n".'</script>';
//Trigger Event - onBeforeFormDisplay
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_f_onBeforeFormDisplay', array(array('formLayout'=>&$formLayout,'formId'=>$formId,'formLayoutName' => $layoutName)));
return $formLayout;
public static function showThankYouMessage($formId)
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$formId = (int) $formId;
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$db->setQuery("SELECT ScrollToThankYou, ThankYouMessagePopUp, FormLayoutName FROM #__rsform_forms WHERE FormId='".$formId."'");
$form = $db->loadObject();
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
RSFormProAssets::addStyleSheet(JHtml::stylesheet('com_rsform/front.css', array('pathOnly' => true, 'relative' => true)));
if ($doc->getDirection() == 'rtl')
RSFormProAssets::addStyleSheet(JHtml::stylesheet('com_rsform/front-rtl.css', array('pathOnly' => true, 'relative' => true)));
$session = JFactory::getSession();
$formparams = $session->get('com_rsform.formparams.formId'.$formId);
$output = base64_decode($formparams->thankYouMessage);
if ($formparams->loadLayoutFramework) {
$layoutName = $form->FormLayoutName;
if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/formlayouts/' . $layoutName . '.php')) {
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/formlayouts/' . $layoutName . '.php';
$class = 'RSFormProFormLayout' . $layoutName;
if (class_exists($class)) {
$layout = new $class();
if (is_callable(array($layout, 'loadFramework'))) {
// Clear
//Trigger Event - onAfterShowThankyouMessage
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_f_onAfterShowThankyouMessage', array(array('output'=>&$output,'formId'=>&$formId)));
if ($form->ScrollToThankYou)
// scroll the window to the Thank You Message
$scrolltoScript = 'RSFormProUtils.addEvent(window, \'load\',function(){ RSFormPro.scrollToElement(document.getElementById(\'rsfp-thankyou-scroll' . $formId . '\')); });';
RSFormProAssets::addScript(JHtml::script('com_rsform/script.js', array('pathOnly' => true, 'relative' => true)));
if ($form->ThankYouMessagePopUp && !$form->ScrollToThankYou) {
$popupScript = 'RSFormProUtils.addEvent(window, \'load\',function(){ RSFormPro.showThankYouPopup(document.getElementById(\'rsfp-thankyou-popup-container' . $formId . '\')); });';
RSFormProAssets::addScript(JHtml::script('com_rsform/script.js', array('pathOnly' => true, 'relative' => true)));
RSFormProAssets::addStyleSheet(JHtml::stylesheet('com_rsform/popup.css', array('pathOnly' => true, 'relative' => true)));
// Cache enabled ?
$cache_enabled = JPluginHelper::isEnabled('system', 'cache');
if ($cache_enabled)
return $output;
public static function processForm($formId)
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$formId = (int) $formId;
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$form = RSFormProHelper::getForm($formId);
$lang = RSFormProHelper::getCurrentLanguage();
$translations = RSFormProHelper::getTranslations('forms', $formId, $lang);
if ($translations)
foreach ($translations as $field => $value)
if (isset($form->$field))
$form->$field = $value;
$invalid = RSFormProHelper::validateForm($formId);
$post = JFactory::getApplication()->input->post->get('form', array(), 'array');
//Trigger Event - onBeforeFormValidation
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_f_onBeforeFormValidation', array(array('invalid'=>&$invalid, 'formId' => $formId, 'post' => &$post)));
$_POST['form'] = $post;
if (!empty($invalid))
return $invalid;
$post = $_POST['form'];
//Trigger Event - onBeforeFormProcess
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_f_onBeforeFormProcess', array(array('post' => &$post)));
if (empty($invalid))
// Cache enabled ?
$cache_enabled = JPluginHelper::isEnabled('system', 'cache');
if ($cache_enabled)
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$confirmsubmission = $form->ConfirmSubmission ? 0 : 1;
$SubmissionHash = JApplicationHelper::getHash(JUserHelper::genRandomPassword());
// Add to db (submission)
$date = JFactory::getDate();
$submission = (object) array(
'FormId' => $formId,
'DateSubmitted' => $date->toSql(),
'UserIp' => isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '',
'Username' => $user->username,
'UserId' => $user->id,
'Lang' => RSFormProHelper::getCurrentLanguage(),
'confirmed' => $confirmsubmission,
'SubmissionHash' => $SubmissionHash
$db->insertObject('#__rsform_submissions', $submission, 'SubmissionId');
$SubmissionId = $submission->SubmissionId;
// get the form components
$formComponents = RSFormProHelper::getComponents($formId);
// check if files have been submitted
$files = JFactory::getApplication()->input->files->get('form', null, 'raw');
foreach ($formComponents as $component) {
$type = (string) preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9_\.-]/i', '', $component->ComponentTypeName);
$type = ltrim($type, '.');
$fieldTypeClass = 'RSFormProField' . $type;
$fieldTypeFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/fields/' . strtolower($type) . '.php';
if (file_exists($fieldTypeFile))
// If class doesn't exist, load the file
if (!class_exists($fieldTypeClass))
require_once $fieldTypeFile;
$config = array(
'formId' => $formId,
'componentId' => $component->ComponentId,
'data' => RSFormProHelper::getComponentProperties($component->ComponentId)
// access the field class
$field = new $fieldTypeClass($config);
$field->processBeforeStore($SubmissionId, $post, $files);
//Trigger Event - onBeforeStoreSubmissions
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_f_onBeforeStoreSubmissions', array(array('formId'=>$formId,'post'=>&$post,'SubmissionId'=>$SubmissionId)));
// Add to db (values)
foreach ($post as $key => $val)
$val = is_array($val) ? implode("\n", $val) : $val;
$val = RSFormProHelper::stripJava($val);
$db->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__rsform_submission_values SET `SubmissionId`='".$SubmissionId."', `FormId`='".$formId."', `FieldName`='".$db->escape($key)."', `FieldValue`='".$db->escape($val)."'");
//Trigger Event - onAfterStoreSubmissions
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_f_onAfterStoreSubmissions', array(array('SubmissionId'=>$SubmissionId, 'formId'=>$formId)));
// Send emails
list($replace, $with) = RSFormProHelper::sendSubmissionEmails($SubmissionId);
// RSForm! Pro Scripting - Thank You Message
// performance check
if (strpos($form->Thankyou, '{/if}') !== false) {
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/scripting.php';
RSFormProScripting::compile($form->Thankyou, $replace, $with);
// Thank You Message
$thankYouMessage = str_replace($replace, $with, $form->Thankyou);
$form->ReturnUrl = str_replace($replace, $with, $form->ReturnUrl);
// Set redirect link
$u = RSFormProHelper::getURL();
// Create the Continue button
$continueButton = '';
if ($form->ShowContinue)
// Create goto link
$goto = 'document.location.reload();';
// Cache workaround #1
if ($cache_enabled)
$goto = "document.location='".addslashes($u)."';";
if (!empty($form->ReturnUrl))
$goto = "document.location='".addslashes($form->ReturnUrl)."';";
// Continue button
$continueButtonLabel = JText::_('RSFP_THANKYOU_BUTTON');
$continueButton = '<input type="button" class="rsform-submit-button btn btn-primary" name="continue" value="'.JText::_('RSFP_THANKYOU_BUTTON').'" onclick="'.$goto.'"/>';
if (strpos($continueButtonLabel, 'input')) {
$continueButton = JText::sprintf('RSFP_THANKYOU_BUTTON',$goto);
} else {
$layoutName = $form->FormLayoutName;
if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/formlayouts/'.$layoutName.'.php')) {
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/formlayouts/'.$layoutName.'.php';
$class = 'RSFormProFormLayout'.$layoutName;
if (class_exists($class)) {
$layout = new $class();
$loadLayoutFramework = $form->LoadFormLayoutFramework;
if (is_callable(array($layout, 'generateButton')))
$continueButton = $layout->generateButton($goto);
// get mappings data
$db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__rsform_mappings WHERE formId = ".(int) $formId." ORDER BY ordering ASC");
$mappings = $db->loadObjectList();
// get Post to another location
$db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__rsform_posts WHERE form_id='".(int) $formId."' AND enabled='1'");
$silentPost = $db->loadObject();
if ($silentPost && !empty($silentPost->fields)) {
$silentPost->fields = json_decode($silentPost->fields);
if (!is_array($silentPost->fields)) {
$silentPost->fields = array();
if ($form->ScrollToThankYou)
$scrollToElement = '<div id="rsfp-thankyou-scroll' . $formId . '"></div>';
$thankYouMessage = $scrollToElement . $thankYouMessage . $continueButton;
} else if ($form->ThankYouMessagePopUp && !$form->ScrollToThankYou)
// Create goto link
$gotoLink = '';
if ($form->ShowContinue)
// Cache workaround #1
if ($cache_enabled)
$gotoLink = addslashes($u);
if (!empty($form->ReturnUrl))
$gotoLink = addslashes($form->ReturnUrl);
$gotoLink = '<input type="hidden" id="rsfp-thankyou-popup-return-link" value="'.$gotoLink.'"/>';
$thankYouMessage = '<div id="rsfp-thankyou-popup-container'.$formId.'">'.$thankYouMessage.$continueButton.$gotoLink.'</div>';
} else {
$thankYouMessage .= $continueButton;
if (!empty($mappings))
$lastinsertid = '';
$replacewith = $with;
array_walk($replacewith, array('RSFormProHelper', 'escapeSql'));
foreach ($mappings as $mapping)
try {
//get the query
$query = RSFormProHelper::getMappingQuery($mapping);
//replace the placeholders
$query = str_replace($replace, $replacewith, $query);
//replace the last insertid placeholder
$query = str_replace('{last_insert_id}', $lastinsertid, $query);
if ($mapping->connection) {
$options = array(
'driver' => isset($mapping->driver) ? $mapping->driver : 'mysql',
'host' => $mapping->host,
'port' => $mapping->port,
'user' => $mapping->username,
'password' => $mapping->password,
'database' => $mapping->database
$database = JDatabaseDriver::getInstance($options);
//is a valid database connection
if (is_a($database, 'JException')) continue;
$lastinsertid = $database->insertid();
} else {
$lastinsertid = $db->insertid();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$mainframe->enqueueMessage($e->getMessage(), 'warning');
if (!$form->Keepdata)
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_rsform/helpers/submissions.php';
if (!$form->KeepIP)
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->set($db->qn('UserIp') . ' = ' . $db->q(''))
->where($db->qn('SubmissionId') . ' = ' . $db->q($SubmissionId));
if ($silentPost && !empty($silentPost->url) && $silentPost->url != 'http://')
// Set URL to send data to
$url = $silentPost->url;
// Prepare data
if (!empty($silentPost->fields)) {
$data = '';
foreach ($silentPost->fields as $field) {
$field->name = str_replace($replace, $with, $field->name);
$field->value = str_replace($replace, $with, $field->value);
if (strlen($field->name)) {
$data .= urlencode($field->name).'='.urlencode($field->value).'&';
$data = rtrim($data, '&');
} else {
$data = http_build_query($post);
try {
// Do we need to send data silently?
if ($silentPost->silent) {
// Get HTTP connector
$http = JHttpFactory::getHttp();
if ($silentPost->method) {
$http->post($url, $data);
} else {
// GET
$http->get($url.(strpos($url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&').$data);
} else {
// Try to follow the URL
if ($silentPost->method) {
$dataArray = explode('&', $data);
// Create a hidden form that we submit through Javascript
<form id="formSubmit" method="post" action="<?php echo RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape($url); ?>">
if (!empty($dataArray) && is_array($dataArray)) {
foreach ($dataArray as $value) {
list($key, $value) = explode('=', $value, 2);
<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape(urldecode($key)); ?>" value="<?php echo RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape(urldecode($value)); ?>" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function formSubmit() {
if (typeof document.getElementById("formSubmit").submit == "function") {
} else {
try {
window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener("load",formSubmit,false) : window.attachEvent("onload",formSubmit);
} catch (err) {
} else {
$mainframe->redirect($url.(strpos($url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&').$data);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$mainframe->enqueueMessage($e->getMessage(), 'warning');
// Cache workaround #2
if ($cache_enabled)
$uniqid = uniqid('rsform');
$u .= (strpos($u, '?') === false) ? '?skipcache='.$uniqid : '&skipcache='.$uniqid;
// Get session object
$session = JFactory::getSession();
// Populate data
$formparams = (object) array(
'loadLayoutFramework' => !empty($loadLayoutFramework) ? 1 : 0,
'submissionId' => $SubmissionId,
'redirectUrl' => !$form->ShowThankyou && $form->ReturnUrl ? $form->ReturnUrl : $u,
'showSystemMessage' => $form->ShowSystemMessage
// Store the Thank You Message if option is set
if ($form->ShowThankyou) {
$formparams->thankYouMessage = base64_encode($thankYouMessage);
// Store session data
$session->set('com_rsform.formparams.formId'.$formId, $formparams);
// Trigger - After form process
$mainframe->triggerEvent('rsfp_f_onAfterFormProcess', array(array('SubmissionId' => $SubmissionId, 'formId' => $formId)));
// If we didn't get redirected through a plugin, mark form as processed to display Thank You Message on next page load
$formparams->formProcessed = true;
// Store new session data
$session->set('com_rsform.formparams.formId'.$formId, $formparams);
if (!$form->ShowThankyou && $form->ReturnUrl)
return false;
public static function getComponents($formId) {
static $components = array();
if (!isset($components[$formId])) {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// need to get the component type name so that we can load the specific class
->select($db->qn('p.PropertyValue', 'name'))
->from($db->qn('#__rsform_properties', 'p'))
->join('LEFT', $db->qn('#__rsform_components', 'c').' ON ('.$db->qn('c.ComponentId').' = '.$db->qn('p.ComponentId').')')
->join('LEFT', $db->qn('#__rsform_component_types', 'ct').' ON ('.$db->qn('ct.ComponentTypeId').' = '.$db->qn('c.ComponentTypeId').')')
->where($db->qn('c.FormId') . ' = ' . $db->q($formId))
->where($db->qn('p.PropertyName') . ' = ' . $db->q('NAME'))
->where($db->qn('c.Published') . ' = ' . $db->q('1'))
->order($db->qn('c.Order') . ' ASC');
$components[$formId] = $db->loadObjectList();
return $components[$formId];
public static function getURL()
$uri = JUri::getInstance();
return $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'user', 'pass', 'host', 'port', 'path', 'query', 'fragment'));
public static function verifyChecked($componentName, $value, $post)
if (isset($post['form'][$componentName]))
if (is_array($post['form'][$componentName]) && in_array($value, $post['form'][$componentName]))
return 1;
if (!is_array($post['form'][$componentName]) && $post['form'][$componentName] == $value)
return 1;
return 0;
return 0;
public static function validateForm($formId, $validationType='form', $SubmissionId=0)
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$invalid = array();
$formId = (int) $formId;
$post = RSFormProHelper::getRawPost();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->from($db->qn('#__rsform_components', 'c'))
->order($db->qn('Order').' '.$db->escape('asc'));
// if $type is directory, we need to validate the fields that are editable in the directory
if ($validationType == 'directory') {
$subquery = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($db->qn('ComponentId').' IN ('.(string) $subquery.')');
if ($components = $db->loadObjectList('ComponentId')) {
$componentIds = array_keys($components);
// load properties
$all_data = RSFormProHelper::getComponentProperties($componentIds);
if (empty($all_data)) {
return $invalid;
// load conditions
if ($conditions = RSFormProHelper::getConditions($formId)) {
foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
if ($condition->details) {
$condition_vars = array();
foreach ($condition->details as $detail) {
$isChecked = RSFormProHelper::verifyChecked($detail->ComponentName, $detail->value, $post);
$condition_vars[] = $detail->operator == 'is' ? $isChecked : !$isChecked;
// this check is performed like this
// 'all' must be true (ie. no 0s in the array); 'any' can be true (ie. one value of 1 in the array will do)
$result = $condition->condition == 'all' ? !in_array(0, $condition_vars) : in_array(1, $condition_vars);
// if the item is hidden, no need to validate it
if (($condition->action == 'show' && !$result) || ($condition->action == 'hide' && $result)) {
foreach ($components as $i => $component) {
if ($component->ComponentId == $condition->component_id) {
// ... just remove it from the components array
// load validation rules
$validations = array_flip(RSFormProHelper::getValidationRules(true));
$dateValidations = array_flip(RSFormProHelper::getDateValidationRules(true));
$validationClass = RSFormProHelper::getValidationClass();
$dateValidationClass = RSFormProHelper::getDateValidationClass();
// validate through components
foreach ($components as $component) {
$data = $all_data[$component->ComponentId];
$required = !empty($data['REQUIRED']) && $data['REQUIRED'] == 'YES';
$validationRule = !empty($data['VALIDATIONRULE']) ? $data['VALIDATIONRULE'] : '';
$typeId = $component->ComponentTypeId;
// birthDay field
// flag to check if we need to run the validation functions
$runValidations = false;
if ($validationType == 'directory') {
// Split the field...
$dateParts = explode($data['DATESEPARATOR'], $post['form'][$data['NAME']]);
if ($data['SHOWDAY'] != 'YES') {
$data['DATEORDERING'] = str_replace('D', '', $data['DATEORDERING']);
if ($data['SHOWMONTH'] != 'YES') {
$data['DATEORDERING'] = str_replace('M', '', $data['DATEORDERING']);
if ($data['SHOWYEAR'] != 'YES') {
$data['DATEORDERING'] = str_replace('Y', '', $data['DATEORDERING']);
$day = strpos($data['DATEORDERING'], 'D');
$month = strpos($data['DATEORDERING'], 'M');
$year = strpos($data['DATEORDERING'], 'Y');
$post['form'][$data['NAME']] = array();
if ($data['SHOWDAY'] == 'YES') {
$post['form'][$data['NAME']]['d'] = $dateParts[$day];
if ($data['SHOWMONTH'] == 'YES') {
$post['form'][$data['NAME']]['m'] = $dateParts[$month];
if ($data['SHOWYEAR'] == 'YES') {
$post['form'][$data['NAME']]['y'] = $dateParts[$year];
if ($required) {
// we need all of the fields to be selected
if ($data['SHOWDAY'] == 'YES' && empty($post['form'][$data['NAME']]['d']) ||
$data['SHOWMONTH'] == 'YES' && empty($post['form'][$data['NAME']]['m']) ||
$data['SHOWYEAR'] == 'YES' && empty($post['form'][$data['NAME']]['y'])) {
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
$runValidations = true;
} else {
// the field is not required, but if a selection is made it needs to be valid
$selections = array();
if ($data['SHOWDAY'] == 'YES') {
$selections[] = !empty($post['form'][$data['NAME']]['d']) ? $post['form'][$data['NAME']]['d'] : '';
if ($data['SHOWMONTH'] == 'YES') {
$selections[] = !empty($post['form'][$data['NAME']]['m']) ? $post['form'][$data['NAME']]['m'] : '';
if ($data['SHOWYEAR'] == 'YES') {
$selections[] = !empty($post['form'][$data['NAME']]['y']) ? $post['form'][$data['NAME']]['y'] : '';
$foundEmpty = false;
$foundValue = false;
foreach ($selections as $selection) {
if ($selection == '') {
$foundEmpty = true;
} else {
$foundValue = true;
// at least 1 value has been selected but we've found empty values as well, make sure the selection is valid first!
if ($foundEmpty && $foundValue) {
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
} elseif ($foundValue && !$foundEmpty) {
$runValidations = true;
// we have all the info we need, validations only work when all fields are selected
if ($runValidations && $data['SHOWDAY'] == 'YES' && $data['SHOWMONTH'] == 'YES' && $data['SHOWYEAR'] == 'YES') {
$validationRule = !empty($data['VALIDATIONRULE_DATE']) ? $data['VALIDATIONRULE_DATE'] : '';
$day = $post['form'][$data['NAME']]['d'];
$month = $post['form'][$data['NAME']]['m'];
$year = $post['form'][$data['NAME']]['y'];
// start checking validation rules
if (isset($dateValidations[$validationRule]) && !call_user_func(array($dateValidationClass, $validationRule), $day, $month, $year, $data)) {
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
// no need to process further
if ($typeId == RSFORM_FIELD_CAPTCHA) {
if (JFactory::getUser()->id) {
$form = RSFormProHelper::getForm($formId);
if ($form->RemoveCaptchaLogged) {
$session = JFactory::getSession();
$captchaCode = $session->get('com_rsform.captcha.captchaId'.$component->ComponentId);
if ($data['IMAGETYPE'] == 'INVISIBLE')
$words = RSFormProHelper::getInvisibleCaptchaWords();
if (!empty($post[$captchaCode]))
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
foreach ($words as $word)
if (!empty($post[$word]))
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
if (empty($post['form'][$data['NAME']]) || empty($captchaCode) || $post['form'][$data['NAME']] != $captchaCode)
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
// no sense continuing
// Upload field
$originalUpload = false;
if ($validationType == 'directory' && $SubmissionId) {
$db->setQuery("SELECT FieldValue FROM #__rsform_submission_values WHERE FieldName='".$db->escape($data['NAME'])."' AND SubmissionId='".(int) $SubmissionId."' LIMIT 1");
$originalUpload = $db->loadResult();
if ($files = JFactory::getApplication()->input->files->get('form', null, 'raw')) {
if (!empty($files[$data['NAME']])) {
$name = $files[$data['NAME']]['name'];
$tmp_name = $files[$data['NAME']]['tmp_name'];
$error = $files[$data['NAME']]['error'];
$size = $files[$data['NAME']]['size'];
// File has not been sent but it's required
if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE && $required && !$originalUpload) {
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
// File has been uploaded correctly to the server
if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
// Let's check if the extension is allowed
$extParts = explode('.', $name);
$ext = strtolower(end($extParts));
$acceptedExts = !empty($data['ACCEPTEDFILES']) ? self::explode($data['ACCEPTEDFILES']) : false;
// Let's check only if accepted extensions are set
if ($acceptedExts) {
$accepted = false;
foreach ($acceptedExts as $acceptedExt) {
$acceptedExt = trim(strtolower($acceptedExt));
if (strlen($acceptedExt) && $acceptedExt == $ext) {
$accepted = true;
if (!$accepted) {
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
// Let's check if it's the correct size
if ($size > 0 && $data['FILESIZE'] > 0 && $size > $data['FILESIZE']*1024) {
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
} elseif ($error != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
// Parse the error message
switch ($error) {
// File has not been uploaded correctly
$msg = JText::_('RSFP_UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE');
$msg = JText::_('RSFP_UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR');
// Show the warning
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($msg, 'warning');
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
// Files have been handled, no need to continue
// flag to check if we need to run the validation functions
$runValidations = false;
if ($required) {
// field is required, but is missing
if (!isset($post['form'][$data['NAME']])) {
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
// must have a value if it's required
if (is_array($post['form'][$data['NAME']])) { // it's an empty array
$valid = implode('',$post['form'][$data['NAME']]);
if (empty($valid)) {
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
} else { // it's a string with no length
if (!strlen(trim($post['form'][$data['NAME']]))) {
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
if ($typeId == RSFORM_FIELD_RANGE_SLIDER && empty($post['form'][$data['NAME']]))
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
$runValidations = true;
} else { // not required, perform checks only when something is selected
// we have a value, make sure it's the correct one
if (isset($post['form'][$data['NAME']]) && !is_array($post['form'][$data['NAME']]) && strlen(trim($post['form'][$data['NAME']]))) {
$runValidations = true;
// check the calendar field if is required
if (($typeId == RSFORM_FIELD_CALENDAR || $typeId == RSFORM_FIELD_JQUERY_CALENDAR) && strlen(trim($post['form'][$data['NAME']]))) {
if (!isset($data['VALIDATIONDATE']) || $data['VALIDATIONDATE'] == 'YES') {
$selectedDate = $post['form'][$data['NAME']];
if (JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag() != 'en-GB') {
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_rsform/helpers/calendar.php';
$selectedDate = RSFormProCalendar::fixValue($selectedDate, $data['DATEFORMAT']);
$validDate = JFactory::getDate()->createFromFormat($data['DATEFORMAT'], $selectedDate);
if ($validDate) {
$validDate = $validDate->format($data['DATEFORMAT']);
if ($validDate != $selectedDate) {
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
if ($runValidations && isset($validations[$validationRule]) && !call_user_func(array($validationClass, $validationRule), $post['form'][$data['NAME']], isset($data['VALIDATIONEXTRA']) ? $data['VALIDATIONEXTRA'] : '', $data)) {
$invalid[] = $data['componentId'];
return $invalid;
public static function addClass(&$attributes, $className)
if (preg_match('#class="(.*?)"#is', $attributes, $matches))
$attributes = str_replace($matches[0], str_replace($matches[1], $matches[1].' '.$className, $matches[0]), $attributes);
$attributes .= ' class="'.$className.'"';
return $attributes;
public static function addOnClick(&$attributes, $onClick)
if (preg_match('#onclick="(.*?)"#is', $attributes, $matches))
$attributes = str_replace($matches[0], str_replace($matches[1], $matches[1].'; '.$onClick, $matches[0]), $attributes);
$attributes .= ' onclick="'.$onClick.'"';
return $attributes;
public static function getInvisibleCaptchaWords()
return array('Website', 'Email', 'Name', 'Address', 'User', 'Username', 'Comment', 'Message');
public static function stripJava($val) {
$filtering = RSFormProHelper::getConfig('global.filtering');
switch ($filtering)
case 'joomla':
static $filter;
if (is_null($filter)) {
$filter = JFilterInput::getInstance(array('form', 'input', 'select', 'textarea'), array('style'), 1, 1);
$val = preg_replace('/([\x00-\x08][\x0b-\x0c][\x0e-\x20])/', "", $val);
$val = str_replace("\0", "", $val);
return $filter->clean($val);
case 'rsform':
// remove all non-printable characters. CR(0a) and LF(0b) and TAB(9) are allowed
// this prevents some character re-spacing such as <java\0script>
// note that you have to handle splits with \n, \r, and \t later since they *are* allowed in some inputs
$val = preg_replace('/([\x00-\x08][\x0b-\x0c][\x0e-\x20])/', '', $val);
// straight replacements, the user should never need these since they're normal characters
// this prevents like <IMG SRC=&#X40&#X61&#X76&#X61&#X73&#X63&#X72&#X69&#X70&#X74&#X3A&#X61&#X6C&#X65&#X72&#X74&#X28&#X27&#X58&#X53&#X53&#X27&#X29>
$search = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$search .= '1234567890!@#$%^&*()';
$search .= '~`";:?+/={}[]-_|\'\\';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($search); $i++) {
// ;? matches the ;, which is optional
// 0{0,7} matches any padded zeros, which are optional and go up to 8 chars
// &#x0040 @ search for the hex values
$val = preg_replace('/(&#[x|X]0{0,8}'.dechex(ord($search[$i])).';?)/i', $search[$i], $val); // with a ;
// &#00064 @ 0{0,7} matches '0' zero to seven times
$val = preg_replace('/(&#0{0,8}'.ord($search[$i]).';?)/', $search[$i], $val); // with a ;
// now the only remaining whitespace attacks are \t, \n, and \r
// ([ \t\r\n]+)?
$ra1 = Array('\/([ \t\r\n]+)?javascript', '\/([ \t\r\n]+)?vbscript', ':([ \t\r\n]+)?expression', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?applet', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?meta', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?xml', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?blink', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?link', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?style', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?script', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?embed', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?object', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?iframe', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?frame', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?frameset', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?ilayer', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?layer', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?bgsound', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?title', '<([ \t\r\n]+)?base');
$ra2 = Array('onabort([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onactivate([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onafterprint([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onafterupdate([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onbeforeactivate([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onbeforecopy([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onbeforecut([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onbeforedeactivate([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onbeforeeditfocus([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onbeforepaste([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onbeforeprint([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onbeforeunload([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onbeforeupdate([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onblur([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onbounce([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'oncellchange([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onchange([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onclick([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'oncontextmenu([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'oncontrolselect([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'oncopy([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'oncut([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'ondataavailable([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'ondatasetchanged([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'ondatasetcomplete([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'ondblclick([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'ondeactivate([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'ondrag([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'ondragend([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'ondragenter([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'ondragleave([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'ondragover([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'ondragstart([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'ondrop([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onerror([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onerrorupdate([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onfilterchange([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onfinish([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onfocus([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onfocusin([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onfocusout([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onhelp([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onkeydown([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onkeypress([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onkeyup([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onlayoutcomplete([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onload([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onlosecapture([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onmousedown([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onmouseenter([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onmouseleave([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onmousemove([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onmouseout([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onmouseover([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onmouseup([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onmousewheel([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onmove([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onmoveend([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onmovestart([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onpaste([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onpropertychange([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onreadystatechange([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onreset([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onresize([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onresizeend([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onresizestart([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onrowenter([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onrowexit([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onrowsdelete([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onrowsinserted([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onscroll([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onselect([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onselectionchange([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onselectstart([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onstart([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onstop([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onsubmit([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'onunload([ \t\r\n]+)?=', 'style([ \t\r\n]+)?=');
$ra = array_merge($ra1, $ra2);
foreach ($ra as $tag)
$pattern = '#'.$tag.'#i';
preg_match_all($pattern, $val, $matches);
foreach ($matches[0] as $match)
$val = str_replace($match, substr($match, 0, 2).'<x>'.substr($match, 2), $val);
return $val;
case 'none':
return $val;
public static function getTranslations($reference, $formId, $lang, $select = 'value')
static $selections = array();
static $langs = array();
$formId = (int) $formId;
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Do not grab translations if the form is in the same language as the translation.
if (!isset($langs[$formId])) {
->where($db->qn('FormId').' = '.$db->q($formId));
$langs[$formId] = $db->loadResult();
if ($langs[$formId] == $lang)
return false;
// build the reference hash
$hash = md5($reference.$formId.$lang.$select);
if (!isset($selections[$hash])) {
$acceptedReferences = array('forms', 'emails', 'properties');
if (in_array($reference, $acceptedReferences)) {
$selections[$hash] = array();
$lang_code = $db->escape($lang);
// build the proper SQL Query
->where($db->qn('form_id').' = '.$db->q($formId))
->where($db->qn('lang_code').' = '.$db->q($lang_code))
->where($db->qn('reference').' = '.$db->q($reference));
$results = $db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($results as $result) {
$selections[$hash][$result->reference_id] = ($select == '*') ? $result : (isset($result->$select) ? $result->$select : false);
} else {
$selections[$hash] = false;
return $selections[$hash];
public static function getTranslatableProperties()
public static function translateIcon()
return '<span class="rsficon rsficon-flag" title="' . JText::_('RSFP_THIS_ITEM_IS_TRANSLATABLE') . '" style="color:#3071a9"></span>';
public static function mappingsColumns($config, $method, $row = null)
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/mappings.php';
return RSFormProMappings::mappingsColumns($config, $method, $row);
public static function getMappingQuery($row)
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/mappings.php';
return RSFormProMappings::getMappingQuery($row);
public static function escapeSql(&$value)
static $db;
if (!$db) {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$value = $db->escape($value);
public static function sendMail($from, $fromname, $recipient, $subject, $body, $mode=0, $cc=null, $bcc=null, $attachment=null, $replyto=null, $replytoname=null)
try {
// Get a JMail instance
$mail = JFactory::getMailer();
// Allow this to be overridden
JFactory::getApplication()->triggerEvent('rsfp_onCreateMailer', array(array(
'mailer' => &$mail,
'from' => &$from,
'fromname' => &$fromname,
'recipient' => &$recipient,
'subject' => &$subject,
'body' => &$body,
'mode' => &$mode,
'cc' => &$cc,
'bcc' => &$bcc,
'attachment' => &$attachment,
'replyto' => &$replyto,
'replytoname' => &$replytoname
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
$mailfrom = $config->get('mailfrom');
$mail->setSender(array($from, $fromname));
// Are we sending the email as HTML?
if ($mode)
$textBody = str_ireplace(array('<p>', '<br>', '<br/>', '<br />'), "\n", $body);
$mail->AltBody = strip_tags($textBody);
// Some cleanup
if (is_array($recipient)) {
foreach ($recipient as $i => $r) {
if (empty($r)) {
// Take care of reply email addresses
if (!is_array($replyto)) {
$replyto = explode(',', $replyto);
if (!is_array($replytoname)) {
$replytoname = explode(',', $replytoname);
$replyto = array_filter($replyto);
$replytoname = array_filter($replytoname);
$numReplyTo = count($replyto);
for ($i = 0; $i < $numReplyTo; $i++) {
$mail->addReplyTo(trim($replyto[$i]), isset($replytoname[$i]) ? trim($replytoname[$i]) : '');
return $mail->Send();
} catch (Exception $e) {
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($e->getMessage(), 'warning');
return false;
public static function renderHTML() {
$args = func_get_args();
if ($args[0] == 'select.booleanlist') {
// 0 - type
// 1 - name
// 2 - additional
// 3 - value
// 4 - yes
// 5 - no
// get the radio element
$radio = JFormHelper::loadFieldType('radio');
// setup the properties
$name = htmlspecialchars($args[1], ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
$additional = isset($args[2]) ? (string) $args[2] : '';
$value = $args[3];
$yes = isset($args[4]) ? htmlspecialchars($args[4], ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8') : 'JYES';
$no = isset($args[5]) ? htmlspecialchars($args[5], ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8') : 'JNO';
// prepare the xml
$element = new SimpleXMLElement('<field name="'.$name.'" type="radio" class="btn-group"><option '.$additional.' value="0">'.$no.'</option><option '.$additional.' value="1">'.$yes.'</option></field>');
// run
$radio->setup($element, $value);
return $radio->input;
public static function getAllDirectoryFields($formId) {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
static $cache = array();
if (!isset($cache[$formId])) {
$excludedFields = array(
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->join('left', $db->qn('#__rsform_properties','p').' ON '.$db->qn('c.ComponentId').' = '.$db->qn('p.ComponentId'))
->where($db->qn('p.PropertyName').' = '.$db->q('NAME'))
->where($db->qn('c.ComponentTypeId').' NOT IN (' . implode(',', $excludedFields) . ')')
->order($db->qn('c.Order').' '.$db->escape('asc'));
$cache[$formId] = $db->loadObjectList('FieldId');
$data = RSFormProHelper::getComponentProperties(array_keys($cache[$formId]));
foreach ($cache[$formId] as $FieldId => $field) {
$properties =& $data[$FieldId];
$caption = isset($properties['CAPTION']) ? $properties['CAPTION'] : '';
$cache[$formId][$FieldId]->FieldCaption = $caption;
// Add #__rsform_submissions headers.
$headers = self::getDirectoryStaticHeaders();
foreach ($headers as $index => $header) {
$cache[$formId][$index] = (object) array(
'FieldName' => $header,
'FieldId' => $index,
'FieldType' => 0,
'FieldCaption' => JText::_('RSFP_'.$header)
return $cache[$formId];
public static function getDirectoryStaticHeaders() {
return array(
-1 => 'DateSubmitted',
-2 => 'UserIp',
-3 => 'Username',
-4 => 'UserId',
-5 => 'Lang',
-6 => 'confirmed'
public static function getDirectoryFields($formId) {
static $cache = array();
if (!isset($cache[$formId])) {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM '.$db->qn('#__rsform_directory_fields').' WHERE '.$db->qn('formId').' = '.(int) $formId.' ORDER BY '.$db->qn('ordering').' ASC');
$currentFields = $db->loadObjectList('componentId');
$allFields = self::getAllDirectoryFields($formId);
if ($diffFields = array_diff(array_keys($currentFields), array_keys($allFields))) {
foreach ($diffFields as $fieldId) {
foreach ($allFields as $field) {
// Hidden fields don't have a caption
$field->FieldCaption = $field->FieldName;
if (!isset($currentFields[$field->FieldId])) { // field has been added after, add it to the end of the list
$currentFields[] = (object) array(
'FieldId' => $field->FieldId,
'FieldName' => $field->FieldName,
'FieldCaption' => $field->FieldCaption,
'formId' => $formId,
'componentId' => $field->FieldId,
'viewable' => 0,
'searchable' => 0,
'editable' => 0,
'indetails' => 0,
'incsv' => 0,
'ordering' => count($currentFields)+1,
'allowEdit' => true,
} else { // just set the name & id for reference
$currentFields[$field->FieldId]->FieldId = $field->FieldId;
$currentFields[$field->FieldId]->FieldName = $field->FieldName;
$currentFields[$field->FieldId]->FieldCaption = $field->FieldCaption;
$currentFields[$field->FieldId]->allowEdit = true;
// this is to reset the indexes (0, 1, 2, 3)
$cache[$formId] = array_merge($currentFields, array());
return $cache[$formId];
public static function getDirectoryFormProperties($formId) {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// form multiple separator
$db->setQuery("SELECT MultipleSeparator FROM #__rsform_forms WHERE FormId = '".(int) $formId."'");
$multipleSeparator = str_replace(array('\n', '\r', '\t'), array("\n", "\r", "\t"), $db->loadResult());
$uploadFields = array();
$multipleFields = array();
$db->setQuery("SELECT c.ComponentTypeId, p.ComponentId, p.PropertyValue AS FieldName FROM #__rsform_components c LEFT JOIN #__rsform_properties p ON (c.ComponentId=p.ComponentId) WHERE c.FormId='".(int) $formId."' AND c.Published='1' AND p.PropertyName='NAME'");
$allFields = $db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($allFields as $field) {
if ($field->ComponentTypeId == RSFORM_FIELD_FILEUPLOAD) {
$uploadFields[] = $field->FieldName;
} elseif (in_array($field->ComponentTypeId, array(RSFORM_FIELD_SELECTLIST, RSFORM_FIELD_CHECKBOXGROUP))) {
$multipleFields[] = $field->FieldName;
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
$secret = $config->get('secret');
return array(
public static function canEdit($formId, $SubmissionId)
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$canedit = false;
$user_groups = JAccess::getGroupsByUser($user->get('id'));
if ($groups = static::getDirectoryGroups($formId, 'edit')) {
$registry = new JRegistry;
if ($groups = $registry->toArray()) {
// Check if the user can edit its own submissions
if (in_array('own', $groups)) {
$db->setQuery('SELECT ' . $db->qn('UserId') . ' FROM ' . $db->qn('#__rsform_submissions') . ' WHERE ' . $db->qn('SubmissionId') . ' = ' . $SubmissionId . ' ');
$UserId = $db->loadResult();
if ($UserId == $user->get('id') && !$user->get('guest')) {
$canedit = true;
// Check if the current user can edit submissions
if ($user_groups) {
foreach ($user_groups as $user_group) {
if (in_array($user_group, $groups))
$canedit = true;
return $canedit;
public static function canDelete($formId, $SubmissionId)
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$canDelete = false;
$user_groups = JAccess::getGroupsByUser($user->get('id'));
if ($groups = static::getDirectoryGroups($formId, 'delete')) {
$registry = new JRegistry;
if ($groups = $registry->toArray()) {
// Check if the user can edit its own submissions
if (in_array('own', $groups)) {
$db->setQuery('SELECT ' . $db->qn('UserId') . ' FROM ' . $db->qn('#__rsform_submissions') . ' WHERE ' . $db->qn('SubmissionId') . ' = ' . $SubmissionId . ' ');
$UserId = $db->loadResult();
if ($UserId == $user->get('id') && !$user->get('guest')) {
$canDelete = true;
// Check if the current user can edit submissions
if ($user_groups) {
foreach ($user_groups as $user_group) {
if (in_array($user_group, $groups))
$canDelete = true;
return $canDelete;
public static function getDirectoryGroups($formId, $type = 'edit')
static $cache = array();
if (!isset($cache[$formId]))
$cache[$formId] = (object) array(
'edit' => null,
'delete' => null
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->where($db->qn('formId') . ' = ' . $db->q($formId));
if ($result = $db->setQuery($query)->loadObject())
$cache[$formId]->edit = $result->groups;
$cache[$formId]->delete = $result->DeletionGroups;
return $cache[$formId]->{$type};
public static function getEditFields($cid) {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$return = array();
$values = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('form',array(),'array');
$pattern = '#\[p(.*?)\]#is';
// Load submission
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$submission = $db->setQuery($query)->loadObject();
if (empty($submission)) {
return $return;
$submission->DateSubmitted = JHtml::_('date', $submission->DateSubmitted, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
// Get submission values
$submission->values = array();
if ($submissionValues = $db->setQuery($query)->loadObjectList()) {
foreach ($submissionValues as $value) {
$submission->values[$value->FieldName] = $value->FieldValue;
$validation = !empty($values) ? RSFormProHelper::validateForm($submission->FormId, 'directory') : array();
$formFields = self::getDirectoryFields($submission->FormId);
$headers = self::getDirectoryStaticHeaders();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->select($db->qn('ct.ComponentTypeName', 'type'))
->from($db->qn('#__rsform_components', 'c'))
->join('left', $db->qn('#__rsform_component_types', 'ct').' ON ('.$db->qn('c.ComponentTypeId').'='.$db->qn('ct.ComponentTypeId').')')
$componentTypes = $db->setQuery($query)->loadObjectList('ComponentId');
$componentIds = array();
foreach ($formFields as $formField) {
if ($formField->FieldId > 0) {
$componentIds[] = $formField->FieldId;
// Assign the type
$formField->type = '';
if ($formField->FieldId < 0) {
$formField->type = 'static';
} elseif (isset($componentTypes[$formField->FieldId])) {
$formField->type = $componentTypes[$formField->FieldId]->type;
// For convenience...
$formField->id = $formField->FieldId;
$formField->name = $formField->FieldName;
$properties = RSFormProHelper::getComponentProperties($componentIds);
foreach ($formFields as $field)
if (!$field->editable) {
$invalid = !empty($validation) && in_array($field->id,$validation) ? ' rsform-error' : '';
$data = $field->id > 0 ? $properties[$field->id] : array('NAME' => $field->name);
$new_field = array();
$new_field[0] = !empty($data['CAPTION']) ? $data['CAPTION'] : $field->name;
$new_field[2] = isset($data['REQUIRED']) && $data['REQUIRED'] == 'YES' ? '<strong class="formRequired">(*)</strong>' : '';
$new_field[3] = $field->name;
$name = $field->name;
if ($field->type != 'static') {
if (isset($values[$field->name]))
$value = $values[$field->name];
else {
$value = isset($submission->values[$field->name]) ? $submission->values[$field->name] : '';
} else {
$value = isset($submission->{$field->name}) ? $submission->{$field->name} : '';
if ($data['NAME'] == 'RSEProPayment')
$field->type = 'rsepropayment';
switch ($field->type)
case 'static':
$new_field[0] = JText::_('RSFP_'.$field->name);
// Show a dropdown for yes/no
if ($field->name == 'confirmed') {
$options = array(
JHtml::_('select.option', 0, JText::_('RSFP_NO')),
JHtml::_('select.option', 1, JText::_('RSFP_YES'))
$new_field[1] = JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $options, 'formStatic[confirmed]', null, 'value', 'text', $value);
} else {
$new_field[1] = '<input class="rs_inp rs_80" type="text" name="formStatic['.$name.']" value="'.RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape($value).'" />';
// skip this field for now, no need to edit it
case 'freeText':
$new_field[0] = '';
$new_field[1] = RSFormProHelper::isCode($data['TEXT']);
if (strpos($value, "\n") !== false || strpos($value, "\r") !== false) {
$new_field[1] = '<textarea style="width: 95%" class="rs_textarea'.$invalid.'" rows="10" cols="60" name="form['.$name.']">'.RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape($value).'</textarea>';
} else {
$new_field[1] = '<input class="rs_inp rs_80'.$invalid.'" type="text" name="form['.$name.']" value="'.RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape($value).'" />';
case 'textArea':
if (isset($data['WYSIWYG']) && $data['WYSIWYG'] == 'YES')
$new_field[1] = RSFormProHelper::WYSIWYG('form['.$name.']', RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape($value), '', 600, 100, 60, 10);
$new_field[1] = '<textarea style="width: 95%" class="rs_textarea'.$invalid.'" rows="10" cols="60" name="form['.$name.']">'.RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape($value).'</textarea>';
case 'radioGroup':
case 'checkboxGroup':
case 'selectList':
if ($field->type == 'radioGroup') {
$data['SIZE'] = 0;
$data['MULTIPLE'] = 'NO';
} elseif ($field->type == 'checkboxGroup') {
$data['SIZE'] = 5;
$data['MULTIPLE'] = 'YES';
$value = !empty($values) ? $value : RSFormProHelper::explode($value);
$items = RSFormProHelper::isCode($data['ITEMS']);
$items = RSFormProHelper::explode($items);
$options = array();
foreach($items as $item) {
if (preg_match($pattern,$item,$match)) {
$item = preg_replace($pattern,'',$item);
$item = str_replace('[g]', '', $item);
$optgroup = new stdClass();
$optgroup->value = '<OPTGROUP>';
$optgroup->text = $item;
$options[] = $optgroup;
$optgroup = new stdClass();
$optgroup->value = '</OPTGROUP>';
$optgroup->text = '';
$options[] = $optgroup;
$buf = explode('|',$item);
$val = str_replace('[c]', '', $buf[0]);
$item = str_replace('[c]', '', count($buf) == 1 ? $buf[0] : $buf[1]);
$options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $val, $item);
$attribs = array();
if ((int) $data['SIZE'] > 0)
$attribs[] = 'size="'.(int) $data['SIZE'].'"';
if ($data['MULTIPLE'] == 'YES')
$attribs[] = 'multiple="multiple"';
if ($invalid)
$attribs[] = 'class="rsform-error"';
$attribs = implode(' ', $attribs);
$new_field[1] = JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $options, 'form['.$name.'][]', $attribs, 'value', 'text', $value);
case 'fileUpload':
$new_field[1] = '<span class="'.$invalid.'">'.RSFormProHelper::htmlEscape(basename($value)).'</span>';
$new_field[1] .= '<br /><input size="45" type="file" name="form['.$name.']" />';
$return[] = $new_field;
return $return;
public static function getCalculations($formId) {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__rsform_calculations WHERE formId = ".(int) $formId." ORDER BY `ordering` ");
return $db->loadObjectList();
public static function hasCalculations($formId) {
static $cache = array();
if (!isset($cache[$formId])) {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM #__rsform_calculations WHERE formId = ".(int) $formId." ");
$cache[$formId] = (int) $db->loadResult();
return $cache[$formId];
public static function getComponentPrice($property, $submission) {
$price = 0;
$pattern = '#\[p(.*?)\]#is';
if (isset($property['ITEMS'])) {
$products = array();
$special = array('[c]', '[g]', '[d]');
if ($items = RSFormProHelper::explode(RSFormProHelper::isCode($property['ITEMS']))) {
foreach ($items as $item) {
$item = str_replace($special, '', $item);
@list($item_val, $item_text) = explode("|", $item, 2);
if (preg_match($pattern,$item,$match)) {
$item_val = preg_replace($pattern,'',$item_val);
$products[$item_val] = $match[1];
if (isset($submission->values[$property['NAME']])) {
$value = $submission->values[$property['NAME']];
$all_values = explode("\n", $value);
foreach ($all_values as $val) {
$price += isset($products[$val]) ? (float) $products[$val] : 0;
return number_format($price, (int) RSFormProHelper::getConfig('calculations.nodecimals'),RSFormProHelper::getConfig('calculations.decimal'),RSFormProHelper::getConfig('calculations.thousands'));
public static function getRelativeUploadPath($destination) {
// Relative path
// First check - Unix server and the path doesn't start with /
// Second check - Windows server, path doesn't start with DRIVE:
if (($destination[0] != '/' && DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '/') || (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\' && $destination[1] != ':')) {
$destination = JPATH_SITE.'/'.$destination;
return $destination;
public static function getForm($formId){
static $form = array();
$formId = (int) $formId;
if (!isset($form[$formId])) {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$form[$formId] = $db->loadObject();
return is_object($form[$formId]) ? clone $form[$formId] : false;
public static function getRawPost() {
return JFactory::getApplication()->input->post->getArray(array(), null, 'raw');
public static function generateQuickAdd($field, $key){
$html = '<strong>'.$field['name'].'</strong><br/>';
foreach($field[$key] as $placeholder) {
$html .= '<pre>'. $placeholder .'</pre>';
$html .= '<br/>';
return $html;
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