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Created June 16, 2021 12:36
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RSS feed generator for hackthebox blog ...
# @iamsarvagyaa
# RSS feed for hackthebox blog
# Generate {{{
mapfile -t articles < <(lynx -dump -listonly "$feed" | grep "/blog/" | awk {'print $NF'} | uniq)
# }}}
# Header {{{
cat <<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
<![CDATA[Hack The Box Blog]]>
<![CDATA[`curl $feed -so - | grep -iPo '(?<=<title>)(.*)(?=</title>)' | recode html..`]]>
# }}}
# Body {{{
for i in "${articles[@]}";
printf " <item>\n"
printf " <title>\n"
printf " <![CDATA[`curl \"$i\" -so - | grep -iPo '(?<=<title>)(.*)(?=</title>)' | recode html..`]]>\n"
printf " </title>\n"
printf " <link>$i</link>\n"
printf " </item>\n"
printf " </channel>\n"
printf "</rss>"
# }}}
# vim:ft=bash:foldmethod=marker:foldlevel=0
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