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Created July 19, 2014 07:48
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c language bnf
translation_unit : external_decl
| translation_unit external_decl
external_decl : function_definition
| decl
function_definition : decl_specs declarator decl_list compound_stat
| declarator decl_list compound_stat
| decl_specs declarator compound_stat
| declarator compound_stat
decl : decl_specs init_declarator_list ';'
| decl_specs ';'
decl_list : decl
| decl_list decl
decl_specs : storage_class_spec decl_specs
| storage_class_spec
| type_spec decl_specs
| type_spec
| type_qualifier decl_specs
| type_qualifier
storage_class_spec : 'auto' | 'register' | 'static' | 'extern' | 'typedef'
type_spec : 'void' | 'char' | 'short' | 'int' | 'long' | 'float'
| 'double' | 'signed' | 'unsigned'
| struct_or_union_spec
| enum_spec
| typedef_name
type_qualifier : 'const' | 'volatile'
struct_or_union_spec : struct_or_union id '{' struct_decl_list '}'
| struct_or_union '{' struct_decl_list '}'
| struct_or_union id
struct_or_union : 'struct' | 'union'
struct_decl_list : struct_decl
| struct_decl_list struct_decl
init_declarator_list : init_declarator
| init_declarator_list ',' init_declarator
init_declarator : declarator
| declarator '=' initializer
struct_decl : spec_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';'
spec_qualifier_list : type_spec spec_qualifier_list
| type_spec
| type_qualifier spec_qualifier_list
| type_qualifier
struct_declarator_list : struct_declarator
| struct_declarator_list ',' struct_declarator
struct_declarator : declarator
| declarator ':' const_exp
| ':' const_exp
enum_spec : 'enum' id '{' enumerator_list '}'
| 'enum' '{' enumerator_list '}'
| 'enum' id
enumerator_list : enumerator
| enumerator_list ',' enumerator
enumerator : id
| id '=' const_exp
declarator : pointer direct_declarator
| direct_declarator
direct_declarator : id
| '(' declarator ')'
| direct_declarator '[' const_exp ']'
| direct_declarator '[' ']'
| direct_declarator '(' param_type_list ')'
| direct_declarator '(' id_list ')'
| direct_declarator '(' ')'
pointer : '*' type_qualifier_list
| '*'
| '*' type_qualifier_list pointer
| '*' pointer
type_qualifier_list : type_qualifier
| type_qualifier_list type_qualifier
param_type_list : param_list
| param_list ',' '...'
param_list : param_decl
| param_list ',' param_decl
param_decl : decl_specs declarator
| decl_specs abstract_declarator
| decl_specs
id_list : id
| id_list ',' id
initializer : assignment_exp
| '{' initializer_list '}'
| '{' initializer_list ',' '}'
initializer_list : initializer
| initializer_list ',' initializer
type_name : spec_qualifier_list abstract_declarator
| spec_qualifier_list
abstract_declarator : pointer
| pointer direct_abstract_declarator
| direct_abstract_declarator
direct_abstract_declarator: '(' abstract_declarator ')'
| direct_abstract_declarator '[' const_exp ']'
| '[' const_exp ']'
| direct_abstract_declarator '[' ']'
| '[' ']'
| direct_abstract_declarator '(' param_type_list ')'
| '(' param_type_list ')'
| direct_abstract_declarator '(' ')'
| '(' ')'
typedef_name : id
stat : labeled_stat
| exp_stat
| compound_stat
| selection_stat
| iteration_stat
| jump_stat
labeled_stat : id ':' stat
| 'case' const_exp ':' stat
| 'default' ':' stat
exp_stat : exp ';'
| ';'
compound_stat : '{' decl_list stat_list '}'
| '{' stat_list '}'
| '{' decl_list '}'
| '{' '}'
stat_list : stat
| stat_list stat
selection_stat : 'if' '(' exp ')' stat
| 'if' '(' exp ')' stat 'else' stat
| 'switch' '(' exp ')' stat
iteration_stat : 'while' '(' exp ')' stat
| 'do' stat 'while' '(' exp ')' ';'
| 'for' '(' exp ';' exp ';' exp ')' stat
| 'for' '(' exp ';' exp ';' ')' stat
| 'for' '(' exp ';' ';' exp ')' stat
| 'for' '(' exp ';' ';' ')' stat
| 'for' '(' ';' exp ';' exp ')' stat
| 'for' '(' ';' exp ';' ')' stat
| 'for' '(' ';' ';' exp ')' stat
| 'for' '(' ';' ';' ')' stat
jump_stat : 'goto' id ';'
| 'continue' ';'
| 'break' ';'
| 'return' exp ';'
| 'return' ';'
exp : assignment_exp
| exp ',' assignment_exp
assignment_exp : conditional_exp
| unary_exp assignment_operator assignment_exp
assignment_operator : '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<='
| '>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|='
conditional_exp : logical_or_exp
| logical_or_exp '?' exp ':' conditional_exp
const_exp : conditional_exp
logical_or_exp : logical_and_exp
| logical_or_exp '||' logical_and_exp
logical_and_exp : inclusive_or_exp
| logical_and_exp '&&' inclusive_or_exp
inclusive_or_exp : exclusive_or_exp
| inclusive_or_exp '|' exclusive_or_exp
exclusive_or_exp : and_exp
| exclusive_or_exp '^' and_exp
and_exp : equality_exp
| and_exp '&' equality_exp
equality_exp : relational_exp
| equality_exp '==' relational_exp
| equality_exp '!=' relational_exp
relational_exp : shift_expression
| relational_exp '<' shift_expression
| relational_exp '>' shift_expression
| relational_exp '<=' shift_expression
| relational_exp '>=' shift_expression
shift_expression : additive_exp
| shift_expression '<<' additive_exp
| shift_expression '>>' additive_exp
additive_exp : mult_exp
| additive_exp '+' mult_exp
| additive_exp '-' mult_exp
mult_exp : cast_exp
| mult_exp '*' cast_exp
| mult_exp '/' cast_exp
| mult_exp '%' cast_exp
cast_exp : unary_exp
| '(' type_name ')' cast_exp
unary_exp : postfix_exp
| '++' unary_exp
| '--' unary_exp
| unary_operator cast_exp
| 'sizeof' unary_exp
| 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')'
unary_operator : '&' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '~' | '!'
postfix_exp : primary_exp
| postfix_exp '[' exp ']'
| postfix_exp '(' argument_exp_list ')'
| postfix_exp '(' ')'
| postfix_exp '.' id
| postfix_exp '->' id
| postfix_exp '++'
| postfix_exp '--'
primary_exp : id
| const
| string
| '(' exp ')'
argument_exp_list : assignment_exp
| argument_exp_list ',' assignment_exp
const : int_const
| char_const
| float_const
| enumeration_const
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