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Created July 16, 2019 10:52
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/// The request message containing the user's name.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct HelloRequest {
#[prost(string, tag="1")]
pub name: std::string::String,
/// The response message containing the greetings
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, ::prost::Message)]
pub struct HelloReply {
#[prost(string, tag="1")]
pub message: std::string::String,
pub mod client {
use ::tower_grpc::codegen::client::*;
use super::{HelloRequest, HelloReply};
/// The greeting service definition.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Greeter<T> {
inner: grpc::Grpc<T>,
impl<T> Greeter<T> {
pub fn new(inner: T) -> Self {
let inner = grpc::Grpc::new(inner);
Self { inner }
/// Poll whether this client is ready to send another request.
pub fn poll_ready<R>(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<(), grpc::Status>
where T: grpc::GrpcService<R>,
/// Get a `Future` of when this client is ready to send another request.
pub fn ready<R>(self) -> impl futures::Future<Item = Self, Error = grpc::Status>
where T: grpc::GrpcService<R>,
futures::Future::map(self.inner.ready(), |inner| Self { inner })
/// The greeting service definition.
pub fn say_hello<R>(&mut self, request: grpc::Request<HelloRequest>) -> grpc::unary::ResponseFuture<HelloReply, T::Future, T::ResponseBody>
where T: grpc::GrpcService<R>,
grpc::unary::Once<HelloRequest>: grpc::Encodable<R>,
let path = http::PathAndQuery::from_static("/helloworld.Greeter/SayHello");
self.inner.unary(request, path)
pub mod server {
use ::tower_grpc::codegen::server::*;
use super::{HelloRequest, HelloReply};
// Redefine the try_ready macro so that it doesn't need to be explicitly
// imported by the user of this generated code.
macro_rules! try_ready {
($e:expr) => (match $e {
Ok(futures::Async::Ready(t)) => t,
Ok(futures::Async::NotReady) => return Ok(futures::Async::NotReady),
Err(e) => return Err(From::from(e)),
/// The greeting service definition.
pub trait Greeter: Clone {
type SayHelloFuture: futures::Future<Item = grpc::Response<HelloReply>, Error = grpc::Status>;
/// Sends a greeting
fn say_hello(&mut self, request: grpc::Request<HelloRequest>) -> Self::SayHelloFuture;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct GreeterServer<T> {
greeter: T,
impl<T> GreeterServer<T>
where T: Greeter,
pub fn new(greeter: T) -> Self {
Self { greeter }
impl<T> tower::Service<http::Request<grpc::BoxBody>> for GreeterServer<T>
where T: Greeter,
type Response = http::Response<greeter::ResponseBody<T>>;
type Error = grpc::Never;
type Future = greeter::ResponseFuture<T>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<(), Self::Error> {
fn call(&mut self, request: http::Request<grpc::BoxBody>) -> Self::Future {
use self::greeter::Kind::*;
match request.uri().path() {
"/helloworld.Greeter/SayHello" => {
let service = greeter::methods::SayHello(self.greeter.clone());
let response = grpc::unary(service, request);
greeter::ResponseFuture { kind: SayHello(response) }
_ => {
greeter::ResponseFuture { kind: __Generated__Unimplemented(grpc::unimplemented(format!("unknown service: {:?}", request.uri().path()))) }
impl<T> tower::Service<()> for GreeterServer<T>
where T: Greeter,
type Response = Self;
type Error = grpc::Never;
type Future = futures::FutureResult<Self::Response, Self::Error>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<(), Self::Error> {
fn call(&mut self, _target: ()) -> Self::Future {
impl<T> tower::Service<http::Request<tower_hyper::Body>> for GreeterServer<T>
where T: Greeter,
type Response = <Self as tower::Service<http::Request<grpc::BoxBody>>>::Response;
type Error = <Self as tower::Service<http::Request<grpc::BoxBody>>>::Error;
type Future = <Self as tower::Service<http::Request<grpc::BoxBody>>>::Future;
fn poll_ready(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<(), Self::Error> {
fn call(&mut self, request: http::Request<tower_hyper::Body>) -> Self::Future {
let request =|b| grpc::BoxBody::map_from(b));
tower::Service::<http::Request<grpc::BoxBody>>::call(self, request)
pub mod greeter {
use ::tower_grpc::codegen::server::*;
use super::Greeter;
use super::super::HelloRequest;
pub struct ResponseFuture<T>
where T: Greeter,
pub(super) kind: Kind<
// SayHello
grpc::unary::ResponseFuture<methods::SayHello<T>, grpc::BoxBody, HelloRequest>,
// A generated catch-all for unimplemented service calls
impl<T> futures::Future for ResponseFuture<T>
where T: Greeter,
type Item = http::Response<ResponseBody<T>>;
type Error = grpc::Never;
fn poll(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
use self::Kind::*;
match self.kind {
SayHello(ref mut fut) => {
let response = try_ready!(fut.poll());
let response =|body| {
ResponseBody { kind: SayHello(body) }
__Generated__Unimplemented(ref mut fut) => {
let response = try_ready!(fut.poll());
let response =|body| {
ResponseBody { kind: __Generated__Unimplemented(body) }
pub struct ResponseBody<T>
where T: Greeter,
pub(super) kind: Kind<
// SayHello
grpc::Encode<grpc::unary::Once<<methods::SayHello<T> as grpc::UnaryService<HelloRequest>>::Response>>,
// A generated catch-all for unimplemented service calls
impl<T> tower::HttpBody for ResponseBody<T>
where T: Greeter,
type Data = <grpc::BoxBody as grpc::Body>::Data;
type Error = grpc::Status;
fn is_end_stream(&self) -> bool {
use self::Kind::*;
match self.kind {
SayHello(ref v) => v.is_end_stream(),
__Generated__Unimplemented(_) => true,
fn poll_data(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<Option<Self::Data>, Self::Error> {
use self::Kind::*;
match self.kind {
SayHello(ref mut v) => v.poll_data(),
__Generated__Unimplemented(_) => Ok(None.into()),
fn poll_trailers(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<Option<http::HeaderMap>, Self::Error> {
use self::Kind::*;
match self.kind {
SayHello(ref mut v) => v.poll_trailers(),
__Generated__Unimplemented(_) => Ok(None.into()),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(super) enum Kind<SayHello, __Generated__Unimplemented> {
pub mod methods {
use ::tower_grpc::codegen::server::*;
use super::super::{Greeter, HelloRequest, HelloReply};
pub struct SayHello<T>(pub T);
impl<T> tower::Service<grpc::Request<HelloRequest>> for SayHello<T>
where T: Greeter,
type Response = grpc::Response<HelloReply>;
type Error = grpc::Status;
type Future = T::SayHelloFuture;
fn poll_ready(&mut self) -> futures::Poll<(), Self::Error> {
fn call(&mut self, request: grpc::Request<HelloRequest>) -> Self::Future {
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