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Created April 2, 2015 08:15
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Haskell data analysis: Markov matrix calculation
module Main where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (forM_, zipWithM_)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import System.FilePath
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV
import Data.NetCDF
import Data.NetCDF.HMatrix
import Foreign.C
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.HMatrix
import Debug.Trace
type HMatrixRet a = IO (Either NcError (HMatrix a))
type M = Matrix Double
basedir, workdir :: FilePath
basedir = "/big/project-storage/haskell-data-analysis/atmos-non-diffusive"
workdir = basedir </> "dynamics"
partitionSizes :: [Int]
partitionSizes = [4, 6, 4, 4]
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Open partition time series data file for input.
Right innc <- openFile $ workdir </> ""
let Just ntime = ncDimLength <$> ncDim innc "time"
Just npart = ncDimLength <$> ncDim innc "part"
let (Just partvar) = ncVar innc "partition"
Right (HMatrix partin) <- get innc partvar :: HMatrixRet CInt
-- Calculate Markov matrix for each partition.
forM_ (zip3 (toColumns partin) partitionSizes [1..]) $ \(part, ps, ip) -> do
putStrLn $ "PARTITION " ++ show ip ++ "\n"
let (mT, iNk) = transMatrix ps $ fromIntegral part
mM = cmap (/ (fromIntegral iNk)) mT
(mTA, mTS) = splitMarkovMatrix mT
(mMA, mMS) = splitMarkovMatrix mM
mS = stdDevMatrix iNk mM
sig = sigLevels mTS mTA mS
putStrLn "T:"
disp 3 mT
putStrLn "\nM^A + |M^A| (x 100):"
disp 3 $ scale 100.0 $ mMA + abs mMA
putStrLn "\nSignificance levels:"
disp 3 $ sig
putStrLn "\n--------------------------------------------------"
latexOutSimple "\\mathbf{T}" mT
putStrLn ""
latexOutSig "\\mathbf{M}^A + |\\mathbf{M}^A|" "\\frac{1}{100}"
(scale 100.0 $ mMA + abs mMA) sig
putStrLn "--------------------------------------------------\n"
latexOutSimple :: String -> M -> IO ()
latexOutSimple lab m = do
putStrLn $ lab ++ " = \\begin{pmatrix}"
forM_ (toRows m) $ \r ->
putStrLn $ " " ++ (intercalate " & " $ map show $ SV.toList r) ++ " \\\\"
putStrLn "\\end{pmatrix}"
latexOutSig :: String -> String -> M -> M -> IO ()
latexOutSig lab1 lab2 m sig = do
putStrLn $ lab1 ++ " = " ++ lab2 ++ " \\begin{pmatrix}"
zipWithM_ dorow (toRows m) (toRows sig)
putStrLn "\\end{pmatrix}"
where dorow r s =
let xs = intercalate " & " $ zipWith doone (SV.toList r) (SV.toList s)
in putStrLn $ " " ++ xs ++ " \\\\"
doone x s = let sx = show (fromIntegral (round $ x * 10) / 10 :: Double)
in if sx == "0.0"
then "0"
else addsig s sx
addsig s sx
| s == 95.0 = "\\underline{\\underline{\\mathbf{" ++ sx ++ "}}}"
| s == 90.0 = "\\underline{\\mathbf{" ++ sx ++ "}}"
| s == 85.0 = "\\mathbf{" ++ sx ++ "}"
| s == 80.0 = "\\underline{" ++ sx ++ "}"
| s == 75.0 = sx
| otherwise = "\\mathit{" ++ sx ++ "}"
transMatrix :: Int -> SV.Vector Int -> (M, Int)
transMatrix n pm = (accum (konst 0.0 (n, n)) (+) $ zip steps (repeat 1.0), ns)
where allSteps = [((pm SV.! (i + 1)) - 1, (pm SV.! i) - 1) |
i <- [0..SV.length pm - 2], (i + 1) `mod` 21 /= 0]
steps0 = map (\k -> filter (\(i, j) -> i == k) allSteps) [0..n-1]
ns = minimum $ map length steps0
steps = concat $ map (take ns) steps0
splitMarkovMatrix :: M -> (M, M)
splitMarkovMatrix mm = (a, s)
where s = scale 0.5 $ mm + tr mm
a = scale 0.5 $ mm - tr mm
stdDevMatrix :: Int -> M -> M
stdDevMatrix iNk mMS = cmap f mMS
where f x = sqrt (x * (1.0 - x) * fromIntegral iNk)
sigLevels :: M -> M -> M -> M
sigLevels mTS mTA mS =
reshape (cols mTS) $ SV.zipWith3 f (flatten mTS) (flatten mTA) (flatten mS)
where f xTS xTA xS = if xTA > 0 && xTS >= 10
then lookupSig (abs xTA) xS
else 0.0
lookupSig x s
| x > 1.96 * s = 95.0
| x > 1.64 * s = 90.0
| x > 1.44 * s = 85.0
| x > 1.28 * s = 80.0
| x > 1.15 * s = 75.0
| otherwise = 0.0
module Main where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import System.FilePath
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.NetCDF
import Data.NetCDF.HMatrix
import Foreign.C
import qualified Data.NetCDF.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.HMatrix
type SVRet a = IO (Either NcError (SV.Vector a))
type HMatrixRet a = IO (Either NcError (HMatrix a))
basedir, indir, outdir :: FilePath
basedir = "/big/project-storage/haskell-data-analysis/atmos-non-diffusive"
indir = basedir </> "spherical-pdf-decorrelated"
outdir = basedir </> "dynamics"
-- Partition component: theta range, phi range.
data Component = C { thmin :: Double, thmax :: Double
, phmin :: Double, phmax :: Double
} deriving Show
-- A partition is a list of components that cover the unit sphere.
type Partition = [Component]
-- Angle for 1-4-1 partition.
th4 :: Double
th4 = acos $ 2.0 / 3.0
-- Partitions.
partitions :: [Partition]
partitions = [ [ C 0 (pi/3) 0 (2*pi)
, C (pi/3) (2*pi/3) 0 pi
, C (pi/3) (2*pi/3) pi (2*pi)
, C (2*pi/3) pi 0 (2*pi) ]
, [ C 0 th4 0 (2*pi)
, C th4 (pi-th4) 0 (pi/2)
, C th4 (pi-th4) (pi/2) pi
, C th4 (pi-th4) pi (3*pi/2)
, C th4 (pi-th4) (3*pi/2) (2*pi)
, C (pi-th4) pi 0 (2*pi) ]
, [ C 0 (pi/2) 0 pi
, C 0 (pi/2) pi (2*pi)
, C (pi/2) pi 0 pi
, C (pi/2) pi pi (2*pi) ]
, [ C 0 (pi/2) (pi/4) (5*pi/4)
, C 0 (pi/2) (5*pi/4) (pi/4)
, C (pi/2) pi (pi/4) (5*pi/4)
, C (pi/2) pi (5*pi/4) (pi/4) ] ]
npartitions :: Int
npartitions = length partitions
-- Convert list of (theta, phi) coordinates to partition component
-- numbers for a given partition.
convert :: Partition -> [(Double, Double)] -> [Int]
convert part pts = map (convOne part) pts
where convOne comps (th, ph) = 1 + length (takeWhile not $ map isin comps)
where isin (C thmin thmax ph1 ph2) =
if ph1 < ph2
then th >= thmin && th < thmax && ph >= ph1 && ph < ph2
else th >= thmin && th < thmax && (ph >= ph1 || ph < ph2)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Open projected points data file for input.
Right innc <- openFile $ indir </> ""
let Just ntime = ncDimLength <$> ncDim innc "time"
let (Just projvar) = ncVar innc "proj"
(Just timevar) = ncVar innc "time"
Right time <- get innc timevar :: SVRet CDouble
Right (HMatrix projsin) <-
getA innc projvar [0, 0] [ntime, 2] :: HMatrixRet CDouble
-- Convert (theta, phi) coordinates to partition component indexes
-- for each partition.
let phth = toColumns $ cmap realToFrac projsin :: [Vector Double]
pts = zip (SV.toList $ phth !! 0) (map (+pi) $ SV.toList $ phth !! 1)
idxs = flatten $ fromColumns $
map (SV.fromList . map fromIntegral) $
map (flip convert pts) partitions :: SV.Vector CInt
-- Set up output file.
let outpartdim = NcDim "part" npartitions False
outpartvar = NcVar "part" NcInt [outpartdim] M.empty
outtimedim = NcDim "time" 0 True
outtimevar = NcVar "time" NcDouble [outtimedim] (ncVarAttrs timevar)
outvar = NcVar "partition" NcInt [outtimedim, outpartdim] M.empty
outncinfo =
emptyNcInfo (outdir </> "") #
addNcDim outtimedim # addNcDim outpartdim #
addNcVar outtimevar # addNcVar outpartvar #
addNcVar outvar
flip (withCreateFile outncinfo) (putStrLn . ("ERROR: " ++) . show) $
\outnc -> do
-- Write coordinate variable values.
putA outnc outtimevar [0] [ntime] time
put outnc outpartvar $ (SV.enumFromN 1 npartitions :: SV.Vector CInt)
put outnc outvar idxs
return ()
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