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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Conway's Game of Life, written in io

Conway's Game of Life, written in io

Run the game


Run the specs

Cell := Object clone
Cell x := nil
Cell y := nil
Cell new := method(x, y,
self clone init(x,y)
Cell init := method(x, y,
self x = x
self y = y
Cell neighbors := method(
Cell new(self x - 1, self y - 1),
Cell new(self x - 1, self y ),
Cell new(self x - 1, self y + 1),
Cell new(self x , self y - 1),
Cell new(self x , self y + 1),
Cell new(self x + 1, self y - 1),
Cell new(self x + 1, self y ),
Cell new(self x + 1, self y + 1)
Cell living_neighbors := method(grid,
neighbors map(neighbor,
if(grid containsEqual(neighbor), 1, 0)
) reduce(+)
Cell living := method(grid,
grid containsEqual(self)
Cell birth := method(grid,
living(grid) not and living_neighbors(grid) == 3
Cell die := method(grid,
living(grid) and (living_neighbors(grid) < 2 or living_neighbors(grid) > 3)
Cell == = method(other,
x == other x and y == other y
cell := nil
before = block(
cell = Cell new(0,0)
it("has 8 neighbors", block(
expect(cell neighbors size) to(equal(8))
it("has living neighbors", block(
grid := list(Cell new(1,0))
expect(cell living_neighbors(grid)) to(equal(1))
it("is living", block(
grid := list(Cell new(0,0))
expect(cell living(grid)) to(equal(true))
it("births when dead cell has 3 living neighbors", block(
cell = Cell new(0,1)
grid := list(
Cell new(1,0),
Cell new(1,1),
Cell new(1,2)
expect(cell birth(grid)) to(equal(true))
it("dies when less than 2 living neighbors", block(
grid := list(cell)
expect(cell die(grid)) to(equal(true))
it("dies when more than 3 living neighbors", block(
cell = Cell new(0,1)
grid := list(
Cell new(0,0),
Cell new(1,0),
Cell new(1,1),
Cell new(1,2)
expect(cell die(grid)) to(equal(true))
it("is equal to another cell with the same coords", block(
other_cell := Cell new(0,0)
expect(other_cell) to(equal(cell))
render := method(grid,
System system("clear")
size := 10
for(i, 0, size,
for(j, 0, size,
alive := grid containsEqual(Cell new(i,j))
"0" print,
"." print
"" println
blinker := list(
Cell new(0,1),
Cell new(1,1),
Cell new(2,1)
glider := list(
Cell new(1,0),
Cell new(2,1),
Cell new(0,2),
Cell new(1,2),
Cell new(2,2)
grid := glider
new_grid := grid clone
process := method(cell,
if(cell birth(grid),
new_grid push(cell)
if(cell die(grid),
new_grid remove(cell)
grid foreach(cell,
cell neighbors foreach(neighbor,
grid = new_grid
EqualityMatcher := Object clone
EqualityMatcher subject := nil
EqualityMatcher init := method(subject,
self subject = subject
EqualityMatcher match := method(match,
subject == match
Failure := Exception clone
Expectation := Object clone
Expectation subject := nil
Expectation init := method(subject,
self subject = subject
Expectation to := method(matcher,
if(matcher match(subject),
"." print,
Failure raise
List containsEqual := method(obj,
self map(v, v == obj) reduce(or)
it("contains equal but not same object", block(
o1 := Object clone
o2 := Object clone
expect(o1 == o2) to(equal(false))
o1 == = method(other, true)
o2 == = method(other, true)
expect(o1 == o2) to(equal(true))
list := list(o1)
expect(list containsEqual(o2)) to(equal(true))
before := nil
it := method(description, body,
before ?call
e := try(
body call
e catch(Failure,
"" println
"Failure:" println
description println
) pass
expect := method(subject,
Expectation clone init(subject)
equal := method(match,
EqualityMatcher clone init(match)
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