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package com.theiconic.spockexamples.bag.domain.usecases
import com.theiconic.spockexamples.bag.domain.repositories.BagRepository
import com.theiconic.spockexamples.bag.domain.usecases.RemoveProductFromBagUseCase
import rx.Observable
import rx.observers.TestSubscriber
import spock.lang.Specification
class RemoveProductFromBagUseCaseSpec extends Specification{
protected RemoveProductFromBagUseCase useCase;
protected TestSubscriber<Boolean> subscriber;
def setup() {
useCase = new RemoveProductFromBagUseCase();
useCase.repository = Mock BagRepository;
subscriber = new TestSubscriber<>();
def 'execute() - Removes product from the repository' () {
def simpleSku = "ABC123";
def out = true;
1 * useCase.repository.removeItem(simpleSku) >> Observable.just(out);
subscriber.onNextEvents.size() == 1;
subscriber.onNextEvents[0] == out;
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