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Created May 15, 2012 15:52
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Save iamwebrocker/2702819 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tt_content.image setup #typo3 #typoscript
# *****************
# CType: image
# *****************
# (also used for rendering 'textpic' type):
tt_content.image = COA
tt_content.image.10 = < lib.stdheader
tt_content.image.20 = USER
tt_content.image.20 {
userFunc = tx_cssstyledcontent_pi1->render_textpic
# Image source
imgList.field = image
imgPath = uploads/pics/
# Single image rendering
imgObjNum = 1
1 {
file.import.current = 1
file.width.field = imagewidth
imageLinkWrap = 1
imageLinkWrap {
bodyTag = <body style="margin:0; background:#fff;">
wrap = <a href="javascript:close();"> | </a>
width = {$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.width}
height = {$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.height}
effects = {$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.effects}
JSwindow = 1
JSwindow.newWindow = {$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.newWindow}
JSwindow.if.isFalse = {$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.lightboxEnabled}
directImageLink = {$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.lightboxEnabled}
enable.field = image_zoom
enable.ifEmpty.typolink.parameter.field = image_link
enable.ifEmpty.typolink.parameter.listNum.splitChar = 10 = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
enable.ifEmpty.typolink.returnLast = url
typolink.parameter.field = image_link
typolink.parameter.listNum.splitChar = 10 = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT < lib.parseTarget = = {$}
typolink.extTarget < lib.parseTarget
typolink.extTarget =
typolink.extTarget.override = {$styles.content.links.extTarget}
linkParams.ATagParams.dataWrap = class="{$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.lightboxCssClass}" rel="{$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.lightboxRelAttribute}"
altText = TEXT
altText {
field = altText
stripHtml = 1
split.token.char = 10
split.token.if.isTrue = {$styles.content.imgtext.imageTextSplit} = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
params =
params {
override {
dataWrap = aria-describedby="csc-longdesc-{field:uid}-{register:IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT}"
if {
isTrue {
cObject = TEXT
cObject {
field = imagecaption
required = 1
parseFunc =< lib.parseFunc
split {
token {
char = 10
if.isPositive = {$styles.content.imgtext.imageTextSplit} + {$styles.content.imgtext.captionSplit}
} = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
isFalse = 1
isFalse {
if {
isFalse {
cObject = TEXT
cObject {
field = longdescURL
split {
token {
char = 10
} = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
isPositive = {$styles.content.imgtext.imageTextSplit} + {$styles.content.imgtext.captionSplit}
value = html5 = TSFE:config|config|doctype
titleText < .altText
titleText.field = titleText
longdescURL {
parameter {
field = longdescURL
split {
token {
char = 10
} = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
emptyTitleHandling = {$styles.content.imgtext.emptyTitleHandling}
titleInLink = {$styles.content.imgtext.titleInLink}
titleInLinkAndImg = {$styles.content.imgtext.titleInLinkAndImg}
textPos.field = imageorient
maxW = {$styles.content.imgtext.maxW} = register:maxImageWidth
maxWInText = {$styles.content.imgtext.maxWInText} = register:maxImageWidthInText
equalH.field = imageheight
image_compression.field = image_compression
image_effects.field = image_effects
noRows.field = image_noRows
cols.field = imagecols
border.field = imageborder
caption {
1 = COA
1 {
1 = TEXT
1 {
field = imagecaption
required = 1
parseFunc =< lib.parseFunc
br = 1
trim = 1
split.token.char = 10
split.token.if.isPositive = {$styles.content.imgtext.imageTextSplit} + {$styles.content.imgtext.captionSplit} = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
stdWrap {
required = 1
typolink {
parameter {
field = longdescURL
trim = 1
split {
token {
char = 10
} = register : IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
if {
value = html5 = TSFE:config|config|doctype
ATagParams {
dataWrap = id="csc-longdesc-{field:uid}-{register:IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT}"
target = {$}
extTarget = {$styles.content.links.extTarget}
# captionSplit is deprecated, use imageTextSplit instead
captionSplit = {$styles.content.imgtext.captionSplit}
captionAlign.field = imagecaption_position
# caption/alttext/title/longdescURL splitting
imageTextSplit = {$styles.content.imgtext.imageTextSplit}
borderCol = {$styles.content.imgtext.borderColor}
borderThick = {$styles.content.imgtext.borderThick}
borderClass = {$styles.content.imgtext.borderClass}
colSpace = {$styles.content.imgtext.colSpace}
rowSpace = {$styles.content.imgtext.rowSpace}
textMargin = {$styles.content.imgtext.textMargin}
borderSpace = {$styles.content.imgtext.borderSpace}
separateRows = {$styles.content.imgtext.separateRows}
addClasses =
addClassesCol =
addClassesCol.ifEmpty = csc-textpic-firstcol csc-textpic-lastcol
addClassesCol.override = csc-textpic-firstcol |*| |*| csc-textpic-lastcol
addClassesCol.override.if {
isGreaterThan.field = imagecols
value = 1
addClassesImage = csc-textpic-first |*| |*| csc-textpic-last
imageStdWrap.dataWrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagewrap" style="width:{register:totalwidth}px;"> | </div>
imageStdWrapNoWidth.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagewrap"> | </div>
# if noRows is set, wrap around each column:
imageColumnStdWrap.dataWrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagecolumn" style="width:{register:columnwidth}px;"> | </div>
layout = CASE
layout {
key.field = imageorient
# above-center
default = TEXT
default.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-center csc-textpic-above###CLASSES###">###IMAGES######TEXT###</div>
# above-right
1 = TEXT
1.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-right csc-textpic-above###CLASSES###">###IMAGES######TEXT###</div>
# above-left
2 = TEXT
2.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-left csc-textpic-above###CLASSES###">###IMAGES######TEXT###</div>
# below-center
8 = TEXT
8.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-center csc-textpic-below###CLASSES###">###TEXT######IMAGES###</div>
# below-right
9 = TEXT
9.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-right csc-textpic-below###CLASSES###">###TEXT######IMAGES###</div>
# below-left
10 = TEXT
10.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-left csc-textpic-below###CLASSES###">###TEXT######IMAGES###</div>
# intext-right
17 = TEXT
17.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-intext-right###CLASSES###">###IMAGES######TEXT###</div>
# intext-left
18 = TEXT
18.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-intext-left###CLASSES###">###IMAGES######TEXT###</div>
# intext-right-nowrap
25 = TEXT
25.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-intext-right-nowrap###CLASSES###">###IMAGES######TEXT###</div>
# intext-left-nowrap
26 = TEXT
26.value = <div class="csc-textpic csc-textpic-intext-left-nowrap###CLASSES###">###IMAGES######TEXT###</div>
rendering {
# Single image - No caption
singleNoCaption {
# Choose another rendering for special edge cases
fallbackRendering = COA
fallbackRendering {
# Single image - Caption
10 = TEXT
10 {
if {
isTrue.field = imagecaption
value = 1 = register:imageCount
value = singleCaption
# Multiple images and split caption
20 = TEXT
20 {
if {
value = 1 = register:imageCount = register:renderGlobalCaption
isTrue.field = imagecaption
value = splitCaption
# Multiple images and one global caption
30 = TEXT
30 {
if {
value = 1 = register:imageCount = register:renderGlobalCaption
isTrue.field = imagecaption
value = globalCaption
# Multiple images and no caption at all
40 = TEXT
40 {
if {
value = 1 = register:imageCount
isFalse.field = imagecaption
value = noCaption
allStdWrap {
wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagewrap"> | </div>
innerWrap.cObject = CASE
innerWrap.cObject {
key.field = imageorient
# above-center
0 = TEXT
0.value = <div class="csc-textpic-center-outer"><div class="csc-textpic-center-inner"> | </div></div>
# below-center
8 < .0
singleStdWrap {
wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-image###CLASSES###"> | </div>
wrap {
override = <figure class="csc-textpic-image###CLASSES###"> | </figure>
override {
if {
value = html5 = TSFE:config|config|doctype
rowStdWrap.wrap = |
noRowsStdWrap.wrap = |
lastRowStdWrap.wrap = |
columnStdWrap.wrap = |
imgTagStdWrap.wrap = |
editIconsStdWrap.wrap = <div> | </div>
caption.wrap = |
noCaption {
# Multiple images and no caption at all
fallbackRendering < tt_content.image.20.rendering.singleNoCaption.fallbackRendering.10
allStdWrap.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagewrap"> | </div>
singleStdWrap {
wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-image###CLASSES###"> | </div>
wrap {
override = <figure class="csc-textpic-image###CLASSES###"> | </figure>
rowStdWrap.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagerow"> | </div>
noRowsStdWrap.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagerow csc-textpic-imagerow-none"> | </div>
lastRowStdWrap.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagerow csc-textpic-imagerow-last"> | </div>
columnStdWrap.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagecolumn###CLASSES###"> | </div>
singleCaption {
# Just one image with a caption
fallbackRendering < tt_content.image.20.rendering.singleNoCaption.fallbackRendering.10
singleStdWrap {
wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-image###CLASSES###"><table>###CAPTION###<tbody><tr><td> | </td></tr></tbody></table></div>
wrap {
override = <figure class="csc-textpic-image###CLASSES###">|###CAPTION###</figure>
override {
if {
value = html5 = TSFE:config|config|doctype
caption {
required = 1
wrap = <caption class="csc-textpic-caption###CLASSES###"> | </caption>
wrap {
override = <figcaption class="csc-textpic-caption###CLASSES###"> | </figcaption>
override {
if {
value = html5 = TSFE:config|config|doctype
splitCaption {
fallbackRendering < tt_content.image.20.rendering.singleNoCaption.fallbackRendering.10
singleStdWrap {
wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-image###CLASSES###"><table>###CAPTION###<tbody><tr><td> | </td></tr></tbody></table></div>
wrap {
override = <figure class="csc-textpic-image###CLASSES###">|###CAPTION###</figure>
override {
if {
value = html5 = TSFE:config|config|doctype
rowStdWrap.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagerow"> | </div>
noRowsStdWrap.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagerow csc-textpic-imagerow-none"> | </div>
lastRowStdWrap.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagerow csc-textpic-imagerow-last"> | </div>
columnStdWrap.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagecolumn###CLASSES###"> | </div>
caption {
required = 1
wrap = <caption class="csc-textpic-caption###CLASSES###"> | </caption>
wrap {
override = <figcaption class="csc-textpic-caption###CLASSES###"> | </figcaption>
override {
if {
value = html5 = TSFE:config|config|doctype
globalCaption {
# Just one image without a caption
fallbackRendering < tt_content.image.20.rendering.singleNoCaption.fallbackRendering.10
allStdWrap {
wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagewrap"><table>###CAPTION###<tbody> | </tbody></table></div>
wrap {
override = <figure class="csc-textpic-imagewrap"> | ###CAPTION###</figure>
override {
if {
value = html5 = TSFE:config|config|doctype
singleStdWrap {
wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-image###CLASSES###"> | </div>
wrap {
override = <div class="csc-textpic-image###CLASSES###"> | </div>
rowStdWrap.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagerow"> | </div>
noRowsStdWrap.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagerow csc-textpic-imagerow-none"> | </div>
lastRowStdWrap.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagerow csc-textpic-imagerow-last"> | </div>
columnStdWrap.wrap = <div class="csc-textpic-imagecolumn###CLASSES###"> | </div>
caption {
required = 1
wrap = <caption class="csc-textpic-caption"> | </caption>
wrap {
override = <figcaption class="csc-textpic-caption###CLASSES###"> | </figcaption>
override {
if {
value = html5 = TSFE:config|config|doctype
renderMethod = singleNoCaption
editIcons = tt_content : image [imageorient|imagewidth|imageheight], [imagecols|image_noRows|imageborder],[image_link|image_zoom],[image_compression|image_effects|image_frames],imagecaption[imagecaption_position] = LLL:EXT:css_styled_content/pi1/locallang.xml:eIcon.images
caption.editIcons = tt_content : imagecaption[imagecaption_position]
caption.editIcons.beforeLastTag=1 = LLL:EXT:css_styled_content/pi1/locallang.xml:eIcon.caption
stdWrap.prefixComment = 2 | Image block:
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Compare changes for TYPO3's css-styled-content typoscript for the IMAGE object. First revision is the 4.5 version, second is the 4.7 version.
Changed renderMethods, which affects the "Responsive Webdesign with TYPO3" changes, for example outlined by @maddesigns in

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see diff with chrome and extension:

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