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Forked from notyal/lnav-nginx-netdata.json
Created December 20, 2023 14:44
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lnav log format definition for NGINX access.log (netdata vhost format) and NGINX error.log
"nginx_access_log" : {
"title" : "NGINX NetData Access Log",
"description" : "NGINX NetData Access Log Format",
"url" : "",
"multiline" : false,
"regex" : {
"netdata_vhost" : {
"pattern" : "(?P<host>[a-zA-Z\\d.-_\\[\\]]+)\\s+(?P<server_port>\\d+)\\s+(?P<remote_addr>[\\da-f.:]+)\\s+[\\w\\.\\-]+\\s+(?<remote_user>\\S+)\\s+\\[(?<timestamp>[^\\]]+)\\]\\s+\"(?:\\-|(?<request>\\w+) (?<request_uri>[^ \\?]+)(?:\\?(?<request_uri_query>[^ ]*))? (?<request_version>[\\w\\\/\\.]+))\"\\s+(?P<status>[1-9]\\d{2})\\s+(?P<body_bytes_sent>\\d+)\\s+(?P<request_length>\\d+)\\s+(?P<request_time>\\d+(?:.\\d+)?)\\s+(?:\\-|(?P<upstream_response_time>\\d+(?:.\\d+)?))\\s+\"(?<http_referer>[^\"]+)\"\\s+\"(?<http_user_agent>[^\"]+)\""
"level-field": "status",
"level" : {
"error" : "^[^123].*"
"opid-field" : "remote_addr",
"value" : {
"host" : {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "Requested host name from 'Host' request header"
"server_port" : {
"kind" : "integer",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "Port of the server which accepted a request"
"remote_addr" : {
"kind" : "string",
"collate" : "ipaddress",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The client IP address"
"remote_user" : {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "Username supplied with the Basic authentication"
"request" : {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The request method"
"request_uri" : {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The path part of the request URI"
"request_uri_query" : {
"kind" : "string",
"description" : "The query parameters in the request URI"
"request_version" : {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The client's HTTP version"
"status" : {
"kind" : "integer",
"foreign-key" : true,
"rewriter" : ";SELECT :sc_status || ' (' || (SELECT message FROM http_status_codes WHERE status = :sc_status) || ') '",
"description" : "The status code returned by the server"
"body_bytes_sent" : {
"kind" : "integer",
"description" : "The number of bytes sent to the client"
"request_length" : {
"kind" : "integer",
"description" : "The number of bytes requested by the client"
"request_time" : {
"kind" : "float",
"description" : "Request processing time"
"upstream_response_time" : {
"kind" : "float",
"description" : "Time spent on receiving the response from the upstream server"
"http_referer" : {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The client's referrer"
"http_user_agent" : {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The client's HTTP agent"
"sample" : [
"line" : " 443 - - [12\/Aug\/2019:05:20:46 +0000] \"GET \/client?q=1 HTTP\/2.0\" 200 44 74 0.001 0.004 \"-\" \"Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/76.0.3809.100 Safari\/537.36\"",
"level" : "info"
"line" : " 443 - - [12\/Aug\/2019:05:20:46 +0000] \"GET \/client?q=1 HTTP\/2.0\" 404 44 74 0.001 0.004 \"-\" \"Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/76.0.3809.100 Safari\/537.36\"",
"level" : "error"
"error_log" : {
"title" : "NGINX Error Log",
"description" : "The default web error log format for NGINX.",
"regex" : {
"nginx" : {
"pattern" : "^(?P<timestamp>[\\d+\\\/ :]+) \\[(?P<error_level>.+)\\] (?P<pid>\\d+)#(?P<thread_id>\\d+): \\*(?P<connection_id>\\d+) (?P<message>.+), client: (?P<client>.+), server: (?P<server>.+), request: \"(?:\\-|(?<request>\\w+) (?<request_uri>[^ \\?]+)(?:\\?(?<request_uri_query>[^ ]*))? (?<request_version>[\\w\\\/\\.]+))?\",(?: upstream: \"(?:(?P<upstream_scheme>\\w+):\\\/\\\/(?P<upstream_server>.+?)(?::(?P<upstream_port>\\d+))?)(?:(?<upstream_request_uri>\\\/[^ \\?]+)(?:\\?(?<upstream_request_uri_query>[^ ]*)))?\",)? host: \"(?P<host>.+)\""
"level-field": "error_level",
"opid-field" : "connection_id",
"value": {
"pid": {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true
"thread_id": {
"kind" : "integer",
"identifier" : true
"connection_id": {
"kind" : "integer",
"identifier" : true
"message": {
"kind" : "string"
"client" : {
"kind" : "string",
"collate" : "ipaddress",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The client IP address"
"server" : {
"kind" : "string",
"collate" : "ipaddress",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The server IP address"
"request" : {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The request method"
"request_uri" : {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The path part of the request URI"
"request_uri_query" : {
"kind" : "string",
"description" : "The query parameters in the request URI"
"request_version" : {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The client's HTTP version"
"upstream_scheme" : {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The upstream request scheme"
"upstream_server" : {
"kind" : "string",
"collate" : "ipaddress",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The upstream IP address"
"upstream_request" : {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The upstream request method"
"upstream_request_uri" : {
"kind" : "string",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The path part of the upstream request URI"
"upstream_request_uri_query" : {
"kind" : "string",
"description" : "The query parameters in the upstream request URI"
"host" : {
"kind" : "string",
"collate" : "ipaddress",
"identifier" : true,
"description" : "The host IP address"
"sample" : [
"line" : "2019\/08\/11 17:11:25 [error] 24782#24782: *252114 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: _, request: \"GET \/api HTTP\/2.0\", upstream: \"http:\/\/\/api\", host: \"api.local.lan\"",
"level" : "error"
"line": "2019\/08\/11 06:25:50 [error] 24782#24782: *246465 open() \"\/usr\/share\/nginx\/html\/status\" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server:, request: \"GET \/status?full&json HTTP\/1.1\", host: \"\"",
"level" : "error"
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