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Last active January 9, 2024 04:29
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Simplize Vue's template refs, make it work with IDE suggestion & compiler

Purpose: Make Vue's template ref ( more typescript friendly, make IDE suggestion and compiler validator better

Create a file name useRefs.ts in your utils/helpers directory

import { reactive } from 'vue'

export const useRefs = <T extends object>() => {
  const refs = reactive<T>({} as T)
  const toRef = (refName: keyof T) => (el: any) => ((refs as T)[refName as keyof T] = el)

  return {

Example usage:

  <input :ref="toRef('input')" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted } from 'vue'
import { useRefs } from '@common/utils/useRefs'

const { refs, toRef } = useRefs<{
  input: InstanceType<typeof HTMLInputElement>

onMounted(() => {

What you got:

  • No more IDE warning
  • IDE suggestion every code with template refs
  • Complier checker works with Vue's exposes
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// Is it possible to achieve ?
const { refs, toRef } = useRefs<{
  input: HTMLInputElement

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We got same idea, that is exactly my first version. However, I got compiler errors when using that for my own Vue component. You can check this official Vue docs for the detail:

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I am someone who has just started learning, and I don't know if my code is reasonable.Please enlighten me, senior.

export default function useRefs<
  T extends Record<string, any>,
  R extends Record<string, any> = {
    [k in keyof T]: InstanceType<T[k]>
>() {
  const refs = reactive<R>({} as R)
  const toRef = (refName: keyof T) => (el: any) => ((refs as T)[refName as keyof T] = el)

  return {

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add unit test


import { defineComponent, h, } from 'vue';
import { describe, test, expect, } from 'vitest';
import { mount } from '../.test/mount';

import useRefs from '.';

describe('useRefs', () => {
	test("useRef", () => {
		const vm = mount(defineComponent({
      setup() {
				const { refs, toRef } = useRefs<{
					input: InstanceType<typeof HTMLInputElement>
        return {
      render() {
        return h('input', { ref: this.toRef('input') })


import type { InjectionKey, Ref } from 'vue'

import { createApp } from 'vue'

type InstanceType<V> = V extends { new (...arg: any[]): infer X } ? X : never
type VM<V> = InstanceType<V> & { unmount(): void }

export function mount<V>(Comp: V) {
  const el = document.createElement('div')
  const app = createApp(Comp as any)

  const unmount = () => app.unmount()
  const comp = app.mount(el) as any as VM<V>
  comp.unmount = unmount
  return comp

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varHarrie commented Jan 9, 2024

Other version:

  <div :ref="divRef.bind"></div>

<script setup lang="ts">
function useMyRef<T>() {
  const state = reactive({
    value: undefined as T | undefined,
    bind: (el: any) => {
      state.value = el;

  return state;

const divRef = useMyRef<HTMLDivElement>();

onMounted(() => {

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